STMicroelectronics / STM32CubeF4

STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32F4 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits))
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[ETH] two constants specifying the size of the Rx Buff #121

Closed DedkovArtem closed 1 year ago

DedkovArtem commented 2 years ago

I use STM32F429IITx + FreeRTOS + ETH+ LWIP. In my opinion, two constants set the same thing.

First constant In the file lwipopts.h #define ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 1536 Its value can be configured via Cube using the Rx Buffers Length input field.

Second constant In the file stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h #define ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE which refers to the file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h in which the constant is declared #define ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE ((uint32_t)1528U) its value cannot be changed via Cube

A) ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE is used when describing the type RxBuff_t ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE is used when configuring the DMARxDscrTab in the static void procedure ETH_DMARxDescListInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth) dmarxdesc->DESC1 = ETH_DMARXDESC_RCH | ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE; Both constants define the size of the same array. ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE allocates space in RAM for it, and ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE configure Eth controller the available buffer size.

B) The ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE value (not a reference) is used in the static void low_level_init(struct netif *netif) function heth.Init.RxBuffLen = 1536; it would be logical to change to heth.Init.RxBuffLen = ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE ;

ASELSTM commented 2 years ago

ST Internal Reference: 128005

ASELSTM commented 1 year ago

Hi @DedkovArtem,

Thank you for your contribution. This issue has been fixed in the frame of version v1.27.1 of the STM32CubeF4. Please allow me then to close this thread.

With regards,