STMicroelectronics / STM32CubeF7

STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32F7 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits))
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lwIP Static and FreeRTOS does not work. #40

Closed thetechknight closed 3 years ago

thetechknight commented 3 years ago

So where do I start....

if I create a new project from scratch in the STM32CubeIDE, using the latest 1.16 firmware release.

I pick my LwIP middleware, including FreeRTOS.

the system auto-builds the code. But if I use a Static IP instead of DHCP, I cannot ping the board. with DHCP enabled, I can ping the board no problem.

This is bone stock without any additional code modifications.

I tried using the MQTT library built into LwIP on DHCP, but the connect keeps failing with return code -4, cannot find an explanation on the internet.

But, with debuggin information turned on, and redirect stdout to UART, I get a weird crash with Static IP configuration like this:

MEMP_SYS_TIMEOUT empty error. ASSERT failed thing. (paraphrasing here)

This seems like an issue, not sure what. Thoughts?

RKOUSTM commented 3 years ago

Hi @mbates14 ,

Thank you for your contribution. The problem seems to be related to migration to the CubeIDE. However, this public organization on GitHub is intended to promote co-development and issues posted here shall exclusively be related to the software published within the different repositories. For any other issue (e.g. related to documentation, to hardware, to ecosystem, to user application, etc.), you shall address your questions to the ST Community. There you shall look for the adequate topic and submit your question or remark.

You can use the IDE proposed by ST (IAR, MDK-ARM and SW4STM32) for middleware application on STM32F7 board all of them are working well.

Please allow me to close this issue now. Thank you again for you contribution.

With regards,

thetechknight commented 3 years ago

The repository says STM32Cube right in it. What do you mean this isn't the right area? You make about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine. I am angry at this point because I have been at various places asking for help and reporting potential problems only to get cryptic responses and the cold shoulder. I don't understand why everyone has to be uptight and unsupportive?

This is still an issue. I had to use a workaround by starting the lwIP stack in a thread instead of main(); ethernetif_input() thread is also another issue. Someone from here or ST tried to fix the issue by putting TCPIP_Lock statements in the thread itself, that didnt fix it. I had to undo those changes, and add them elsewhere that was pointed out by another member, and that fixed the issue.