STMicroelectronics / STM32CubeF7

STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32F7 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits))
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GUI_Delay STemWin doesn't work as expected for STM32769I-DISCO #75

Open xpress-embedo opened 2 years ago

xpress-embedo commented 2 years ago

Hi All, 3 years ago, I faced a problem with the GUI_Delay function from STemWin as it was not working as expected. I found similar issues all over the community pages; here are some links.

And then in January 2022, I created a post on the community. But no solution was provided to me, to get better support I created a ticket on the "Online Support Case" page. Case Number: 00149151

The following are the responses I have received. GUI_Delay


So, technically they have acknowledged the problem, but no solution is provided till now.

Now coming to the problem, although it is mentioned in the community post. I took the simple "STemWin_HelloWorld" example from the CubeF7 package for my board and updated it to print another string with some delay.

void MainTask(void) {
  GUI_DispString("Hello World from STM32F7\r\n");
  GUI_DispStringAt("Hello world!", (LCD_GetXSize()-100)/2, (LCD_GetYSize()-20)/2);  

And this GUI_Delay is not working, I have STM32F4 DISCO Board also and also STM32F3 based Board and this works fine, but not on STM32769I-DISCO Board (maybe on older version this doesn't work, but on the newer version, it works but I don't have, and I am saying this because .. please see the comment from the post as attached below)


Why I created this ticket? The main purpose of creating this ticket is to highlight this issue here so that developers can analyze and fix this issue because today it's almost 8 months since I didn't get support from the community post and also from the online support team. Apologies if this is not the correct page to post this issue. Thanks

HBOSTM commented 1 year ago

Hello @xpress-embedo,

Thank you your contribution. Actually, the point you raised has already been identified and is under study.

Best Regards,

HBOSTM commented 1 year ago

ST Internal Reference: 122072

TOUNSTM commented 3 months ago

Hello @xpress-embedo,

Apologies for the late response. Could you please check if the issue still occurs with the most recent release?

With regards,

xpress-embedo commented 3 months ago

@TOUNSTM I checked today and the issue is still present and not fixed.