STMicroelectronics / STM32CubeG0

STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32G0 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits))
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I2C Slave examples for STM32G0316-DISCO board #19

Closed kholia closed 2 years ago

kholia commented 3 years ago

Problem: The STM32G031J6 MCU (on a STM32G0316-DISCO board) is unable to work properly as an I2C Slave when operating in the Interrupt Mode with callbacks functions.




These screenshots show that the Slave is unable to handle Data read requests from the Master I2C device.

The Slave returned data is always 0xFF. I saw on this topic.

The I2 Master device is Arduino Pro Mini ATMega328P running @ 8 MHz @ 3.3v.

Note: I am using 2.2k pull-up resistors on the SDA and SCL lines. Removing them doesn't make any difference.

Here is the configured pinout for my STM32G031J6 MCU:


I2C2 global interrupt is enabled in my STM32CubeIDE project.

Here is how the I2C pins are configured:


Clocks are configured as below:


Note: In comparison, when I run a similar STM32CubeIDE project on my STM32F103C8T6 "Blue Pill" board, things just work well as expected (Slave is able to send back actual data).

I am attaching the source code for the I2C Master and I2C Slave (STM32G031J6) below:


What further information may I provide for debugging this problem? Thanks for your help! :)

kholia commented 3 years ago

Possibly related thread: Not able to read data from STM32G031 MCU I2C slave.

kholia commented 3 years ago

Possibly related issue:

If I enable clock stretching on this STM32G0 MCU, the SCL line goes down, and remains low forever. This could be a bug in my code but very similar code runs perfectly fine on a "Blue Pill" STM32 board with clock stretching enabled.

kholia commented 3 years ago

I fixed the HAL_I2C_AddrCallback code in my project - by copy-pasting this function from a working example for another board.

I2C works great on a bare STM32G030J6 MCU chip now. I am using the STM32G030J6 MCU as an I2C Peripheral device.

void HAL_I2C_AddrCallback(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint8_t TransferDirection, uint16_t AddrMatchCode) {
    if (AddrMatchCode == 80) {
        switch (TransferDirection) {
            if (HAL_I2C_Slave_Seq_Receive_IT(&hi2c2, rx_buff, 0x64u, I2C_FIRST_FRAME) != HAL_OK) {
                // Error_Handler();
            HAL_I2C_Slave_Seq_Transmit_IT(&hi2c2, &TX_COMMAND[0], 16,  I2C_FIRST_AND_LAST_FRAME);

It would still be nice to have official I2C examples for STM32G0316-DISCO board.

Side-note: The HAL I2C stuff seems to suffer from a (harmless) bug where HAL_I2C_ErrorCallback is called with HAL_I2C_ERROR_AF for no discernible reason. ran into the same problem it seems.

KORKAD commented 2 years ago

Hello @kholia, Please note that similaire HAL I2C examples are already available for STM32G031K8 MCU but on Nucleo board not the DISCO.

For more details please refer to the I2C_TwoBoards_RestartComIT example.

With Regards KORKAD

kholia commented 2 years ago

Thanks! This ticket may be closed.