STMicroelectronics / STM32CubeL0

STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32L0 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits))
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Duplicate volatile reads in interrupt handler for adc #20

Closed jrahlf closed 1 year ago

jrahlf commented 3 years ago

Similar to #17 , there are unnecessary duplicate volatile reads in the interrupt handler for the adc peripheral. __HAL_ADC_GET_FLAG is called several times inside the handler, each time the actual value is fetched due to volatile qualifier.

As in #17, this likely affects all other device variants (F1/F3/F4...) as well. Interestingly, the implementation for the F4 variant actually caches the status register in a local variable, but does so multiple times, which defeats its purpose.

ASELSTM commented 3 years ago

Hi @jrahlf,

Thank you for your contribution. This has been communicated to the development team. We will come back to you as soon as we get their feedback.

Thank you again for your contribution.

With regards,

ALABSTM commented 2 years ago

ST Internal Reference: 111909

RJMSTM commented 1 year ago

Hello @jrahlf

I hope you are fine.

The issue you reported has been fixed in the frame of version v1.12.2 of the STM32CubeL0 published recently on GitHub.

Thank you again for having reported.

BeST Regards, Rania