STMicroelectronics / STM32CubeL4

STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32L4 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits))
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Failed to return ES_WIFI_STATUS_OK of function ES_WIFI_HardResetModule #89

Open AReducer opened 1 month ago

AReducer commented 1 month ago

Caution At the return point of ES_WIFI_HardResetModule

It requires the return value of Obj->fops.IO_Init (i. e. if it's set, SPI_WIFI_Init) as ret >0. However, when mode passed to SPI_WIFI_Init is ES_WIFI_RESET, it calls SPI_WIFI_ResetModule and return its return value. The called reset module function only has two possible of return values, 0 or -1. So, the ES_WIFI_HardResetModule can only return the case of ES_WIFI_STATUS_ERROR.

ES_WIFI_Status_t ES_WIFI_HardResetModule(ES_WIFIObject_t *Obj)
  int ret = 0;
  if (Obj->fops.IO_Init != NULL)
    ret = Obj->fops.IO_Init(ES_WIFI_RESET); // SPI_WIFI_Init
  return (ret > 0) ? ES_WIFI_STATUS_OK : ES_WIFI_STATUS_ERROR;

Describe the set-up

Additional context change it to ret == 0 may address this issue.

RJMSTM commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @AReducer,

I've tested the application, and everything appears to be functioning correctly. Could you please provide more specific details about the problem you're encountering? Any additional information would be helpful to understand and address the issue more effectively.


AReducer commented 3 weeks ago

Obj->fops.IO_Init is called as

then it return SPI_WIFI_ResetModule 's return value rc

rc is 0 to be successful.

thus, ret here is 0 to be successful case. But it returns ES_WIFI_STATUS_ERROR. Shall it return ES_WIFI_STATUS_OK?

RJMSTM commented 2 days ago

ST Internal Reference: 185903