STMicroelectronics / STM32CubeU5

Full Firmware Package for the STM32U5 series: HAL+LL drivers, CMSIS, BSP, MW, plus a set of Projects (examples and demos) running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits).
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Integrating W25Q128JW component into STM32CubeU5 #35

Closed Dadigno closed 6 months ago

Dadigno commented 7 months ago

I am currently working on a microcontroller project that utilizes a W25Q128JWPIQTR NOR flash memory quad SPI flash 128Mbit. I am utilizing the example code provided by STM32CubeU5, but the W25Q128 is not included as a component.

I am hoping to integrate a W25Q128JW component into my project in order to enable compatibility with the FileX/LevelX libraries.

The only useful code I have found is the one provided by @ErichStyger, but I am not sure if it can be adapted to work with STM32CubeU5.

I am open to any suggestions or advice on how to integrate the W25Q128JW component into my project.

ALABSTM commented 6 months ago

Hi @Dadigno,

I suggest that you submit you question to the ST Community here. There, you could find appropriate support for your project.

Indeed, this support channel is rather dedicated to issues directly related to the software provided in this repository, as indicated in the guide.

Please allow me to close this thread. Thank you for your comprehension.

With regards,