STMicroelectronics / STM32CubeWL

STM32Cube MCU Full FW Package for the STM32WL series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on boards provided by ST (Nucleo boards)
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SigFox Compilation Error #23

Closed PG430 closed 2 years ago

PG430 commented 2 years ago


From new release of STM32WL i'm using SigFox_AT_Slave Application. But Application shows compilation error. I can compile SigFox_AT_Slave of 1.0.0 release into my setup. so, it is not related to setup issues. From the error looks like some files are missing in Sigfox source which require in order to compile the sigfox application. Attaching the error for more details.


using IDE version 1.7.0 image

ASELSTM commented 2 years ago

Hi @PG430,

The compilation errors are due to the missing Sigfox module from the STM32CubeWL repository delivered on GitHub. Actually, the Sigfox module is not directly available on GitHub as it is subject to a restrictive license requiring user's approval via a "click thu" procedure.
To obtain it, you should download the full firmware package containing the module from the website as described in the readme file.

As the issue is not directly related to the STM32Cube firmware, please allow me then to close this thread. Thank you for your comprehension and for your contribution.