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Some newer device headers are inconsistently including <core_cm...h> instead of "core_cm...h" #32

Open gfuehrer opened 3 months ago

gfuehrer commented 3 months ago

Historically, device headers, eg stm32F303.h, have lines like this:

#include "core_cm4.h"            /* Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals */
#include "system_stm32f3xx.h"    /* STM32F3xx System Header */

But in some newer ones, eg stm32L562.h, it is now like this:

#include <core_cm33.h>                      /*!< ARM Cortex-M33 processor and core peripherals */
#include "system_stm32l5xx.h"               /*!< STM32L5xx System */

Putting just the one CMSIS header but not the other in the -isystem search path instead of the -iquote search path is, obviously, crazed. I think they correctly belong in the -iquote search path, and why change from the past?

Please replace #include with #include "core_cm...h" everywhere that it got messed up.

RJMSTM commented 2 months ago

Hello @gfuehrer,

In fact, there is no mistake in your statement. The STM32F3 series contains the Cortex-M4 core, while the STM32L5 series includes the Cortex-M33 core.

image therefore image

As long as there is no issue with our firmware, please allow me to close this issue.

Regards, Rania

salkinium commented 2 months ago

@RJMSTM Please re-open this issue and re-read the issue description. The problem is the difference between <> and "", NOT the Cortex-M type.

RJMSTM commented 2 months ago

Hello @salkinium ,

I apologize for the confusion regarding your issue, I will forward your question on to our development team.


RJMSTM commented 1 week ago

ST Internal Reference: 186603