STMicroelectronics / STMems_Linux_IIO_drivers

DISCONTINUED (October 2022): the maintenance for this repository has been discontinued. Please refer to for the up-to-date drivers repository. This repository contains Linux Kernel (v3.10, v3.14, v3.18, v4.9, v4.14, v4.19) including STMicroelectronics MEMS IIO sensor support
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BIG PROBLEM with driver for LSM6DSO #12

Open intera91 opened 2 years ago

intera91 commented 2 years ago

I have an embedded platform AT91SAM9260 based running on a buildroot based Linux with kernel 4.19.78-linux4sam-6.2 which includes an LSM6DSO and a LIS2MDLTR as well.

When st_* drivers are loaded all communications via i2c is returning EBUSY and even gpioget does not work. Unloading the driver makes everything work fine.

libiio does not have the necessary hooks in your drivers to function properly (according to libiio developers)

So why is i2c comms always returning EBUSY?

This is VERY incovenient.

Why isn't even gpioget on our processor not working on the GPIO pin connected to INT1 on the LSM6DSO when working fine on all other GPIO pins.

your support of iio is marginal at best, no access to individual registers ... only way to access registers is by mounting /sys/kernel/debug and access from there

So should i delete your drivers from the kernel configuration and go i2c all the way seeing that it is impossible to use your iio?

Thanks for a prompt answer