Closed bitsmaker closed 1 month ago
Hi @bitsmaker , you could try to put in the file "custom_motion_sensors.c" of your project at line 609:
io_ctx.Address = IIS2ICLX_I2C_ADD_L; /* SA0 = GND */
instead of
io_ctx.Address = IIS2ICLX_I2C_ADD_H; /* SA0 = VDD */
You can get the same result setting the SA0 pin parameter to GND in the CubeMX configuration inside CubeIDE. Best Regards, Carlo
Ok thanks will try it once I am back this weekend. Thank you
I tried that, but I error out in custom_motion_sensors.c line 101. I also get a failure in IIS2ICLX_0_Probe
where IIS2ICLX_ReadID
fails and the function IIS2ICLX_0_Probe
Do I have to use a different I2C mode as mentioned here in section 2.2?
I also tried a simple experiment where I left the DIL24 socket on but disconnected the cable from the DIL24 socket to the board with the IIS2ICLX. The code in custom_motion_sensors.c at line 625 still detects the component with the ID 0x6B. That is unexpected! Is this because the ISM330DHCX on the IKS02A1 shares the same I2C address and device ID as IIS2ICLX
I am probably reading the schematic wrong but it seems SDO/SA0 is not connected to GND
I am also looking at the DIL24 schematic, do the SB1, SB2, SB4, and SB5 correspond to jumpers? I ask because it looks like SA) could be connected to those
Are you able to test this with a real board on your side and provide me with the correct solution? It would be better if you were to take my app and modify it to work, test it in real hardware and then send me the modified app.
Hello @bitsmaker , as you can see in the attached picture, the SDO pin of the IIS2ICLX is connected to the pin 22 of the DIL24 socket that is put to GND through SB5 on the X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 board. So, it is correct to use the lower I2C address in the source code. Are you sure that the DIL24 adapter is well connected to the DIL24 connector in your hardware setup? Pay attention to pin 1 of the adapter (the only squared pin) that should be connected to pin 1 of the connector indicated with a point in the PCB. Unfortunately, I don't have all the hardware boards to reproduce your setup, but if all the boards are well connected, you should be able to read at least the Device ID on your side. Best Regards, Carlo
Thanks @cparata, I will check that tonight and get back to you
This is how it's connected and as soon as I switch SA0 to GND, it cannot even read the ID
Hello @bitsmaker , Do you have a NUCLEO-F401RE or a NUCLEO-L152RE or a NUCLEO-L073RZ or a NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q? Just to check if the IIS2ICLX sensor works properly using one of the prebuilt "TiltSensing2_IIS2ICLX" applications that you can find in the X-CUBE-MEMS1 package. Best Regards, Carlo
I do not have any of those. I have a P-NUCLEO-WB55
Hello @bitsmaker , I checked your code and the main issue is that you are using a wrong INT1 pin. It's PC2 on WB55 board instead of PC4. So, please modify line 43 of the ''bsp_ip_conf.h" in this way:
I noticed also some wrong configurations on the DMA with respect to the original example of the TiltSensing2_IIS2ICLX. So, I suggest to use in your project the .ioc file inside the attached zip file and regenerate accordingly the source code to have the right behavior in the application. Best Regards, Carlo
Thank you very much @cparata. I will try it tonight
@cparata You da man!!!!!!! It is working!!! Thank you, thank you so much!! Can you please tell me what was wrong about the DMA config?
Great @bitsmaker ! Actually, I was wrong about DMA. DMA settings seem fine also in your IoC. But I noticed some differences in UART configuration and also Button configuration (you used the button pin as INT1 in your IoC). Anyway, the IoC that I provided to you should fix all issues. I will close the ticket. Best Regards, Carlo
Thanks a lot @cparata
Describe the set-up
Additional context
I have attached the IKS02A1 to my NUCLEO-WB55RG. To the IKS02A1 I have attached STEVAL-MKI209V1K. The goal is to reproduce the setup and application from this ST video
I have an application I have created in the IDE using X-CUBE-MEMS1's TiltSensing2_IIS2ICLX. When I use Unicleo-GUI, it connects to my app running on the board and I can see the data arrive. However, I noticed that the data is not for the IIS2ICLX accelerometer, it is for the accelerometers built into the ISK02A1. I know this because when I move the board with IIS2ICLX the data does not change. when I move the IKS02A1, it does
I have attached my app here