STMicroelectronics / cmsis_device_f1

Provides the STM32Cube MCU Component "cmsis_device_f1" of the STM32F1 series.
Apache License 2.0
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cmsis_device_f1/Include/stm32f103xb.h line L4223-L4232 lose "TIM_CCER_CC4NP" define #1

Closed kex2017 closed 3 years ago

kex2017 commented 3 years ago

Caution The Issues are strictly limited for the reporting of problem encountered with the software provided in this project. For any other problem related to the STM32 product, the performance, the hardware characteristics and boards, the tools the environment in general, please post a topic in the ST Community/STM32 MCUs forum.

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ASELSTM commented 3 years ago

Hi @kex2017,

TIM_CCER_CC4NP is not defined for STM32F103xx devices and it is not defined for any of the stm32F1XX devices. Actually, this bit definition was deleted from the STM32F1 cmsis device files since release v4.2.0.

You may also refer to the TIMx_CCER register mapping described in the "capture/compare enable register (TIMx_CCER)" sections of the STM32F103xx reference manual.

Please allow me then to close this thread. Thank you for your comprehension and thank you again for your contribution.

With regards,