STOR-i / GaussianProcesses.jl

A Julia package for Gaussian Processes
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Elastic GPE issue #165

Closed smickusGT closed 3 years ago

smickusGT commented 4 years ago

When I try and use the ElasticGPE function I get the following error: ERROR: MethodError: \(::ElasticPDMats.ElasticPDMat{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}, ::ElasticArrays.ElasticArray{Float64,1,0,Array{Float64,1}}) is ambiguous. Candidates: \(A::AbstractArray{T,2} where T, B::Union{AbstractArray{T,2}, AbstractArray{T,1}} where T) in LinearAlgebra at C:\Users\spenc\AppData\Local\JuliaPro-1.4.1-1\Julia-1.4.1\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\LinearAlgebra\src\generic.jl:1103 \(a::ElasticPDMats.ElasticPDMat, x::AbstractArray) in ElasticPDMats at C:\Users\spenc\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.4.1-1\packages\ElasticPDMats\t0wsV\src\ElasticPDMats.jl:244 Possible fix, define \(::ElasticPDMats.ElasticPDMat, ::Union{AbstractArray{T,2}, AbstractArray{T,1}} where T)

I am not sure how I can resolve this error.

jbrea commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting. With the patch release 0.2.2 of ElasticPDMats this should be fixed. Please update your package versions, e.g. with ]up before testing.

smickusGT commented 4 years ago

I still have the error when I am using Julia v1.0.5-2 which the long term supported version. Is it possible for this issue to be solved when using this version of Julia?

jbrea commented 4 years ago

For me it works in Julia v1.0.5. Did you update all package versions or test in a clean project?