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Download as Word: Missing images #11

Open pano9000 opened 1 month ago

pano9000 commented 1 month ago

When exporting the content via the "Download as Word" button, the produced Document seems to be missing the images:


vivek-metricdust commented 1 month ago

When exporting the content via the "Download as Word" button, the produced Document seems to be missing the images:


This issue is due to protected mode by the Microsoft word. Images can be viewed once we remove the protected mode by clicking enable editing in word


pano9000 commented 1 month ago

sorry, for the late reply: even if I enable editing - it still is showing the same error. I did some digging and now noticed:

If I check the "doc" file (which seems to be HTML at its core), I guess the reason is that the img src attribute is not correctly set/existing:

<img class="diagram" width="450" height="550" src="orcask.drawio.svg" alt="Orcask Design">

This uses a relative path here, which of course will not work, when you access it "outside" of the website. In order for the image to appear in the exported doc, you will need to use an absolute path like

But even then - my feeling is that the image should not be linked, because this makes it "volatile". Instead for the exported doc I think it should rather be embedded inside the doc - but not sure if that is in the scope of this exporting function