STREGAsGate / GateEngine

Swift Game Engine supporting Windows, Linux, macOS, HTML5, and more 🚂
Apache License 2.0
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Audio Audit #26

Open STREGA opened 1 year ago

STREGA commented 1 year ago
tornikegomareli commented 9 months ago

Could we delve into more details? For instance, what exactly is meant by 'positional sounds'? Are there any examples available? I'm eager to start contributing to this fantastic engine and am on the lookout for relatively simple issues that would be suitable for my first pull request.

STREGA commented 9 months ago

The "Audit" issues are a little misleadingly named. They are actually a full review of features that will involve reimplementing lots of core functionality.

I'll see about adding a few good first issues though. Edit: #44

Another really good way to help is to make some small simple projects, based on things GateEngineDemos shows can be done, and provide some insight about the experience.

Really simple like Connect4, Toc-Tac-Toe, Rock Paper Scissors, or Concentration.

Take some notes about things you didn't feel good about or functionality that might make the experience better.