STRML / Imgur-to-Gfycat

Chrome extension that replaces gifs hosted by imgur to HTML5-optimized video converted and hosted by gfycat.
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WebP Images replaced by random Gfycat #11

Closed lpfann closed 10 years ago

lpfann commented 10 years ago

When i visit this site (, the article images are getting replaced by completely unrelated and random gfycats. I dont know why the images are even replaced in the first place. Here is an example:

STRML commented 10 years ago

I see it too - thanks, that is certainly bizarre (and slightly hilarious). I will push out a fix soon.

STRML commented 10 years ago

I've fixed this in 779ced25 and pushed out v1.4.2 to the web store, it should be available soon.

The issue was Google Pagespeed's lazy loading - it initially sets the URL to a 1.gif on, then uses javascript to change the img when the user scrolls. It appears that whoever this happened to first, built the cached gfy on gfycat's servers, and it's been broken from then on.

Your browser should auto-update within the hour.