STRML / Imgur-to-Gfycat

Chrome extension that replaces gifs hosted by imgur to HTML5-optimized video converted and hosted by gfycat.
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loading gifs AND gfy video ? #9

Open evasconcelos opened 10 years ago

evasconcelos commented 10 years ago

The extension appears to be loading both. First the gif appears, then quickly the html5 video replaces it.

STRML commented 10 years ago

Yeah, unfortunately that's the way it needs to be - for a while, I was blocking gif downloads using the webRequest API (to save bandwidth), so that only the Gfy would show up. However, Chrome has a bug where changing the src of an <img> tag stops the animation. And changing the src is how I'd tell the webRequest API not to block a GIF if if didn't load from Gfycat for whatever reason, and there are many.

Is it a big issue? If so I can look into working around the Chrome bug.

evasconcelos commented 10 years ago

if you can workaround this would be awesome, seeing the gif for 3 seconds and then gfy starting to load is becoming super annoying for me.

why this wasn't happening before ?

STRML commented 10 years ago

Yeah, this is becoming an annoyance for me too. It wasn't happening before because I was actually hooking into the webRequest API to block gifs from loading in the first place to save bandwidth; it worked 95% of the time, but choked on the few occasions where Gfycat would screw up on conversion of a gif and we'd have to revert to the original image. In that case, I'd have to add a querystring to the image, which would cause it to stop animating in Chrome, which was pretty annoying to say the least. I'll see if I can replace the entire element to get around it.