STRRL / cloudflare-tunnel-ingress-controller

🚀 Expose the website directly into the internet! The Kuberntes Ingress Controller based on Cloudflare Tunnel.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Configurable IP Adress Family for tunnel #109

Open qroac opened 3 months ago

qroac commented 3 months ago

Services in my local network use static or assigned IPv4 adresses. Cloudflare by default sets IPv4 and IPv6 DNS records for tunnels. As result, accessing a service from local network I dont go the direct way using the local IPv4 adress. Instead local requests resolve to the public IPv6 adress of the tunnel and require the authentication I have configured in zerotrust.

There is a argument for cloudflared to set the desired IP address family. I'd very much love an config option to set a value for this flag to enforce the use of IPv4 only.

cloudflared tunnel --edge-ip-version <VERSION> run <UUID or NAME>

Possible values for VERSION: auto, 4, 6

Cloudflare Docs: edge-ip-version

RajKamal-chirala commented 2 months ago

May be you can edit the config file to use only IPV4 addresses. You can edit config.yml file and mention edge-ip-version as 4.

STRRL commented 1 month ago

also relates to

customized cloudflared