STScI-Citizen-Science / MTPipeline

Pipeline to produce CR rejected, astrodrizzled, png's of HST WFPC2 solar system data.
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Get AstroDrizzle to run away from STScI #10

Closed acviana closed 11 years ago

acviana commented 12 years ago

Because I am trying to run astrodrizzle at SIUE and not as STScI astrodrizzle is having problems.

Initially these problems seemed to be caused by the fact that my laptop couldn't access the central store area in the $uref environment variable. To address this I downloaded all the "Best Reference Files" for a test image, u2j70101t_c0m.fits from proposal 05489. This included having to download the IDCTAB file separately from the other reference files using the uref ftp page.

Now, astrodrizzle runs-ish. It gives unhelpful messages in the log file.

Additionally, the MAST ftp site has not been cooperating.

acviana commented 12 years ago

The closest thing it gives to a useful error message is this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/stsci/pyssgx/2.7.stsci_python/drizzlepac/", line 208, in wrapper
    func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/stsci/pyssgx/2.7.stsci_python/drizzlepac/", line 213, in run
  File "/usr/stsci/pyssgx/2.7.stsci_python/drizzlepac/", line 95, in createMedian
    _median(imgObjList, paramDict)
  File "/usr/stsci/pyssgx/2.7.stsci_python/drizzlepac/", line 322, in _median
    fillval=fillval                      # turn on use of imedian/imean
  File "/usr/stsci/pyssgx/2.7.stsci_python/drizzlepac/", line 98, in __init__
  File "/usr/stsci/pyssgx/2.7.stsci_python/stsci/image/", line 82, in __init__
    raise ValueError, "Rejecting more pixels than specified by the nkeep parameter!"
ValueError: Rejecting more pixels than specified by the nkeep parameter!

However, the nkeep parameter is not a parameter in the config files so I can't adjust it. I still think this is something wrong with the reference files but it's not complaining about anything missing. The only other error in the log is earlier when it says:

[ERROR   ] ##############################################################################
[ERROR   ] #                                                                            #
[ERROR   ] # ERROR:                                                                     #
[ERROR   ] # AstroDrizzle Version 4.3.2 encountered a problem!  Processing terminated   #
[ERROR   ] # at 12:24:45.55 (20/08/2012).                                               #
[ERROR   ] #                                                                            #
[ERROR   ] ##############################################################################
acviana commented 12 years ago

So here's another clue:

In [5]: drizzlepac.astrodrizzle.__version__
Out[5]: '4.3.2'

Astrodrizzle is on version 1 something. Megan Sosey thinks my paths are messed up. I tried running

> unsetenv PYTHONPATH
> irafx

to reset things but I got the same result. Maybe I need to reinstall irafx?

acviana commented 12 years ago

I think I'm going to punt on this in favor of working on getting some png's to Pamela's team.