STScI-Citizen-Science / MTPipeline

Pipeline to produce CR rejected, astrodrizzled, png's of HST WFPC2 solar system data.
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Transform master_finders delta coordinates. #26

Closed acviana closed 11 years ago

acviana commented 11 years ago

The coordinates stored in the master_finders table are actually delta coordinates. They are the x and y separation in units of pixel from the ra_targ and dec_targ header keywords in the single_sci.fits files and the ra and dec of the ephemerides given by the JPL Horizons system.

The physical location of the ephemerides can be determined from 6 different header keywords.

Keyword Meaning
CRVAL1 RA of reference pixel (deg)
CRVAL2 Dec of reference pixel (deg)
CRPIX1 X coordinate of reference pixel
CRPIX2 Y coordinate of reference pixel
RA_TARG Right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)
DEC_TARG Declination of the target (deg) (J2000)

The deltas we don't are between crval1 and ra_targ and crval2 and dec_targ. We can calculate this using the existing class in This will allow us to find detector pixel positions for the objects and their ephemerides. I think this should be stored as two new rows in the master_finders table for ease of inspection: chip_x and chip_y.

The final step is to transform those positions from the pixel positions on the detector into pixel positions in the master png images and finally the png subimages.

In terms of understanding the pointing errors the HST WFPC2 Handbook says:

The absolute accuracy of the positions obtained from WFPC2 images is typically 0."5 rms in each coordinate and is limited primarily by the accuracy of the guide star positions.

This isn't 100% relevant to this ticket, thought it will be useful in assessing the accuracy of our results and should be eventually included in the wiki's or papers.


acviana commented 11 years ago

I added new columns to the master_finders table with the following commands:

ALTER TABLE mtpipeline.master_finders ADD COLUMN ephem_x int(11) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE mtpipeline.master_finders ADD COLUMN ephem_y int(11) DEFAULT NULL;
acviana commented 11 years ago

This is the table of all the values that are obtained directly from a source.

Object Value Unit Source
Ref Pix crpix1 PIX Header
Ref Pix crpix2 PIX Header
Ref Pix crval1 DEG Header
Ref Pix crval2 DEG Header
Target ra_targ DEG Header
Target dec_targ DEG Header
Moon jpl_ra DEG* JPL
Moon jpl_dec DEG* JPL

* Given in HMS and converted

These are the values that we have to calculate. The calculations are performed by finding the delta in degrees (this information is not saved), then converting to the delta in pixels (this is saved), and finally adding these deltas to the reference pixel detector position in pixels.

Object Value Unit Source
Target targ_x PIX Derived
Target targ_y PIX Derived
Moon ephem_x PIX Derived
Moon ephem_y PIX Derived
acviana commented 11 years ago

A working draft of these changes is in commit 1d7fa1a1d276695910039e54f5524defa5c65545. Testing is still needed.

acviana commented 11 years ago

This is an image of mtpipeline/archive/05329_neptune/png/u2j30506t_cr_c0m_wide_single_sci_linear.png generated using the new `' tool in the 0c447c3ee5db6dac2c8e741c84302317fdab79ba commit.


Not so much.

acviana commented 11 years ago

Running the following query on the database:

FROM mtpipeline.master_finders 
JOIN mtpipeline.master_images 
ON master_finders.master_images_id =
WHERE = 'u2j30506t_cr_c0m_wide_single_sci_linear.png';

Gives 13 records (as expected), looking at just the coordinate information:

id object_name ephem_x ephem_y
4662 triton 1290 1046
4663 nereid -4958 -843
4664 psamathe -29141 38086
4665 sao 10332 11432
4666 thalassa 1296 824
4667 laomedeia -8939 -6919
4668 naiad 1260 812
4669 halimede 20265 1946
4670 despina 1281 824
4671 neso 46260 47422
4672 proteus 1299 758
4673 galatea 1260 792
4674 larissa 1296 776

Looking at this, all the moons are displayed correctly according to the ephem_x, ephem_y coordinates. So the issue isn't in Even the x/y axis are correct.

acviana commented 11 years ago

Susana thinks this could be the result of a rotation in the drizzled FITS files. If you look at the astrodrizzle configuration files I added in commit 3f10c12940ea0a64395884fdead6e3add75bebb6 you'l see:

final_rot = None# "Position Angle of drizzled image's Y-axis w.r.t. North (degrees)"

After talking to Roberto he confirmed that this setting will maintain the telescope roll angle. I never noticed this because I always work with the matplotlib plot of the array and not the original FITS imge through ds9. This means I never see the orientation of the image which I assumed to be north-up.

Max and Susana both confirmed that turning this on and reprocessing would be an acceptable solution if this turns out to be the issue. Before I do this I also want to plot the position of the planet (which should be on the refpix) and see if there is a rotational translation around that point.

After doing a little testing with Susana yesterday we verified that the difference between the JPL target position and the header target position was negligible. This is encouraging and suggests that the issue really is in the rotation correction.

acviana commented 11 years ago

So my previous comment was incorrect. From the AstroDrizzle handbook [1] entry for the final_rot keyword:

Position Angle of drizzled image’s Y-axis w.r.t. North (degrees). The default of 0.0 (None) would orient the final output image so north is at the top of the image. A value of INDEF would specify that the images will not be rotated, but will instead be drizzled in the default orientation for the camera, with the x and y axes of the drizzled image corresponding approximately to the detector axes.

So this is already being performed and we need to look elsewhere. The solution is still to plot the position of the planet as well as the moons.


acviana commented 11 years ago


So after adding the location of the planet this is what things look like.

The planet should be well aligned so I'll have to start by looking into that first.

acviana commented 11 years ago


Adding the CRPIX position information doesn't seem help much. It also doesn't look like an row/column switch either at this point (thought that might be part of the issue).

acviana commented 11 years ago

Looking at wikipedia the distances and masses do agree with what I'm seeing in my images. Specifically I am seeing the correct moons, at the correct distances relative to Neptune. so I'm not too far off.

Order Name Diameter(km) Mass (×1016 kg) Semi-major axis (km) Eccentricity [27]
1 Naiad 66 (96 × 60 × 52) 19 48,227 0.0003
2 Thalassa 82 (108 × 100 × 52) 35 50,074 0.0002
3 Despina 150 (180 × 148 × 128) 210 52,526 0.0002
4 Galatea 176 (204 × 184 × 144) 375 61,953 0.0001
5 Larissa 194 (216 × 204 × 168) 495 73,548 0.0014
6 Proteus 420 (436 × 416 × 402) 5,035 117,646 0.0005
7 Triton 2,705.2 ± 4.8 (2,709 × 2,706 × 2,705) 2,140,800 ± 5200 354,759 0.0000
8 Nereid 340 ± 50 2,700 5,513,818 0.7507
9 Halimede ~62 16 16,611,000 0.2646
10 Sao‡ ~44 6 22,228,000 0.1365
11 Laomedeia ~42 5 23,567,000 0.3969
12 Psamathe ~40 4 48,096,000 0.3809
13 Neso ~60 15 49,285,000 0.5714


acviana commented 11 years ago

I ran a test of the rotation correction in astrodrizzle. I used u2j30506t_cr_c0m.fits in a clean directory. Making sure I also ran updatewcs and had a local copy for the c1m file I changed the cfg file so it read:

driz_sep_rot = 0.0# "Position Angle of drizzled image's Y-axis w.r.t. North (degrees)"

This produced the same output as the file I had created in the archive which leads me to believe that None is correctly interpreted as 0 degrees of rotation w.r.t North and that INDEF would turn off the rotational correction.

acviana commented 11 years ago

After commit e7f8614 this is how the image looks: moons_derp4

I was subtracting things in the wrong order for the delta. I was also taking the delta from the ra_targ and dec_targ keywords when really I should go right for the CRVAL1 and CRVAL2 keywords. I think I removed some other mistake by changing this.

So things seem to be aligned in the y direction but not in the x.

acviana commented 11 years ago

The issue was the RA increases to the East, which is the left when oriented North-up. Damn coordinate systems.