Pyramid Mask Text Detector designed by SenseTime Video Intelligence Research team.
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EOFError #14

Open donglin8506 opened 5 years ago

donglin8506 commented 5 years ago

Hello,@JingChaoLiu I occured the problem about 'EOFError' when I train I can train without any error for much time (such as 24 hours), but after that , occurs problem as follow:


Surprisingly,After the problem occurs, I interrupt code, then I still python for a period of time, but then error. Repeated appearance. Cycle.

JingChaoLiu commented 5 years ago

To reproduce the F-score of this paper, it's recommended to git clone or fork from the maskrcnn benchmark repository, instead of this repository.

In order to transfer the trained model to the maskrcnn benchmark framework and achieve the same F-score mentioned in the paper, there are some unnecessary modifications to keep consistency with the company-private framework, like the pixel value is in the range of [0, 1] rather than [0, 255], PIL.Image.Open() to cv2.imread(), StrideIn1x1=False, see this commit for more details.

  1. Haven't been tested in the training stage, I'm not sure whether these meaningless modifications will cause some unexpected influences.
  2. The maskrcnn benchmark repository which adds new features and fixes old bugs continuously, is more trustable.