SU-SWS / Awesome-Decanter

An Awesome list of Decanter Stuff
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Building out a Table of Contents or list of categories #3

Open agsdot opened 1 year ago

agsdot commented 1 year ago

@sherakama and others. I'd like to explore what a good list of headers for a Table of Contents / Lists of Categories may be.

To start / add fodder to this conversation. I posed the question to chatgpt.


Prompt: Give me an ideal table of contents or category listing to create a github awesome-list for a CSS library such as bourbon

"Creating an "awesome-list" for a CSS library like Bourbon (or any other library) involves curating the best resources, tools, and references related to that library. Here's an ideal table of contents or category listing for such an awesome-list:

Remember, the key to a successful "awesome-list" is not just listing resources, but curating them. Ensure that the resources you include are high-quality, up-to-date, and relevant to the community you're serving."

Awesome Bourbon Awesome

A curated list of delightful Bourbon resources, extensions, and tools.

Table of Contents

agsdot commented 1 year ago

In addition to possibly using the above main categories. I'd like to propose having a category dedicated to TailwindCSS, in that decanter v7 is built upon it. Also another suggestion, a subcategory of this on how to integrate other third party libraries such as DaisyUI with decanter.