SUEPPhysics / SUEPCoffea_dask

SUEP analysis using coffea with fastjet. Uses Dask for batch submissions
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Photon triggers to use for gamma+X studies #258

Open jreic opened 10 months ago

jreic commented 10 months ago

In 2016 we don't have many low threshold options, but I'll copy some options here HLT_Photon90_v (0.26 fb^-1 collected) HLT_Photon90_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v (5.26 fb^-1 collected) HLT_Photon120_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v (14.75 fb^-1 collected) HLT_Photon165_HE10_v (36.47 fb^-1 collected) HLT_Photon175_v (36.47 fb^-1 collected)

In 2017 some options HLT_Photon90_v (0.11 fb^-1) HLT_Photon90_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v (2.63 fb^-1) HLT_Photon120_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v (7.8 fb^-1) HLT_Photon120_v (0.48 fb^-1) HLT_Photon165_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v (28.34 fb^-1)

In 2018: HLT_Photon110EB_TightID_TightIso_v (54.67 fb^-1 !!)

There are others too, but I would lean towards this Photon110 in 2018 and consider trying the HLT_Photon90_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v in 2016+2017 (EXO-19-009 used this for their 2017-only search). For the latter, we can cross-check with their AN in case of any extra photon ID cuts needed to be fully efficient.

jreic commented 10 months ago

Adding @chadfreer since you were asking about it!