SUEPPhysics / SUEPCoffea_dask

SUEP analysis using coffea with fastjet. Uses Dask for batch submissions
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Study algorithms for picking SUEP candidate in WH search #259

Closed jreic closed 3 months ago

jreic commented 10 months ago

Baseline plan: use the highest pT SUEP object, which aligns with what ZH did. But we can / should study it at some point, e.g. pick SUEP candidate that has most tracks, or is most spherical, or ...

Not a crucial study yet, but one to keep in mind in the future.

jreic commented 4 months ago

CRTT studies by @lucalavezzo hint that highest pT can be inefficient for ttH (but something like 10% of the time that we pick the wrong cluster). Most tracks might do the trick better? Probably not too important for genuine WH signal though.

lucalavezzo commented 3 months ago

Our current methodology of picking the highest pT AK15)seems to be nearly isomorphic to picking the most numerous AK15 jet, and very efficient at finding the cluster coming from the scalar. See slides from 4/29/24. We will document this in the AN.