SUEPPhysics / SUEPCoffea_dask

SUEP analysis using coffea with fastjet. Uses Dask for batch submissions
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Fix storing of metadata in the ntuples #265

Closed lucalavezzo closed 9 months ago

lucalavezzo commented 10 months ago

Seems like pandas doesn't like metadata and is unstable between versions. Let's just put it in the hdf5 file as a separate object?

lucalavezzo commented 9 months ago

Let's stick with storing it as metadata, we can re-evaluate if things break due to pandas instabilities. It would affect too many analyses to change it now, and it's less elegant; if it's not necessary I would prefer not doing it. The solution would be simple though, just store metadata as another dataframe in the same hdf5 file, which is easily supported by the current setup.