SUEPPhysics / SUEPCoffea_dask

SUEP analysis using coffea with fastjet. Uses Dask for batch submissions
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Functions to make cutflow tables / plots #298

Closed lucalavezzo closed 7 months ago

lucalavezzo commented 7 months ago

Now that we have cutflows integrated up until the loader(), it would be nice to have some small function to make tables and plots. Should be minor, I already put something like this together for the presentation last week.

jreic commented 7 months ago

I had exactly the same thought earlier today! We should also make sure to keep track of our cutflows in a weighted manner, because I believe we currently only track them in terms of raw MC events. Both ways could actually come in handy.

lucalavezzo commented 7 months ago

So in each .root file we store as you say the raw MC count, but we should also store the xsec and eventweights so it should be easy to switch between, but I will double check!