SUNY-Albany-CCI-INF362 / whatev3r

Team Whatev3r's Project
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Toggle jquery #131

Closed kullah closed 10 years ago

kullah commented 10 years ago

How can I make each term click-able like the first one?

everett-f commented 10 years ago

hey i think you have to put a button for each term. You may have to use the term "this" to close that particular term instead of all of them.

I was also thinking that instead of hiding and closing terms. You can use like a table of contents, with an anchor tag. It looks like this, if you scroll down to a bow where it says "Contents". Click one of the links and it'll bring you to the literature referring to it.

What do you think? @kullah

roshinc commented 10 years ago

@extremezoo we could that. @kullah if you don't want to do that you can use