SUPERAndroidAnalyzer / super

Secure, Unified, Powerful and Extensible Rust Android Analyzer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Optional JSON/HTML reports #80

Closed Razican closed 8 years ago

Razican commented 8 years ago

Since there is currently no use for JSON reports, we should generate them only if the user requests them, by having a config variable in a config file (such as json_report = true) and also giving the option to add a --json flag to the program so that the JSON report is generated.

I've been thinking that the same could be done for HTML reports. By default, we would only generate HTML reports, but if --json flag is used or json_report = true is added to the config file, only JSON files should be generated (that way in automated environments no HTML files are generated). To generate both, both --json and --html flags should be used, or both json_report = true and html_report = true should be added to the config file.

What do you think?

Br1oP commented 8 years ago

I agree with you, it should be an optional feature. No reason to generate a JSON for every report since it won't be used in most cases.

Chuky9 commented 8 years ago

Issue closed!!