Samenwerking Beheer Systeem ↣ Collaboration Management System
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Multiple labels (tags) with same name in same org are allowed #1358

Closed FlorisFokkinga closed 2 months ago

FlorisFokkinga commented 2 months ago

Occur in production in the SRC organisation.

Specifically, this query:

select  count(tag_id) as aantal, ct.*, t.tag_value, o.short_name as org
from collaboration_tags ct 
left join collaborations c on 
left join organisations o on
left join tags t on 
where o.short_name = "surf_rsc"
group by tag_id 
order by t.tag_value, aantal
gives: aantal id collaboration_id tag_id tag_value short_name
1 358 1752 53 atag surf_rsc
1 649 3288 119 no_start_account surf_rsc
1 496 1955 103 removethis_start_account surf_rsc
1 505 1965 107 removethis_start_account surf_rsc
1 497 1955 104 src_sane surf_rsc
1 506 1965 108 src_sane surf_rsc
1 541 2018 111 src_sane surf_rsc
1 557 2276 114 src_sane surf_rsc
1 650 3288 120 src_sane surf_rsc
1 554 2273 112 start-account surf_rsc
1 540 2018 110 start_account surf_rsc
1 556 2276 113 start_account surf_rsc
275 20 1078 17 start_account surf_rsc
3 19 1078 16 start_budget surf_rsc

I think that (tag_value,org_id) should be unique in the db, but that would require storing the organisation in the tags table. That would make sense, I guess, because tags are tightly coupled to an Org, and tags between orgs should not interact in any way.

oharsta commented 2 months ago
mysql> show create table tags;

| tags  | CREATE TABLE `tags` (
  `tag_value` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `organisation_id` int NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `tag_organisation_unique_name` (`tag_value`,`organisation_id`),
  KEY `collaboration_tags_ibfk_2` (`organisation_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `tags_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`organisation_id`) REFERENCES `organisations` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=743 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci |
baszoetekouw commented 2 months ago

Works! Also tested the migration on prod data: works without a hitch!