SURGroup / UQpy

UQpy (Uncertainty Quantification with python) is a general purpose Python toolbox for modeling uncertainty in physical and mathematical systems.
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jacobian of transformation with Nataf object #230

Open frewenta opened 7 months ago

frewenta commented 7 months ago

The Jacobian of the transformation attached to a Nataf object appears to be the same in both "directions" i.e. nataf_obj.jxz and nataf_obj.jzx are identical (shouldn't they be inverses of each other?)

Define a Nataf object::

dim=6 Rx = np.eye(dim) nataf_obj = Nataf(distributions=[dist1, dist2, dist3, dist4, dist5, dist6], corr_x=Rx)

Provide samples_z (Gaussian) and use (inverse) Nataf transformation to get samples in original (non-Gaussian) space :, jacobian=True) theta_x = nataf_obj.samples_x.T

Run the Nataf transformation the opposite way:, jacobian=True)

Inspection of the jacobians of the transformation shows jxz and jzx are identical nataf_obj.jxz and nataf_obj.jzx are identical

Would expect nataf_obj.jxz and nataf_obj.jzx to be different (and inverses of each other) (Windows 11, python 3.9)