SUSE / Portus

Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2)
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Is this Project Dead? #2352

Open douglagm opened 2 years ago

douglagm commented 2 years ago


I see there has been very little to no activity on the Project lately...

Is this project dead?


RobertDWhite commented 2 years ago

It does seem to be, to me.

scherer-michael commented 2 years ago

You may want to have a look at this project : But, maybe, way more complex than what you are searching...

jeanlucmongrain commented 2 years ago

all ruby on rails projects must die. slow, bloated, complex code, way too much magic syntax. impossible to maintains.

harbor is in golang, even if vmware completely ignore their community, it's better.

RobertDWhite commented 2 years ago

Probably useless, but this is something I came up with for an on-prem installation of Harbor for internal repo things. If nothing else, hopefully it can get you started quickly.

Vad1mo commented 2 years ago

Yes, this project is dead. The principal contributors to the project aren't on the project anymore or left the company. I reached out to SUSE a few years ago to step in as a contributor, but they didn't even reply. In retrospect: lucky me. We ended up switching to Harbor, so did SUSE. See