SUSE / Portus

Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2)
Apache License 2.0
3k stars 470 forks source link

Have no kaniko build tags in web interface #2365

Open UncleBansh opened 2 years ago

UncleBansh commented 2 years ago


Can not view kaniko builds in tags.

Steps to reproduce

  1. First I build in docker and push image. all ok
  2. Then that I build with kaniko and have no tags in web interface

but, when I try to pull those images, it pulls fine.

Deployment information

Deployment method: docker-compose from examples


# This file contains the default values for the configuration of this
# application. In order to change them, write your own config-local.yml file
# (it will be ignored by git). For more info, you can read the dedicated page
# here:

# Settings for the Portus mailer. It's strongly recommended to read the
# following documentation link before configuring the mailer:
  from: ""
  name: "Portus"
  # The reply_to field is empty, as the user has the possibility to enable
  # it optionally by filling in the appropriate reply address.
  reply_to: ""

  # If enabled, then SMTP will be used. Otherwise 'sendmail' will be used
  # (defaults to: /usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t).
    enabled: false
    address: ""
    port:    587,
    domain:  ""

    # SSL.

    ssl_tls:              ""
    enable_starttls_auto: false
    openssl_verify_mode:  "none"
    ca_path:              ""
    ca_file:              ""

    # Authentication

    user_name:      ""
    password:       ""
    authentication: "login"

# If enabled, then the profile picture will be picked from the Gravatar
# associated with each user. See:
  enabled: true

# Allow admins and owners to delete images and tags. This feature should *only*
# be enabled if the version of the running registry is 2.4 or higher since
# it's the first version that supports garbage collection. That being said,
# Portus will only delete the manifests of the tags and administrators are
# supposed to be responsible for garbage collecting unreferenced blobs. This is
# because the registry 2.4 does not garbage collect automatically. For more
# information on garbage collection on the registry, read the documentation:
# Also, you can read more in our documentation here:
  enabled: true

  # Allow contributors to delete images and tags
  contributors: false

  # The garbage collector will run when enabled in the background process, and
  # it will only delete tags matching the given conditions.
    enabled: true

    # Remove images not pulled and older than a specific value. This value is
    # interpreted as the number of days.
    # e.g.: If an image wasn't pulled in the latest 30 days and the image wasn't
    # updated somehow in the latest 30 days, the image will be deleted.
    older_than: 1

    # Keep the latest X images regardless if it's older than the value set in
    # `older_than` configuration.
    keep_latest: 2

    # Provide a string containing a regular expression. If you provide a
    # valid regular expression, garbage collector will only be applied into tags
    # matching a given name.
    # Valid values might be:
    #   - "jenkins": if you anticipate that you will always have a tag with a
    #     specific name, you can simply use that.
    #   - "build-\\d+": your tag follows a format like "build-1234" (note that
    #     we need to specify "\\d" and not just "\d").
    tag: ""

# LDAP support. If enabled, then only users of the specified LDAP server will
# be able to use Portus. Take a look at the documentation of LDAP support in our
# online docs:
  enabled: false

  # Hostname and port of your LDAP server.
  hostname: "ldap_hostname"
  port: 389

  # The connection timeout to be used for all LDAP requests measured in seconds.
  timeout: 5

  # Encryption options
    # Available methods: "simple_tls" and "start_tls". If you leave this value
    # empty (default), then no encryption will be enforced.
    method: ""
      # The CA file to be accepted by the LDAP server. If none is provided, then
      # the default parameters from the host will be sent.
      ca_file: ""

      # Protocol version.
      ssl_version: "TLSv1_2"

  # The base where users are located (e.g. "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com").
  base: ""

  # The base where admin users are located.
  # (e.g. "ou=admin,dc=example,dc=com"). Use this base if you have a separate
  # route for admin users. Users logging in from this base will be considered
  # Portus administrators automatically.
  admin_base: ""

  # The base where groups are located (e.g. "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com").
  group_base: ""

  # User filter (e.g. "mail=george*").
  filter: ""

  # The LDAP attribute where to search for username. The default is 'uid'.
  uid: "uid"

  # LDAP credentials used to search for a user.
    enabled: false
    bind_dn: ""
    password: ""

  # Automatically add team members from a matching LDAP group into each
  # team. Note that this will not delete nor update existing team members. Only
  # `groupOfNames` and `groupOfUniqueNames` are supported.
    enabled: true

    # The role in which new team members will be added. Note that Portus
    # administrators will be added as team owners regardless of this setting.
    default_role: "viewer"

  # Portus needs an email for each user, but there's no standard way to get
  # that from LDAP servers. You can tell Portus how to get the email from users
  # registered in the LDAP server with this configurable value. There are three
  # possibilities:
  #   - disabled: this is the default value. It means that Portus won't do a
  #     thing when registering LDAP users (users will be redirected to their
  #     profile page until they setup an email account).
  #   - enabled where "attr" is empty: for this you need "ldap.base" to have
  #     some value. In this case, the hostname will be guessed from the domain
  #     component of the provided base string. For example, for the dn:
  #     "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com", and a user name "user", the resulting
  #     email is "".
  #   - enabled where "attr" is not empty: with this you specify the attribute
  #     inside a LDIF record where the email is set.
  # If something goes wrong when trying to guess the email, then it just falls
  # back to the default behavior (empty email).
    enabled: false
    attr: ""

# OAuth support.
  # If enabled, then users can login with portus credential.
  # Otherwise, the users can only login via OAuth.
    enabled: true

  # If enabled, users can authenticate with their Google Account.
  # Callback url: <host>/users/auth/google_oauth2/callback
    enabled: false
    # Credentials. Details on
    id: ""
    secret: ""
    # If a domain (e.g. is set, then only signups with email from this domain are allowed.
    domain: ""
      # G Suite domain. If set, then only members of the domain can sign in/up.
      # If it's empty then any google users con sign in/up.
      hd: ""

  # OpenID authentication support. If enabled, then users can authenticate with OpenID/Connect
  # Callback url: <host>/users/auth/open_id/callback
    enabled: false
    # Optional. If identifier set then user redirect to the OpenID provider.
    # If not, then user is asked for identifier before redirect.
    # Example
    identifier: ""
    # If a domain (e.g. is set, then only signups with email from this domain are allowed.
    domain: ""

  # OpenID Connect authentication support. If enabled, then users can authenticate with OpenID/Connect
  # Callback url: <host>/users/auth/openid_connect/callback
    enabled: false
    # E.g.
    issuer: ""
    # Credentials.
    identifier: ""
    secret: ""

  # Github authentication support.
  # Callback url: <host>/users/auth/github/callback
    enabled: false
    # Application credentials.
    client_id: ""
    client_secret: ""
    # Only members of organization's team can sign in/up with Github.
    organization: ""
    team: ""
     # If a domain (e.g. is set, then only signups with email from this domain are allowed.
    domain: ""

  # Gitlab authentication support.
  # Callback url: <host>/users/auth/gitlab/callback
    enabled: false
    application_id: ""
    secret: ""
    # Only member of the group can sign in/up with Gitlab.
    group: ""
     # If a domain (e.g. is set, then only signups with email from this domain are allowed.
    domain: ""
    # The Gitlab server to be used. If empty, then is assumed.
    server: ""

  # Bitbucket authentication support. Need permission to read email.
  # Callback url: <host>/users/auth/bitbucket/callback
    enabled: false
    # Application credentials.
    key: ""
    secret: ""
     # If a domain (e.g. is set, then only signups with email from this domain are allowed.
    domain: ""
      # Only members of team can sign in/up with Bitbucket. Need permission to read team membership.
      team: ""

# When enabled (default value), the first users to be created on the UI will be
# a Portus admin. If you disable this, then, in order to set the admin user, you
# will need to run: rake portus:make_admin[USERNAME].
# Moreover, if you set this option to false, then the POST
# /api/v1/users/bootstrap endpoint will be disabled (since it will try to create
# the first user as an administrator).
# Thus, only set this option to false if you are really sure that you have
# direct access to your Portus instance and it can be reached by other people on
# your network. Otherwise, leave the default value and create your first admin
# user right away (either through the API or the UI).
  enabled: true

# If enabled, then users can signup with the signup form. Otherwise, the admin
# is responsible of creating new users by either:
#   - Using the "portus:create_user" rake task.
#   - Using the form available in the admin panel.
# This is ignored if LDAP is enabled. Read more about this here:
  enabled: true

# By default require ssl to be enabled when running on production
  enabled: true

# Contains advanced options that tweak how Portus interacts with the
# Registry. Don't touch any of these values unless you *really* know what you
# are doing.
  # Set the expiration time in minutes for the JWT Token that Portus uses to
  # authenticate with the registry.
  # Note that this is just a work-around on the fact that the registry does not
  # try to get a new token again after the current one has expired. Once a
  # solution is issued upstream, we can deprecate this option.
  # See:
    value: 15

  # Set the pagination value for API calls that fetch data from the
  # registry. You can read more about pagination in the registry here:
    value: 100

  # Set the timeout in seconds for requests to the registry. Only change this
  # value if you are *really* sure that you have an exceptionally slow
  # connection to your private Docker registry.
    value: 2

  # Set timeout in seconds for read response from registry.
    value: 120

# The FQDN of the machine where Portus is being deployed.
  value: "portus.test.lan"

# Allow users to have different display names on the web site. This will
# **not** be the username used by `docker login`. It defaults to false because
# it might confuse users that are not fully aware of it. You can read more about
# it here:
  enabled: false

  # Allow users to change the visibility or their personal namespace. If this is
  # disabled, only an admin will be able to change this. It defaults to true.
    enabled: true

  # Allow users to create teams. If this is disabled only an admin will be able
  # to do this. This defaults to true.
    enabled: true

  # Allow users to create/modify teams if they are an owner of it. If this is
  # disabled only an admin will be able to do this. This defaults to true.
    enabled: true

  # Allow users to create namespaces. If this is disabled, only an admin will
  # be able to do this. This defaults to true.
    enabled: true

  # Allow users to create/modify namespaces if they are an owner of it. If this
  # is disabled, only an admin will be able to do this. This defaults to true.
    enabled: true

  # Allow users to create webhooks if they are an owner of the namespace
  # containing it. If this is disabled, only an admin will be able to do
  # this. This defaults to true.
    enabled: true

  # Allow users to manage webhooks if they are an owner of the namespace
  # containing it. If this is disabled, only an admin will be able to do
  # this. This defaults to true.
    enabled: true

  # Define a push policy. There are three possible values:
  #   1. allow-teams (default): leaves push policy at the team level: owners and
  #      contributors can push. Portus administrators will also be able to push.
  #   2. allow-personal: regular users can only push into their personal
  #      namespaces. Owners and contributors cannot push into team owned
  #      repositories: only Portus administrators will be able to push.
  #   3. admin-only: only Portus administrators can push.
    policy: allow-teams

# Security scanner support. Add the server location for each driver in order to
# enable it. If no drivers have been enabled, then this feature is skipped
# altogether. Enabling multiple drivers will simply aggregate the information
# provided by each driver.
  # CoreOS Clair support ( This is only
  # guaranteed to work for v2.0.x releases of Clair.
    server: ""

    # Port being used by Clair to report its status. Taking the default from
    # Clair.
    health_port: 6061

    # Timeout for HTTP requests with Clair. Defaults to 900 seconds, which is
    # the default for Clair too.
    timeout: 900

  # zypper-docker can be run as a server with its `serve` command. This backend
  # fetches the information as given by zypper-docker. Note that this feature
  # from zypper-docker is experimental and only available through another branch
  # than master.
  # NOTE: support for this is experimental since this functionality has not
  # been merged into master yet in zypper-docker.
    server: ""

  # This backend is only used for testing purposes, don't use it.
    server: ""

# Allow anonymous (non-logged-in) users to explore the images available in your
# Docker Registry. Only images on public namespaces will be shown.
  enabled: true

# Configuration for the background tasks.
  # The registry integration: it processes the given registry events (e.g. a new
  # tag was pushed). It's therefore highly *discouraged* to disable this task.
    enabled: true

  # Registry synchronization: it synchronizes all the contents from the registry
  # into the database.
    enabled: true

    # There are four accepted values:
    #   - update-delete: it performs a full synchronization.
    #   - update: it only adds missing tags, but it does not remove any contents
    #     from the database.
    #   - on-start: when starting Portus it runs an `update-delete` and then it
    #     gets disabled (i.e. it will only run once).
    #   - initial: like `on-start`, but it only runs if the database is
    #     empty. This is the default value since it's deemed to be the most
    #     common use-case.
    strategy: initial

# Pagination configuration
  # Number of entries to be listed per page
  per_page: 10

  # Number of pages to be showed before and after the current one
  # e,g.: Prev 1 2 [3] 4 5 Next
  before_after: 2

Portus version: Version: 2.5.0-dev@a1b9f2ebfeb84680a9dcd5629195e4c52815735c