SUSE / ha-sap-terraform-deployments

Automated SAP/HA Deployments in Public/Private Clouds
GNU General Public License v3.0
122 stars 88 forks source link

GCP - zypper being blocked by other process during salt deployment #875

Open lpalovsky opened 2 years ago

lpalovsky commented 2 years ago

Used cloud platform GCP

Used SLES4SAP version SLES15SP3

Used client machine OS SUSE linux

Expected behaviour vs observed behaviour Issue happens after product registreation while salt is attempring to run "zypper product" command. This occured with both OpenQA based deployment and manual one. I tried both 'master' branch and tag "8.1.5"

module.hana_node.module.hana_provision.null_resource.provision[0] (remote-exec): command 'zypper --disable-repositories --xmlout --non-interactive products -i' failed

How to reproduce

Used terraform.tfvars

# ha-sap-terraform-deployments project configuration file
# Find all the available variables and definitions in the file

# GCP project id
project = "*******"

# Credentials file for GCP
gcp_credentials_file = "/root/google_credentials.json"

# Region where to deploy the configuration
region = "europe-west4"

# Use an already existing vpc
#vpc_name = "my-vpc"

# Use an already existing subnet in this virtual network
#subnet_name = "my-subnet"

# vpc address range in CIDR notation
# Only used if the vpc is created by terraform or the user doesn't have read permissions in this
# resource. To use the current vpc address range set the value to an empty string
# To define custom ranges
ip_cidr_range = ""
# Or to use already existing address ranges
#ip_cidr_range = ""

# General configuration variables

# Deployment name. This variable is used to complement the name of multiple infrastructure resources adding the string as suffix
# If it is not used, the terraform workspace string is used
# The name must be unique among different deployments
# deployment_name = "mydeployment"

# If BYOS images are used in the deployment, SCC registration code is required. Set `reg_code` and `reg_email` variables below
# By default, all the images are PAYG, so these next parameters are not needed
#reg_code = "<<REG_CODE>>"
#reg_email = "<<your email>>"
reg_code = "****"

# To add additional modules from SCC. None of them is needed by default
#reg_additional_modules = {
#    "sle-module-adv-systems-management/12/x86_64" = ""
#    "sle-module-containers/12/x86_64" = ""
#    "sle-ha-geo/12.4/x86_64" = "<<REG_CODE>>"

# Default os_image. This value is not used if the specific values are set (e.g.: hana_os_image)
# If `gcloud` utility is available in your local machine, the next command shows some of the available options
# gcloud compute images list --standard-images --filter=sles
# Combine the project and name values. The version part can be ignored to get the latest version
# BYOS images are usually available using `suse-byos-cloud` and addind `byos` sufix to the nanem
#os_image = "suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp1-sap-byos"
os_image = "sles15-sp3-sap-x8664-0-9-9-gce-build2-53"

# The project requires a pair of SSH keys (public and private) to provision the machines
# The private key is only used to create the SSH connection, it is not uploaded to the machines
# Besides the provisioning, the SSH connection for this keys will be authorized in the created machines
# These keys are provided using the next two variables in 2 different ways
# Path to already existing keys
public_key  = "~/.ssh/"
private_key = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

# Or provide the content of SSH keys
#public_key  = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCt06V...."
#private_key = <<EOF

# Authorize additional keys optionally (in this case, the private key is not required)
# Path to local files or keys content
#authorized_keys = ["/home/myuser/.ssh/", "/home/myuser/.ssh/", "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA...."]

# An additional pair of SSH keys is needed to provide the HA cluster the capability to SSH among the machines
# This keys are uploaded to the machines!
# If `pre_deployment = true` is used, this keys are autogenerated
cluster_ssh_pub = "salt://sshkeys/"
cluster_ssh_key = "salt://sshkeys/cluster.id_rsa"

# Other deployment options

# Repository url used to install HA/SAP deployment packages"
# The latest RPM packages can be found at:
# Contains the salt formulas rpm packages.
# To auto detect the SLE version
#ha_sap_deployment_repo = ""
# Otherwise use a specific SLE version:
#ha_sap_deployment_repo = ""
#ha_sap_deployment_repo = ""
ha_sap_deployment_repo = ""

# Provisioning log level (error by default)
#provisioning_log_level = "info"

# Print colored output of the provisioning execution (true by default)
#provisioning_output_colored = false

# Enable pre deployment steps (disabled by default)
pre_deployment = true

# To disable the provisioning process
#provisioner = ""

# Run provisioner execution in background
background = false

# QA variables

# Define if the deployment is used for testing purpose
# Disable all extra packages that do not come from the image
# Except salt-minion (for the moment) and salt formulas
# true or false (default)
#qa_mode = false

# Execute HANA Hardware Configuration Check Tool to bench filesystems
# qa_mode must be set to true for executing hwcct
# true or false (default)
#hwcct = false

# Bastion (jumpbox) machine variables

# Enable bastion usage. If this option is enabled, it will create a unique public ip address that is attached to the bastion machine.
# The rest of the machines won't have a public ip address and the SSH connection must be done through the bastion
bastion_enabled = false

# Bastion SSH keys. If they are not set the public_key and private_key are used
#bastion_public_key  = "/home/myuser/.ssh/"
#bastion_private_key = "/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa_bastion"

# Bastion machine os image. If it is not provided, the os_image variable data is used
# BYOS example
# bastion_os_image = """suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp2-sap-byos""

# Minimum ports per VM instance for the NAT router. Decreasing this value can compromise the deployment and make it fail
# This value is a number between 1 and 1024
# Find more information at:
#bastion_nat_min_ports_per_vm = 1204

# HANA machines variables

# HANA machine type
#machine_type = "n1-highmem-32"
machine_type = "n1-highmem-8"

# Custom sles4sap image
# HANA machines image. By default, PAYG image is used (it will select the latest version that matches this name)
# If `gcloud` utility is available in your local machine, the next command shows some of the available options
# gcloud compute images list --standard-images --filter=sles
# Combine the project and name values. The version part can be ignored to get the latest version
# BYOS images are usually available using `suse-byos-cloud` and adding `byos` suffix to the name
#hana_os_image = "suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp1-sap-byos"

# Disk type for HANA
#hana_data_disk_type = "pd-ssd"

# Disk size for HANA database content in GB
# For S/4HANA a big disk size is required, at least 350GB
#hana_data_disk_size  = 896 # 896GB

# Disk type for HANA backup
#hana_backup_disk_type = "pd-standard"

# Disk size for HANA backup in GB
#hana_backup_disk_size = "128" # 128GB

# HANA cluster vip mechanism. This option decides whether to use a load-balancer or routes to forward the traffic to the virtual ip address.
# Options: "load-balancer" (default), "route"
#hana_cluster_vip_mechanism = "load-balancer"
hana_cluster_vip_mechanism = "route"

# HANA cluster vip
# If the vip mechanism is the load balancer, this IP address must belong to the same subnet as the hana machines
#hana_cluster_vip = ""
# If the vip_mechanism is the routing system, this IP address must NOT belong to the same subnet range than the hana machines
hana_cluster_vip = ""

# Enable system replication and HA cluster
#hana_ha_enabled = true

# Select HANA cluster fencing mechanism. 'native' by default
# Find more information in `doc/` documentation page
#hana_cluster_fencing_mechanism = "sbd"

# Enable Active/Active HANA setup (read-only access in the secondary instance)
#hana_active_active = true

# HANA cluster secondary vip. This IP address is attached to the read-only secondary instance. Only needed if hana_active_active is set to true
# If the vip mechanism is the load balancer, this IP address must belong to the same subnet as the hana machines
#hana_cluster_vip_secondary = ""
# If the vip_mechanism is the routing system, this IP address must NOT belong to the same subnet range than the hana machines
#hana_cluster_vip_secondary = ""

# The next variables define how the HANA installation software is obtained.
# The installation software must be located in a GCP storage bucket

# 'hana_inst_master' is a GCP storage bucket where HANA installation files (extracted or not) are stored
# `hana_inst_master` must be used always! It is used as the reference path to the other variables

# Local folder where HANA installation master will be mounted
#hana_inst_folder = "/sapmedia/HANA"

# To configure the usage there are multiple options:
# 1. Use an already extracted HANA Platform folder structure.
# The last numbered folder is the HANA Platform folder with the extracted files with
# something like `HDB:HANA:2.0:LINUX_X86_64:SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION 2.0::XXXXXX` in the LABEL.ASC file
hana_inst_master = "*******************"

# 2. Combine the `hana_inst_master` with `hana_platform_folder` variable.
#hana_inst_master = "MyHanaBucket/sapdata/sap_inst_media"
# Specify the path to already extracted HANA platform installation media, relative to hana_inst_master mounting point.
# This will have preference over hana archive installation media
#hana_platform_folder = "51053381"

# 3. Specify the path to the HANA installation archive file in either of SAR, RAR, ZIP, EXE formats, relative to the 'hana_inst_master' mounting point
# For multipart RAR archives, provide the first part EXE file name.
#hana_archive_file = "51053381_part1.exe"

# 4. If using HANA SAR archive, provide the compatible version of sapcar executable to extract the SAR archive
# HANA installation archives be extracted to path specified at hana_extract_dir (optional, by default /sapmedia/HANA)
#hana_archive_file = "IMDB_SERVER.SAR"
#hana_sapcar_exe = "SAPCAR"

# For option 3 and 4, HANA installation archives are extracted to the path specified
# at hana_extract_dir (optional, by default /sapmedia_extract/HANA). This folder cannot be the same as `hana_inst_folder`!
#hana_extract_dir = "/sapmedia_extract/HANA"

# The following SAP HANA Client variables are needed only when you are using a HANA database SAR archive for HANA installation.
# HANA Client is used by monitoring & cost-optimized scenario and it is already included in HANA platform media unless a HANA database SAR archive is used
# You can provide HANA Client in one of the two options below:
# 1. Path to already extracted hana client folder, relative to hana_inst_master mounting point
#hana_client_folder = "SAP_HANA_CLIENT"
# 2. Or specify the path to the hana client SAR archive file, relative to the 'hana_inst_master'. To extract the SAR archive, you need to also provide compatible version of sapcar executable in variable hana_sapcar_exe
# It will be extracted to hana_client_extract_dir path (optional, by default /sapmedia_extract/HANA_CLIENT)
#hana_client_archive_file = "IMDB_CLIENT20_003_144-80002090.SAR"
#hana_client_extract_dir = "/sapmedia_extract/HANA_CLIENT"

# Each host IP address (sequential order).
hana_ips = ["", ""]

# HANA instance configuration
# Find some references about the variables in:
# HANA instance system identifier. It's composed of 3 characters string
#hana_sid = "prd"
# HANA instance number. It's composed of 2 integers string
#hana_instance_number = "00"
# HANA instance master password. It must follow the SAP Password policies
#hana_master_password = "YourPassword1234"
# HANA primary site name. Only used if HANA's system replication feature is enabled (hana_ha_enabled to true)
#hana_primary_site = "Site1"
# HANA secondary site name. Only used if HANA's system replication feature is enabled (hana_ha_enabled to true)
#hana_secondary_site = "Site2"
hana_master_password = "***************"

# Cost optimized scenario
#scenario_type = "cost-optimized"

# SBD related variables

# In order to enable SBD, an ISCSI server is needed as right now is the only option
# All the clusters will use the same mechanism
# In order to enable the iscsi machine creation _fencing_mechanism must be set to 'sbd' for any of the clusters

# iSCSI server image. By default, PAYG image is used. The usage is the same as the HANA images
#iscsi_os_image = "suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp2-sap-byos"

# iSCSI server address
#iscsi_srv_ip = ""
# Number of LUN (logical units) to serve with the iscsi server. Each LUN can be used as a unique sbd disk
#iscsi_lun_count = 3
# Disk size in GB used to create the LUNs and partitions to be served by the ISCSI service
#iscsi_disk_size = 10

# Type of VM (vCPUs and RAM)
#machine_type_iscsi_server = "custom-1-2048"

# Monitoring related variables

# Enable the host to be monitored by exporters
#monitoring_enabled = true

# Monitoring server image. By default, PAYG image is used. The usage is the same as the HANA images
#monitoring_os_image = "suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp2-sap-byos"

# IP address of the machine where Prometheus and Grafana are running
#monitoring_srv_ip = ""

# DRBD related variables

# Enable drbd cluster
drbd_enabled = true

#drbd_machine_type = "n1-standard-4"

# DRBD machines image. By default, PAYG image is used. The usage is the same as the HANA images
#drbd_os_image = "suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp2-sap-byos"

#drbd_data_disk_size = 15

#drbd_data_disk_type = "pd-standard"

# Each drbd cluster host IP address (sequential order).
drbd_ips = ["", ""]
# DRBD cluster vip mechanism. This option decides whether to use a load-balancer or routes to forward the traffic to the virtual ip address.
# Options: "load-balancer" (default), "route"
#drbd_cluster_vip_mechanism = "load-balancer"
drbd_cluster_vip_mechanism = "route"

# If the vip mechanism is the load balancer, this IP address must belong to the same subnet as the hana machines
#drbd_cluster_vip = ""
# If the vip_mechanism is the routing system, this IP address must NOT belong to the same subnet range than the hana machines
drbd_cluster_vip = ""

# Select DRBD cluster fencing mechanism. 'native' by default
#drbd_cluster_fencing_mechanism = "sbd"

# NFS share mounting point and export. Warning: Since cloud images are using cloud-init, /mnt folder cannot be used as standard mounting point folder
# It will create the NFS export in /mnt_permanent/sapdata/{netweaver_sid} to be connected as {drbd_cluster_vip}:/{netwaever_sid} (e.g.: )
#drbd_nfs_mounting_point = "/mnt_permanent/sapdata"

# Netweaver related variables

# Enable netweaver cluster
#netweaver_enabled = true

# Netweaver APP server count (PAS and AAS)
# Set to 0 to install the PAS instance in the same instance as the ASCS. This means only 1 machine is installed in the deployment (2 if HA capabilities are enabled)
# Set to 1 to only enable 1 PAS instance in an additional machine`
# Set to 2 or higher to deploy additional AAS instances in new machines
#netweaver_app_server_count = 2

#netweaver_machine_type = "n1-standard-8"

# Netweaver machines image. By default, PAYG image is used. The usage is the same as the HANA images
#netweaver_os_image = "suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp2-sap-byos"

# Set the Netweaver product id. The 'HA' sufix means that the installation uses an ASCS/ERS cluster
# Below are the supported SAP Netweaver product ids if using SWPM version 1.0:
# - NW750.HDB.ABAP
# Below are the supported SAP Netweaver product ids if using SWPM version 2.0:

# Example:
#netweaver_product_id = "NW750.HDB.ABAPHA"

# NFS share to store the Netweaver shared files. Only used if drbd_enabled is not set. For single machine deployments (ASCS and PAS in the same machine) set an empty string
#netweaver_nfs_share = "url-to-your-netweaver-sapmnt-nfs-share"

# Path where netweaver sapmnt data is stored.
#netweaver_sapmnt_path = "/sapmnt"

# Preparing the Netweaver download basket. Check `doc/` for more information

# GCP storage where all the Netweaver software is available. The next paths are relative to this folder.
#netweaver_software_bucket = "MyNetweaverBucket"

# Netweaver installation required folders
# SAP SWPM installation folder, relative to netweaver_software_bucket folder
#netweaver_swpm_folder     =  "your_swpm"
# Or specify the path to the sapcar executable & SWPM installer sar archive, relative to netweaver_software_bucket folder
# The sar archive will be extracted to path specified at netweaver_extract_dir under SWPM directory (optional, by default /sapmedia_extract/NW/SWPM)
#netweaver_sapcar_exe = "your_sapcar_exe_file_path"
#netweaver_swpm_sar = "your_swpm_sar_file_path"
# Folder where needed SAR executables (sapexe, sapdbexe) are stored, relative to netweaver_software_bucket folder
#netweaver_sapexe_folder   =  "download_basket"
# Additional media archives or folders (added in, relative to netweaver_software_bucket folder
#netweaver_additional_dvds = ["dvd1", "dvd2"]

# Netweaver cluster vip mechanism. This option decides whether to use a load-balancer or routes to forward the traffic to the virtual ip address.
# Options: "load-balancer" (default), "route"
#netweaver_cluster_vip_mechanism = "load-balancer"
#netweaver_ips = ["", "", "", ""]

# If "netweaver_cluster_vip_mechanism" is "load-balancer", the ASCS/ERS IP addresses must belong to the same subnet as the netweaver machines
#netweaver_virtual_ips = ["", "", "", ""]
# If "netweaver_cluster_vip_mechanism" is "route", the ALL netweaver IP addresses must NOT belong to the same subnet as the netweaver machines
#netweaver_virtual_ips = ["", "", "", ""]

# Netweaver installation configuration
# Netweaver system identifier. It's composed of 3 characters string
#netweaver_sid = "ha1"
# Netweaver ASCS instance number. It's composed of 2 integers string
#netweaver_ascs_instance_number = "00"
# Netweaver ERS instance number. It's composed of 2 integers string
#netweaver_ers_instance_number = "10"
# Netweaver PAS instance number. If additional AAS machines are deployed, they get the next number starting from the PAS instance number. It's composed of 2 integers string
#netweaver_pas_instance_number = "01"
# Netweaver master password. It must follow the SAP Password policies such as having 8 characters at least combining upper and lower case characters and numbers. It cannot start with special characters.
#netweaver_master_password = "SuSE1234"

# Enabling this option will create a ASCS/ERS HA available cluster together with a PAS and AAS application servers
# Set to false to only create a ASCS and PAS instances
#netweaver_ha_enabled = true

# Select Netweaver cluster fencing mechanism. 'native' by default
#netweaver_cluster_fencing_mechanism = "sbd"
yeoldegrove commented 2 years ago

@lpalovsky I could not reproduce the issue with os_image = "suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp3-sap-byos". Could it be realted to the image you are using?

Also, I cannot find any zypper.*productscommand in any bash script or salt code we maintain here (and also not in the salt formulas). Could you point me to where you have seen the code?

Is this an error that breaks the deployment or is it only informational?

Also, having the full log would help finding when this actually happens and which components might run the zypper.*products step. I could e.g. imagine that it is run by registercloudguest or anything that runs in the background specific to your image (you might want to check that).

lpalovsky commented 2 years ago

@yeoldegrove Hello, sorry for late reply. I have been on vacation last week.

I did run the deployment again and it looks like the registercloudguest is at fault. I will put logs below.

          ID: registercloudguest_registration
        Name: /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 

      Result: False
     Comment: Attempt 1: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "Command "/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              " run"
              Attempt 2: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "Command "/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              " run"
              Command "/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              " run
     Started: 10:47:34.254766
    Duration: 43852.490999999995 ms


Mon Aug  1 10:47:28 UTC 2022::lpalovsky-vmhana01::[INFO] bootstrapped salt 
          ID: authorized_keys
    Function: ssh_auth.present
        Name: ssh-rsa <key>
      Result: True
     Comment: The authorized host key <key> is already present for user root
     Started: 10:47:34.186247
    Duration: 57.965 ms
          ID: registercloudguest_registration
        Name: /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 

      Result: False
     Comment: Attempt 1: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "Command "/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              " run"
              Attempt 2: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "Command "/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              " run"
              Command "/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              " run
     Started: 10:47:34.254766
    Duration: 43852.490999999995 ms
          ID: allow_all_vendor_changes
    Function: file.append
        Name: /etc/zypp/zypp.conf
      Result: True
     Comment: Appended 1 lines
     Started: 10:48:18.203908
    Duration: 9.791 ms
                  @@ -676,3 +676,4 @@
                   ## Default value: /etc/zypp/
                   # = /etc/zypp/
                  +solver.allowVendorChange = true
          ID: ha_sap_deployments_repo
    Function: pkgrepo.managed
        Name: ha_sap_deployments
      Result: True
     Comment: Configured package repo 'ha_sap_deployments'
     Started: 10:48:18.643178
    Duration: 3444.191 ms
          ID: set_priority_ha_sap_deployments_repo
        Name: zypper mr -p 90 ha_sap_deployments
      Result: True
     Comment: Command "zypper mr -p 90 ha_sap_deployments" run
     Started: 10:48:22.088302
    Duration: 35.473 ms
                  Repository 'ha_sap_deployments' priority has been set to 90.
          ID: refresh_repos_after_registration
        Name: zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
      Result: True
     Comment: Command "zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh" run
     Started: 10:48:22.124265
    Duration: 1707.492 ms
                  Retrieving repository 'ha_sap_deployments' metadata [..
                  Automatically importing the following key:
                      Note: A GPG pubkey is clearly identified by it's fingerprint. Do not rely the keys name. If you
                      are not sure whether the presented key is authentic, ask the repository provider or check his
                      web site. Many provider maintain a web page showing the fingerprints of the GPG keys they are
                  Building repository 'ha_sap_deployments' cache [....done]
                  All repositories have been refreshed.
          ID: /etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf updated
     Started: 10:48:23.832292
    Duration: 4.967 ms
                  New file
          ID: /etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf updated
     Started: 10:48:23.837526
    Duration: 3.715 ms
                  New file
          ID: /etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf updated
     Started: 10:48:23.841487
    Duration: 3.594 ms
                  New file
          ID: /etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf
    Function: file.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: File /etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf updated
     Started: 10:48:23.845341
    Duration: 3.608 ms
                  New file
          ID: minion_service
    Function: service.dead
        Name: salt-minion
      Result: True
     Comment: The service salt-minion is already dead
     Started: 10:48:23.849205
    Duration: 70.004 ms
          ID: kernel-default-base
    Function: pkg.removed
      Result: True
     Comment: All specified packages are already absent
     Started: 10:48:23.919883
    Duration: 1248.592 ms
          ID: kernel-default
    Function: pkg.installed
      Result: True
     Comment: All specified packages are already installed
     Started: 10:48:25.169575
    Duration: 518.452 ms
          ID: update_system_packages
        Name: zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys update --no-recommends --auto-agree-with-licenses
      Result: True
     Comment: Command "zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys update --no-recommends --auto-agree-with-licenses" run
     Started: 10:48:25.688553
    Duration: 3228.157 ms
                  Loading repository data...
                  Reading installed packages...
                  The following 6 packages are going to be upgraded:
                    drbd-formula habootstrap-formula python3-shaptools salt-shaptools saphanabootstrap-formula sapnwbootstrap-formula
                  The following 6 packages are going to change vendor:
                    SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
                    SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
                    SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
                    SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
                    SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
                    SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
                  The following 6 packages have no support information from their vendor:
                    drbd-formula habootstrap-formula python3-shaptools salt-shaptools saphanabootstrap-formula sapnwbootstrap-formula
                  6 packages to upgrade, 6  to change vendor.
                  Overall download size: 245.4 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 30.3 KiB will be used.
                  Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
                  Retrieving package python3-shaptools-0.3.13+git.1651505455.cee9bd8-1.1.noarch (1/6),  57.0 KiB (253.5 KiB unpacked)
                  Retrieving: python3-shaptools-0.3.13+git.1651505455.cee9bd8-1.1.noarch.rpm [.done]
                  Retrieving package salt-shaptools-0.3.17+git.1651504665.6e49c5b-1.1.noarch (2/6),  44.6 KiB (180.4 KiB unpacked)
                  Retrieving: salt-shaptools-0.3.17+git.1651504665.6e49c5b-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]
                  Retrieving package habootstrap-formula-0.4.6+git.1654259322.51cd7c2-1.1.noarch (3/6),  28.7 KiB ( 41.8 KiB unpacked)
                  Retrieving: habootstrap-formula-0.4.6+git.1654259322.51cd7c2-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]
                  Retrieving package drbd-formula-0.5.0+git.1637569723.cf85049-1.2.noarch (4/6),  28.0 KiB ( 55.9 KiB unpacked)
                  Retrieving: drbd-formula-0.5.0+git.1637569723.cf85049-1.2.noarch.rpm [done]
                  Retrieving package sapnwbootstrap-formula-0.7.4+git.1646147057.78b198a-1.1.noarch (5/6),  46.3 KiB (137.7 KiB unpacked)
                  Retrieving: sapnwbootstrap-formula-0.7.4+git.1646147057.78b198a-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]
                  Retrieving package saphanabootstrap-formula-0.10.1+git.1654591537.734ff97-1.1.noarch (6/6),  40.9 KiB ( 86.1 KiB unpacked)
                  Retrieving: saphanabootstrap-formula-0.10.1+git.1654591537.734ff97-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]
                  Checking for file conflicts: [......done]
                  (1/6) Installing: python3-shaptools-0.3.13+git.1651505455.cee9bd8-1.1.noarch [...................done]
                  (2/6) Installing: salt-shaptools-0.3.17+git.1651504665.6e49c5b-1.1.noarch [.................done]
                  (3/6) Installing: habootstrap-formula-0.4.6+git.1654259322.51cd7c2-1.1.noarch [...................done]
                  (4/6) Installing: drbd-formula-0.5.0+git.1637569723.cf85049-1.2.noarch [...................done]
                  (5/6) Installing: sapnwbootstrap-formula-0.7.4+git.1646147057.78b198a-1.1.noarch [..................done]
                  (6/6) Installing: saphanabootstrap-formula-0.10.1+git.1654591537.734ff97-1.1.noarch [.................done]

Summary for local
Succeeded: 13 (changed=10)
Failed:     1
Total states run:     14
Total run time:   54.188 s
Mon Aug  1 10:48:29 UTC 2022::lpalovsky-vmhana01::[ERROR] os setup failed 


2022-08-01 10:47:31,813 [salt.loader      :896 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Grains refresh requested. Refreshing grains.
2022-08-01 10:47:31,813 [salt.config      :1921][DEBUG   ][2516] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion
2022-08-01 10:47:31,873 [salt.config      :2084][DEBUG   ][2516] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf'
2022-08-01 10:47:31,873 [salt.config      :1921][DEBUG   ][2516] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf
2022-08-01 10:47:32,057 [salt.loader.lazy :857 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Override  __utils__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/grains/'>
2022-08-01 10:47:32,106 [][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to resolve address fe80::4001:aff:fe00:2: [Errno 0] Resolver Error 0 (no error)
2022-08-01 10:47:32,189 [][DEBUG   ][2516] Elapsed time getting FQDNs: 0.12378120422363281 seconds
2022-08-01 10:47:32,575 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Loading static grains from /etc/salt/grains
2022-08-01 10:47:32,688 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded zfs.is_supported
2022-08-01 10:47:33,156 [salt.pillar      :70  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Determining pillar cache
2022-08-01 10:47:33,176 [salt.utils.entrypoints:57  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Using importlib_metadata to load entry points
2022-08-01 10:47:33,247 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2022-08-01 10:47:33,269 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2022-08-01 10:47:33,282 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /srv/pillar/top.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,283 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/srv/pillar', '/srv/spm/pillar']
2022-08-01 10:47:33,296 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/top.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.013514518737792969
2022-08-01 10:47:33,296 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /srv/pillar/top.sls:
    - match: grain
    - iscsi_srv

    - match: grain
    - hana.hana

  'G@role:hana_node and G@ha_enabled:true':
    - match: compound
    - hana.cluster

    - match: grain
    - hana.hana    # needed to run hana.ha_cluster
    - hana.cluster

    - match: grain
    - drbd.drbd
    - drbd.cluster

    - match: grain
    - netweaver.netweaver

  'G@role:netweaver_node and G@ha_enabled:true and P@hostname:.*(01|02)':
    - match: compound
    - netweaver.cluster

2022-08-01 10:47:33,300 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('base', OrderedDict([('role:iscsi_srv', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'iscsi_srv']), ('role:hana_node', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'hana.hana']), ('G@role:hana_node and G@ha_enabled:true', [OrderedDict([('match', 'compound')]), 'hana.cluster']), ('role:majority_maker_node', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'hana.hana', 'hana.cluster']), ('role:drbd_node', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'drbd.drbd', 'drbd.cluster']), ('role:netweaver_node', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'netweaver.netweaver']), ('G@role:netweaver_node and G@ha_enabled:true and P@hostname:.*(01|02)', [OrderedDict([('match', 'compound')]), 'netweaver.cluster'])]))])
2022-08-01 10:47:33,301 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/top.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.0046956539154052734
2022-08-01 10:47:33,302 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded confirm_top.confirm_top
2022-08-01 10:47:33,305 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,305 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains target: role:iscsi_srv
2022-08-01 10:47:33,306 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match 'iscsi_srv' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,308 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,308 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains target: role:hana_node
2022-08-01 10:47:33,309 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match 'hana_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,313 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded compound_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,315 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compound_match: lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal ? G@role:hana_node and G@ha_enabled:true
2022-08-01 10:47:33,316 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,316 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains target: role:hana_node
2022-08-01 10:47:33,316 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match 'hana_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,316 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains target: ha_enabled:true
2022-08-01 10:47:33,316 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match 'true' in 'ha_enabled' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,316 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] compound_match lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal ? "G@role:hana_node and G@ha_enabled:true" => "True and True"
2022-08-01 10:47:33,319 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,319 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains target: role:majority_maker_node
2022-08-01 10:47:33,319 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match 'majority_maker_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,322 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,322 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains target: role:drbd_node
2022-08-01 10:47:33,322 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match 'drbd_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,325 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,325 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains target: role:netweaver_node
2022-08-01 10:47:33,325 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match 'netweaver_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,329 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded compound_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,331 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compound_match: lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal ? G@role:netweaver_node and G@ha_enabled:true and P@hostname:.*(01|02)
2022-08-01 10:47:33,331 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,331 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains target: role:netweaver_node
2022-08-01 10:47:33,331 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match 'netweaver_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,332 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains target: ha_enabled:true
2022-08-01 10:47:33,332 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match 'true' in 'ha_enabled' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,333 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded grain_pcre_match.match
2022-08-01 10:47:33,333 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] grains pcre target: hostname:.*(01|02)
2022-08-01 10:47:33,333 [  :979 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Attempting to match '.*(01|02)' in 'hostname' using delimiter ':'
2022-08-01 10:47:33,333 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] compound_match lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal ? "G@role:netweaver_node and G@ha_enabled:true and P@hostname:.*(01|02)" => "False and True and True"
2022-08-01 10:47:33,334 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,334 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/srv/pillar', '/srv/spm/pillar']
2022-08-01 10:47:33,399 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.06438708305358887
2022-08-01 10:47:33,399 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls:


  scale_out: False
  software_path: /sapmedia/HANA
  hana_extract_dir: /sapmedia_extract/HANA
  hana_client_extract_dir: /sapmedia_extract/HANA_CLIENT
  saptune_solution: 'HANA'
  monitoring_enabled: False
  ha_enabled: True
    - host: lpalovsky-vmhana01
      sid: prd
      instance: "0"
      password: <PASS>
        root_user: root

        root_password: ''

        system_user_password: <PASS>
        sapadm_password: <PASS>

        name: Site1
          key_name: backupkey
          database: SYSTEMDB
          file: backup
          key_name: backupkey
          environment: lpalovsky-vmhana01:30013
          user_name: SYSTEM
          user_password: <PASS>
          database: SYSTEMDB

    - host: lpalovsky-vmhana02
      sid: prd
      instance: "0"
      password: <PASS>

        root_user: root

        root_password: ''

        system_user_password: <PASS>
        sapadm_password: <PASS>

        name: Site2
        remote_host: lpalovsky-vmhana01
        remote_instance: "0"
        replication_mode: sync

        operation_mode: logreplay

        primary_timeout: 3000

2022-08-01 10:47:33,407 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('hana', OrderedDict([('scale_out', False), ('software_path', '/sapmedia/HANA'), ('hana_extract_dir', '/sapmedia_extract/HANA'), ('hana_client_extract_dir', '/sapmedia_extract/HANA_CLIENT'), ('saptune_solution', 'HANA'), ('monitoring_enabled', False), ('ha_enabled', True), ('nodes', [OrderedDict([('host', 'lpalovsky-vmhana01'), ('sid', 'prd'), ('instance', '0'), ('password', '<PASS>'), ('install', OrderedDict([('root_user', 'root'), ('root_password', ''), ('system_user_password', '<PASS>'), ('sapadm_password', '<PASS>')])), ('primary', OrderedDict([('name', 'Site1'), ('backup', OrderedDict([('key_name', 'backupkey'), ('database', 'SYSTEMDB'), ('file', 'backup')])), ('userkey', OrderedDict([('key_name', 'backupkey'), ('environment', 'lpalovsky-vmhana01:30013'), ('user_name', 'SYSTEM'), ('user_password', '<PASS>'), ('database', 'SYSTEMDB')]))]))]), OrderedDict([('host', 'lpalovsky-vmhana02'), ('sid', 'prd'), ('instance', '0'), ('password', '<PASS>'), ('install', OrderedDict([('root_user', 'root'), ('root_password', ''), ('system_user_password', '<PASS>'), ('sapadm_password', '<PASS>')])), ('secondary', OrderedDict([('name', 'Site2'), ('remote_host', 'lpalovsky-vmhana01'), ('remote_instance', '0'), ('replication_mode', 'sync'), ('operation_mode', 'logreplay'), ('primary_timeout', 3000)]))])])]))])
2022-08-01 10:47:33,407 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.008254051208496094
2022-08-01 10:47:33,408 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /srv/pillar/hana/cluster.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,408 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/srv/pillar', '/srv/spm/pillar']
2022-08-01 10:47:33,498 [salt.utils.jinja :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render import_yaml '/srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls': 0.05892753601074219
2022-08-01 10:47:33,498 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/hana/cluster.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.09044075012207031
2022-08-01 10:47:33,498 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /srv/pillar/hana/cluster.sls:


  name: hana_cluster
  init: lpalovsky-vmhana01

  interface: eth0

  unicast: True

  wait_for_initialization: 120
  join_timeout: 500


    module: softdog
    device: /dev/watchdog



      secauth: 'off'
      token: 20000
      consensus: 24000

  monitoring_enabled: False
      stonith-enabled: true

      source: salt://hana/templates/cluster_resources.j2
        sid: prd
        instance: 0
        scale_out: False

          - msl_SAPHana_PRD_HDB00

        vpc_network_name: lpalovsky-network
        route_name: lpalovsky-hana-route
        route_name_secondary: None

        virtual_ip_mechanism: route

        virtual_ip_mask: 32

        native_fencing: False

        prefer_takeover: true

        auto_register: false

2022-08-01 10:47:33,505 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('cluster', OrderedDict([('name', 'hana_cluster'), ('init', 'lpalovsky-vmhana01'), ('interface', 'eth0'), ('unicast', True), ('wait_for_initialization', 120), ('join_timeout', 500), ('sbd', OrderedDict([('device', None)])), ('watchdog', OrderedDict([('module', 'softdog'), ('device', '/dev/watchdog')])), ('ntp', ''), ('corosync', OrderedDict([('totem', OrderedDict([('secauth', 'off'), ('token', 20000), ('consensus', 24000)]))])), ('monitoring_enabled', False), ('configure', OrderedDict([('properties', OrderedDict([('stonith-enabled', True)])), ('template', OrderedDict([('source', 'salt://hana/templates/cluster_resources.j2'), ('parameters', OrderedDict([('sid', 'prd'), ('instance', 0), ('scale_out', False), ('majority_maker', None), ('resources_maintenance', ['msl_SAPHana_PRD_HDB00']), ('vpc_network_name', 'lpalovsky-network'), ('route_name', 'lpalovsky-hana-route'), ('route_name_secondary', 'None'), ('virtual_ip', ''), ('virtual_ip_mechanism', 'route'), ('virtual_ip_mask', 32), ('native_fencing', False), ('prefer_takeover', True), ('auto_register', False)]))]))]))]))])
2022-08-01 10:47:33,506 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/hana/cluster.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.006979942321777344
2022-08-01 10:47:33,614 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2022-08-01 10:47:33,615 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2022-08-01 10:47:33,667 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded state.apply
2022-08-01 10:47:33,670 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded direct_call.execute
2022-08-01 10:47:33,708 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded saltutil.is_running
2022-08-01 10:47:33,711 [salt.loader.lazy :857 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Override  __grains__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/modules/'>
2022-08-01 10:47:33,712 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded grains.get
2022-08-01 10:47:33,724 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded config.get
2022-08-01 10:47:33,742 [salt.utils.entrypoints:57  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Using importlib_metadata to load entry points
2022-08-01 10:47:33,766 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded roots.envs
2022-08-01 10:47:33,782 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad roots.init: 'roots.init' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:47:33,782 [salt.fileserver  :483 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Updating roots fileserver cache
2022-08-01 10:47:33,902 [salt.state       :749 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Gathering pillar data for state run
2022-08-01 10:47:33,902 [salt.state       :764 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Finished gathering pillar data for state run
2022-08-01 10:47:33,902 [salt.state       :1185][INFO    ][2516] Loading fresh modules for state activity
2022-08-01 10:47:33,959 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2022-08-01 10:47:33,960 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2022-08-01 10:47:33,965 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/cloud_detection.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,966 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/configure_resources.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,966 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/configure_sbd_resource.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,966 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/corosync.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,967 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/create.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,967 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/defaults.yaml
2022-08-01 10:47:33,967 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/hacluster_user.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,967 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,968 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/join.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,968 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/map.jinja
2022-08-01 10:47:33,968 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/monitoring.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,968 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/ntp.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,969 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,969 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/remove.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,969 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/resource_agents.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,969 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/sshkeys.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,970 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/wait_cluster.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,970 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/watchdog.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,970 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/support/ssh_askpass
2022-08-01 10:47:33,971 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/templates/sbd_resource.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:33,971 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/create.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,972 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/createmd_force.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,972 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/defaults.yaml
2022-08-01 10:47:33,972 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/demote.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,972 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/drbd_kmod.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,973 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/global_confs.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,973 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,973 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/initial_sync.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,974 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/map.jinja
2022-08-01 10:47:33,974 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/mkfs.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,974 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/nfs_ready.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,974 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,975 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/promote.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,975 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/res.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,975 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/start.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,975 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/stop.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,976 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/wait_sync.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,977 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/
2022-08-01 10:47:33,977 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/drbd.conf.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:33,977 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/global_common.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:33,977 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/pillar.example.drbd
2022-08-01 10:47:33,978 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/res_single_vol_v9.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:33,978 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/ha_cluster_exporter/
2022-08-01 10:47:33,978 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/habootstrap-formula/cluster_resources_nfs.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:33,979 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/habootstrap-formula/cluster_resources_nfs_cloud.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:33,979 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/habootstrap-formula/pillar.example.cluster
2022-08-01 10:47:33,979 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/nfs-formula/pillar.example.nfs
2022-08-01 10:47:33,980 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/defaults.yaml
2022-08-01 10:47:33,980 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/enable_cost_optimized.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,981 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/enable_primary.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,981 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/enable_secondary.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,981 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/extract_hana_package.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,982 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/ha_cluster.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,982 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,982 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,982 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/map.jinja
2022-08-01 10:47:33,983 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/monitoring.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,983 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,983 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/pre_validation.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,983 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/saptune.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,984 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/macros/get_hana_client_path.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,984 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/macros/get_hana_exe_extract_dir.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,984 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/templates/hanadb_exporter.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:33,985 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/templates/scale_up_resources.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:33,985 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/templates/srTakeover_hook.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:33,986 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,986 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/defaults.yaml
2022-08-01 10:47:33,987 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,987 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/libtofs.jinja
2022-08-01 10:47:33,987 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/map.jinja
2022-08-01 10:47:33,987 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/oscodename.yaml
2022-08-01 10:47:33,988 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/osfamilymap.yaml
2022-08-01 10:47:33,988 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/osfingermap.yaml
2022-08-01 10:47:33,988 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/osmap.yaml
2022-08-01 10:47:33,989 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,990 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,990 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,991 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,991 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,991 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/files/default/iscsi.tmpl
2022-08-01 10:47:33,992 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/files/default/open-iscsi.tmpl
2022-08-01 10:47:33,992 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/kernel/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,992 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/kernel/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,993 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/kernel/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,993 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/make/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,993 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/make/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,994 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/make/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,994 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/package/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,994 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/package/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,995 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/package/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,995 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/service/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,995 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/service/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,995 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/service/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,997 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,997 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,997 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/config/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,998 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/config/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,998 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/config/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,999 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/config/files/default/isns.tmpl
2022-08-01 10:47:33,999 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/make/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:33,999 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/make/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,000 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/make/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,000 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/package/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,000 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/package/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,000 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/package/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,001 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/service/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,001 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/service/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,001 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/service/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,003 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,003 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,004 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,004 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,004 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,005 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/files/default/ctld.tmpl
2022-08-01 10:47:34,005 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/files/default/ietd.tmpl
2022-08-01 10:47:34,005 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/files/default/lio.tmpl
2022-08-01 10:47:34,006 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/files/default/tgtd.tmpl
2022-08-01 10:47:34,006 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/kernel/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,006 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/kernel/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,007 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/kernel/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,007 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/make/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,007 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/make/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,007 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/make/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,008 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/package/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,008 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/package/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,008 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/package/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,009 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/service/clean.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,009 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/service/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,009 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/service/install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,011 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/defaults.yaml
2022-08-01 10:47:34,011 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/ensa_version_detection.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,011 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/extract_nw_archives.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,011 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/ha_cluster.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,012 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,012 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_aas.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,012 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_ascs.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,013 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_db.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,013 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_ers.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,013 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_pas.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,013 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_pydbapi.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,014 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/map.jinja
2022-08-01 10:47:34,014 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/monitoring.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,014 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/pillar.example
2022-08-01 10:47:34,015 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/pre_validation.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,015 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/saptune.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,015 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,016 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/keepalive.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,016 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/mount.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,016 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,016 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/sap_nfs.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,017 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/shared_disk.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,017 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/swap_space.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,017 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/users.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,018 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/virtual_addresses.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,018 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/aas.inifile.params.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,018 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/ascs.inifile.params.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,019 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/cluster_resources.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,019 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/db.inifile.params.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,019 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/ers.inifile.params.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,020 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/pas.inifile.params.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,024 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,024 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/top.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,024 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,025 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,025 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,025 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,025 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,026 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,026 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,026 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,027 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,027 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,027 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,027 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,028 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/bastion/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,028 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/bastion/nginx.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,029 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/bastion/sapinst.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,029 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/bastion/templates/nginx.conf.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,030 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/aws_add_credentials.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,030 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/aws_data_provider.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,030 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/hosts.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,031 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,031 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/monitoring.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,031 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,032 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/iscsi_initiator.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,032 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/network.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,032 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,033 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/sbd.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,033 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/ssh.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,033 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/templates/aws_credentials_template.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,033 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/templates/promtail.yaml.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,034 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/default/hostname.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,034 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/default/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,034 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/default/pkgs.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,035 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/default/timezone.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,035 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/custom_handlers.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,035 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/drbd_packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,036 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,036 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/nfs.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,036 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/parted.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,037 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/download_hana_inst.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,037 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/hana_inst_media.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,037 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/hana_packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,038 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,038 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/wait.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,038 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/azure.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,039 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/gcp.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,039 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,039 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/mount.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,040 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/mount_uuid.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,040 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/openstack.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,040 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,041 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hwcct/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,041 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hwcct/files/hwcct/hwcct_bench.jinja
2022-08-01 10:47:34,042 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hwcct/files/hwcct/hwcct_config.json.jinja
2022-08-01 10:47:34,042 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/iscsi_srv/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,042 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/iscsi_srv/parted.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,043 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/macros/download_from_google_storage.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,043 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/majority_maker_node/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,044 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/grafana.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,044 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,044 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/loki.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,045 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/prometheus.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,045 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/grafana/datasources.yml.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,045 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/prometheus/prometheus.yml.j2
2022-08-01 10:47:34,046 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/prometheus/rules.yml
2022-08-01 10:47:34,046 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,047 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/installation_files.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,047 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/netweaver_packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,047 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/nfs.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,048 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/mount/azure.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,048 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/mount/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,048 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/mount/packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,048 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/nfs.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,049 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/packages.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,049 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/directories.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,049 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,050 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/lvm.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,050 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/auth_keys.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,050 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,051 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/ip_workaround.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,051 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/minion_configuration.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,051 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/packages_install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,051 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/packages_repos.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,052 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/packages_update.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,052 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/requirements.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,052 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/registration.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,053 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/provider/azure/nfsv4.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,053 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/shared_storage/nfs.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,054 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/sshkeys/
2022-08-01 10:47:34,054 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/sshkeys/cluster.id_rsa
2022-08-01 10:47:34,056 [salt.fileclient  :1136][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not find file 'salt://os_setup.sls' in saltenv 'base'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,057 [salt.fileclient  :1159][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'os_setup/init.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/init.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,057 [salt.fileclient  :1168][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', ** considering ** path '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/init.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/init.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,058 [salt.fileclient  :1186][DEBUG   ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** attempting ** 'salt://os_setup/init.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,058 [salt.fileclient  :1214][DEBUG   ][2516] No dest file found
2022-08-01 10:47:34,059 [salt.fileclient  :1301][INFO    ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** done ** 'os_setup/init.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,059 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/init.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,059 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base']
2022-08-01 10:47:34,083 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded roots.envs
2022-08-01 10:47:34,090 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad roots.init: 'roots.init' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:47:34,092 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/init.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.03280830383300781
2022-08-01 10:47:34,092 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/init.sls:

  - os_setup.auth_keys
  - os_setup.registration
  - os_setup.packages_repos
  - os_setup.minion_configuration
  - os_setup.requirements
  - os_setup.packages_install
  - os_setup.packages_update

2022-08-01 10:47:34,093 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('include', ['os_setup.auth_keys', 'os_setup.registration', 'os_setup.packages_repos', 'os_setup.minion_configuration', 'os_setup.requirements', 'os_setup.packages_install', 'os_setup.packages_update'])])
2022-08-01 10:47:34,094 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/init.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.0013403892517089844
2022-08-01 10:47:34,095 [salt.fileclient  :1159][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'os_setup/auth_keys.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/auth_keys.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,095 [salt.fileclient  :1168][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', ** considering ** path '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/auth_keys.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/auth_keys.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,095 [salt.fileclient  :1186][DEBUG   ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** attempting ** 'salt://os_setup/auth_keys.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,095 [salt.fileclient  :1214][DEBUG   ][2516] No dest file found
2022-08-01 10:47:34,096 [salt.fileclient  :1301][INFO    ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** done ** 'os_setup/auth_keys.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,096 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/auth_keys.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,097 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base']
2022-08-01 10:47:34,099 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/auth_keys.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.002589702606201172
2022-08-01 10:47:34,099 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/auth_keys.sls:

    - user: root
    - enc: ssh-rsa
    - names:
      - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCz0BkomTEgbSmwCdB2JKaGaR1hOuTB8z59Q+JZYtzBPxYTpOCZFNgFUNKteGZgDhIfrqRWTuENbCX28EDI+Ds7pqrRgyLxt2SQpZYl6FL2g+5Se1l0Tnw3lbOGdkSC5QXRVrJWhLQMRm5z3rKrSUtbMttJUfOolUuv+p+9LLWPrY5Ts/uTlBA67Si+hhKIq+gEAg/iDQRbXn7VpBWJGNvrsBh2fDBPPm+cerqPWpMceqSa0pP/7m0wzSS8UvRxvgDd2no06g7XnrptGHdquIQN1zNWP3aui/HgpPnQW+X20jSWCpAOSvJfvp5iA1r89JGBBneULMWTcgFxwALMotQ7

2022-08-01 10:47:34,101 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('authorized_keys', OrderedDict([('ssh_auth.present', [OrderedDict([('user', 'root')]), OrderedDict([('enc', 'ssh-rsa')]), OrderedDict([('names', ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCz0BkomTEgbSmwCdB2JKaGaR1hOuTB8z59Q+JZYtzBPxYTpOCZFNgFUNKteGZgDhIfrqRWTuENbCX28EDI+Ds7pqrRgyLxt2SQpZYl6FL2g+5Se1l0Tnw3lbOGdkSC5QXRVrJWhLQMRm5z3rKrSUtbMttJUfOolUuv+p+9LLWPrY5Ts/uTlBA67Si+hhKIq+gEAg/iDQRbXn7VpBWJGNvrsBh2fDBPPm+cerqPWpMceqSa0pP/7m0wzSS8UvRxvgDd2no06g7XnrptGHdquIQN1zNWP3aui/HgpPnQW+X20jSWCpAOSvJfvp5iA1r89JGBBneULMWTcgFxwALMotQ7'])])])]))])
2022-08-01 10:47:34,101 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/auth_keys.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.0019371509552001953
2022-08-01 10:47:34,103 [salt.fileclient  :1159][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'os_setup/registration.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/registration.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,103 [salt.fileclient  :1168][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', ** considering ** path '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/registration.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,103 [salt.fileclient  :1186][DEBUG   ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** attempting ** 'salt://os_setup/registration.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,103 [salt.fileclient  :1214][DEBUG   ][2516] No dest file found
2022-08-01 10:47:34,104 [salt.fileclient  :1301][INFO    ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** done ** 'os_setup/registration.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,104 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,105 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base']
2022-08-01 10:47:34,129 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded file.file_exists
2022-08-01 10:47:34,130 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.025118350982666016
2022-08-01 10:47:34,130 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls:

# use registercloudguest for BYOS cloud images where available (images later than 20220103)

    - name: |
        /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
        /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
        # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
        /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
    - env:
        - reg_code: 1772173e156fbe43
    - retry:
        attempts: 3
        interval: 15

# use SUSEConnect in case registercloudguest is not available, e.g. not public cloud or old images

# on-demand/PAYG image specific
# PAYG images will use registercloudguest as part of their boot process (regardless of this state)

2022-08-01 10:47:34,132 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('registercloudguest_registration', OrderedDict([('', [OrderedDict([('name', '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean\n/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code \n# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images\n/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code \n')]), OrderedDict([('env', [OrderedDict([('reg_code', '1772173e156fbe43')])])]), OrderedDict([('retry', OrderedDict([('attempts', 3), ('interval', 15)]))])])]))])
2022-08-01 10:47:34,133 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.002877473831176758
2022-08-01 10:47:34,134 [salt.fileclient  :1159][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'os_setup/packages_repos.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/packages_repos.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,134 [salt.fileclient  :1168][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', ** considering ** path '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_repos.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/packages_repos.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,134 [salt.fileclient  :1186][DEBUG   ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** attempting ** 'salt://os_setup/packages_repos.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,134 [salt.fileclient  :1214][DEBUG   ][2516] No dest file found
2022-08-01 10:47:34,135 [salt.fileclient  :1301][INFO    ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** done ** 'os_setup/packages_repos.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,136 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_repos.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,136 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base']
2022-08-01 10:47:34,143 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_repos.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.007498502731323242
2022-08-01 10:47:34,144 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_repos.sls:

    - name: /etc/zypp/zypp.conf
    - text: solver.allowVendorChange = true

    - name: ha_sap_deployments
    - baseurl:

    - name: zypper mr -p 90 ha_sap_deployments
    - require:
      - ha_sap_deployments_repo

    - name: zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
    - retry:
        attempts: 3
        interval: 15
    - onlyif: 'zypper lr'

2022-08-01 10:47:34,148 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('allow_all_vendor_changes', OrderedDict([('file.append', [OrderedDict([('name', '/etc/zypp/zypp.conf')]), OrderedDict([('text', 'solver.allowVendorChange = true')])])])), ('ha_sap_deployments_repo', OrderedDict([('pkgrepo.managed', [OrderedDict([('name', 'ha_sap_deployments')]), OrderedDict([('baseurl', '')])])])), ('set_priority_ha_sap_deployments_repo', OrderedDict([('', [OrderedDict([('name', 'zypper mr -p 90 ha_sap_deployments')]), OrderedDict([('require', ['ha_sap_deployments_repo'])])])])), ('refresh_repos_after_registration', OrderedDict([('', [OrderedDict([('name', 'zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh')]), OrderedDict([('retry', OrderedDict([('attempts', 3), ('interval', 15)]))]), OrderedDict([('onlyif', 'zypper lr')])])]))])
2022-08-01 10:47:34,148 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_repos.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.0044748783111572266
2022-08-01 10:47:34,149 [salt.fileclient  :1159][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'os_setup/minion_configuration.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/minion_configuration.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,150 [salt.fileclient  :1168][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', ** considering ** path '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/minion_configuration.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/minion_configuration.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,150 [salt.fileclient  :1186][DEBUG   ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** attempting ** 'salt://os_setup/minion_configuration.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,150 [salt.fileclient  :1214][DEBUG   ][2516] No dest file found
2022-08-01 10:47:34,151 [salt.fileclient  :1301][INFO    ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** done ** 'os_setup/minion_configuration.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,151 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/minion_configuration.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,151 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base']
2022-08-01 10:47:34,153 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/minion_configuration.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.001336812973022461
2022-08-01 10:47:34,153 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/minion_configuration.sls:
# The base environment should already come with the salt-standalone-formulas-configuration >= 3002.2-46.1 rpm.
# We set it here anyway to be more resilient.
    - contents: |
            - /srv/salt
            - /usr/share/salt-formulas/states

    - contents: |
            - /srv/salt
            - /usr/share/salt-formulas/states

# prevent "[WARNING ] top_file_merging_strategy is set to 'merge' and multiple top files were found."
    - contents: |
        top_file_merging_strategy: same

# Old style will be deprecated after sodium release
    - contents: |

    - name: salt-minion
    - enable: False

2022-08-01 10:47:34,157 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf', OrderedDict([('file.managed', [OrderedDict([('contents', 'file_roots:\n  base:\n    - /srv/salt\n    - /usr/share/salt-formulas/states\n')])])])), ('/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf', OrderedDict([('file.managed', [OrderedDict([('contents', 'file_roots:\n  predeployment:\n    - /srv/salt\n    - /usr/share/salt-formulas/states\n')])])])), ('/etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf', OrderedDict([('file.managed', [OrderedDict([('contents', 'top_file_merging_strategy: same\n')])])])), ('/etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf', OrderedDict([('file.managed', [OrderedDict([('contents', 'use_superseded:\n  -\n')])])])), ('minion_service', OrderedDict([('service.dead', [OrderedDict([('name', 'salt-minion')]), OrderedDict([('enable', False)])])]))])
2022-08-01 10:47:34,157 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/minion_configuration.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.004312753677368164
2022-08-01 10:47:34,158 [salt.fileclient  :1159][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'os_setup/requirements.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/requirements.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,159 [salt.fileclient  :1168][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', ** considering ** path '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/requirements.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/requirements.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,159 [salt.fileclient  :1186][DEBUG   ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** attempting ** 'salt://os_setup/requirements.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,159 [salt.fileclient  :1214][DEBUG   ][2516] No dest file found
2022-08-01 10:47:34,160 [salt.fileclient  :1301][INFO    ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** done ** 'os_setup/requirements.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,160 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/requirements.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,160 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base']
2022-08-01 10:47:34,166 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/requirements.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.005506277084350586
2022-08-01 10:47:34,166 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/requirements.sls:

2022-08-01 10:47:34,166 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
2022-08-01 10:47:34,166 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/requirements.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.00024509429931640625
2022-08-01 10:47:34,167 [salt.fileclient  :1159][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'os_setup/packages_install.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/packages_install.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,168 [salt.fileclient  :1168][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', ** considering ** path '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_install.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/packages_install.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,168 [salt.fileclient  :1186][DEBUG   ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** attempting ** 'salt://os_setup/packages_install.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,168 [salt.fileclient  :1214][DEBUG   ][2516] No dest file found
2022-08-01 10:47:34,169 [salt.fileclient  :1301][INFO    ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** done ** 'os_setup/packages_install.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,169 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_install.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,169 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base']
2022-08-01 10:47:34,171 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_install.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.0020470619201660156
2022-08-01 10:47:34,171 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_install.sls:
# check if iscsi-formula should be installed

# iscsi kernel modules are not available in kernel-default-base
  - retry:
      attempts: 3
      interval: 15

  - retry:
      attempts: 3
      interval: 15
  # install kernel-default if kernel-default-base is installed, do not touch otherwise
  - require:
    - pkg: kernel-default-base

2022-08-01 10:47:34,174 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('kernel-default-base', OrderedDict([('pkg.removed', [OrderedDict([('retry', OrderedDict([('attempts', 3), ('interval', 15)]))])])])), ('kernel-default', OrderedDict([('pkg.installed', [OrderedDict([('retry', OrderedDict([('attempts', 3), ('interval', 15)]))]), OrderedDict([('require', [OrderedDict([('pkg', 'kernel-default-base')])])])])]))])
2022-08-01 10:47:34,174 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_install.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.0029785633087158203
2022-08-01 10:47:34,175 [salt.fileclient  :1159][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'os_setup/packages_update.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/packages_update.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,176 [salt.fileclient  :1168][DEBUG   ][2516] In saltenv 'base', ** considering ** path '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_update.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/packages_update.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,176 [salt.fileclient  :1186][DEBUG   ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** attempting ** 'salt://os_setup/packages_update.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,176 [salt.fileclient  :1214][DEBUG   ][2516] No dest file found
2022-08-01 10:47:34,177 [salt.fileclient  :1301][INFO    ][2516] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** done ** 'os_setup/packages_update.sls'
2022-08-01 10:47:34,177 [salt.template    :53  ][DEBUG   ][2516] compile template: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_update.sls
2022-08-01 10:47:34,177 [salt.utils.jinja :86  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Jinja search path: ['/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base']
2022-08-01 10:47:34,179 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_update.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.002386331558227539
2022-08-01 10:47:34,180 [salt.template    :120 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Rendered data from file: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_update.sls:

    - name: zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys update --no-recommends --auto-agree-with-licenses
    - retry:
        attempts: 3
        interval: 15

2022-08-01 10:47:34,181 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('update_system_packages', OrderedDict([('', [OrderedDict([('name', 'zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys update --no-recommends --auto-agree-with-licenses')]), OrderedDict([('retry', OrderedDict([('attempts', 3), ('interval', 15)]))])])]))])
2022-08-01 10:47:34,181 [salt.template    :28  ][PROFILE ][2516] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/packages_update.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.0016124248504638672
2022-08-01 10:47:34,183 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded config.option
2022-08-01 10:47:34,186 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded ssh_auth.present
2022-08-01 10:47:34,186 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCz0BkomTEgbSmwCdB2JKaGaR1hOuTB8z59Q+JZYtzBPxYTpOCZFNgFUNKteGZgDhIfrqRWTuENbCX28EDI+Ds7pqrRgyLxt2SQpZYl6FL2g+5Se1l0Tnw3lbOGdkSC5QXRVrJWhLQMRm5z3rKrSUtbMttJUfOolUuv+p+9LLWPrY5Ts/uTlBA67Si+hhKIq+gEAg/iDQRbXn7VpBWJGNvrsBh2fDBPPm+cerqPWpMceqSa0pP/7m0wzSS8UvRxvgDd2no06g7XnrptGHdquIQN1zNWP3aui/HgpPnQW+X20jSWCpAOSvJfvp5iA1r89JGBBneULMWTcgFxwALMotQ7] at time 10:47:34.186247
2022-08-01 10:47:34,187 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state ssh_auth.present for [ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCz0BkomTEgbSmwCdB2JKaGaR1hOuTB8z59Q+JZYtzBPxYTpOCZFNgFUNKteGZgDhIfrqRWTuENbCX28EDI+Ds7pqrRgyLxt2SQpZYl6FL2g+5Se1l0Tnw3lbOGdkSC5QXRVrJWhLQMRm5z3rKrSUtbMttJUfOolUuv+p+9LLWPrY5Ts/uTlBA67Si+hhKIq+gEAg/iDQRbXn7VpBWJGNvrsBh2fDBPPm+cerqPWpMceqSa0pP/7m0wzSS8UvRxvgDd2no06g7XnrptGHdquIQN1zNWP3aui/HgpPnQW+X20jSWCpAOSvJfvp5iA1r89JGBBneULMWTcgFxwALMotQ7]
2022-08-01 10:47:34,190 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded ssh.set_auth_key
2022-08-01 10:47:34,243 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded
2022-08-01 10:47:34,244 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] The authorized host key AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCz0BkomTEgbSmwCdB2JKaGaR1hOuTB8z59Q+JZYtzBPxYTpOCZFNgFUNKteGZgDhIfrqRWTuENbCX28EDI+Ds7pqrRgyLxt2SQpZYl6FL2g+5Se1l0Tnw3lbOGdkSC5QXRVrJWhLQMRm5z3rKrSUtbMttJUfOolUuv+p+9LLWPrY5Ts/uTlBA67Si+hhKIq+gEAg/iDQRbXn7VpBWJGNvrsBh2fDBPPm+cerqPWpMceqSa0pP/7m0wzSS8UvRxvgDd2no06g7XnrptGHdquIQN1zNWP3aui/HgpPnQW+X20jSWCpAOSvJfvp5iA1r89JGBBneULMWTcgFxwALMotQ7 is already present for user root
2022-08-01 10:47:34,244 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCz0BkomTEgbSmwCdB2JKaGaR1hOuTB8z59Q+JZYtzBPxYTpOCZFNgFUNKteGZgDhIfrqRWTuENbCX28EDI+Ds7pqrRgyLxt2SQpZYl6FL2g+5Se1l0Tnw3lbOGdkSC5QXRVrJWhLQMRm5z3rKrSUtbMttJUfOolUuv+p+9LLWPrY5Ts/uTlBA67Si+hhKIq+gEAg/iDQRbXn7VpBWJGNvrsBh2fDBPPm+cerqPWpMceqSa0pP/7m0wzSS8UvRxvgDd2no06g7XnrptGHdquIQN1zNWP3aui/HgpPnQW+X20jSWCpAOSvJfvp5iA1r89JGBBneULMWTcgFxwALMotQ7] at time 10:47:34.244212 (duration_in_ms=57.965)
2022-08-01 10:47:34,254 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded
2022-08-01 10:47:34,254 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 10:47:34.254766
2022-08-01 10:47:34,255 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state for [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code]
2022-08-01 10:47:34,258 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded cmd.run_all
2022-08-01 10:47:34,259 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:47:39,635 [ ][ERROR   ][2516] Command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' failed with return code: 1
2022-08-01 10:47:39,636 [ ][ERROR   ][2516] retcode: 1
2022-08-01 10:47:39,636 [salt.state       :318 ][ERROR   ][2516] {'pid': 2601, 'retcode': 1, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}
2022-08-01 10:47:39,636 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 10:47:39.636731 (duration_in_ms=5381.965)
2022-08-01 10:47:39,637 [salt.state       :2282][INFO    ][2516] State result does not match retry until value, state will be re-run in 15 seconds
2022-08-01 10:47:39,640 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded test.sleep
2022-08-01 10:47:54,655 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 10:47:54.655415
2022-08-01 10:47:54,656 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state for [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code]
2022-08-01 10:47:54,658 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:47:58,631 [ ][ERROR   ][2516] Command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' failed with return code: 1
2022-08-01 10:47:58,631 [ ][ERROR   ][2516] retcode: 1
2022-08-01 10:47:58,631 [salt.state       :318 ][ERROR   ][2516] {'pid': 2838, 'retcode': 1, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}
2022-08-01 10:47:58,632 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 10:47:58.632076 (duration_in_ms=3976.662)
2022-08-01 10:47:58,632 [salt.state       :2282][INFO    ][2516] State result does not match retry until value, state will be re-run in 15 seconds
2022-08-01 10:48:13,647 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 10:48:13.647728
2022-08-01 10:48:13,649 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state for [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code]
2022-08-01 10:48:13,651 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:18,140 [ ][ERROR   ][2516] Command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' failed with return code: 1
2022-08-01 10:48:18,140 [ ][ERROR   ][2516] retcode: 1
2022-08-01 10:48:18,141 [salt.state       :318 ][ERROR   ][2516] {'pid': 3078, 'retcode': 1, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}
2022-08-01 10:48:18,141 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 10:48:18.141591 (duration_in_ms=4493.864)
2022-08-01 10:48:18,203 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded file.append
2022-08-01 10:48:18,203 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [/etc/zypp/zypp.conf] at time 10:48:18.203908
2022-08-01 10:48:18,204 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state file.append for [/etc/zypp/zypp.conf]
2022-08-01 10:48:18,208 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded files.is_text
2022-08-01 10:48:18,213 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] File changed:


@@ -676,3 +676,4 @@

 ## Default value: /etc/zypp/
 # = /etc/zypp/
+solver.allowVendorChange = true
2022-08-01 10:48:18,213 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [/etc/zypp/zypp.conf] at time 10:48:18.213699 (duration_in_ms=9.791)
2022-08-01 10:48:18,642 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded pkg.mod_repo
2022-08-01 10:48:18,643 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded pkgrepo.managed
2022-08-01 10:48:18,643 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [ha_sap_deployments] at time 10:48:18.643178
2022-08-01 10:48:18,644 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state pkgrepo.managed for [ha_sap_deployments]
2022-08-01 10:48:19,046 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded path.which
2022-08-01 10:48:19,139 [salt.loader.lazy :872 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Override  __salt__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/modules/'>
2022-08-01 10:48:20,460 [salt.loader.lazy :857 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Override  __grains__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/modules/'>
2022-08-01 10:48:20,491 [salt.config      :1921][DEBUG   ][2516] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion
2022-08-01 10:48:20,551 [salt.config      :2084][DEBUG   ][2516] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf'
2022-08-01 10:48:20,552 [salt.config      :1921][DEBUG   ][2516] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf
2022-08-01 10:48:20,553 [salt.config      :3524][DEBUG   ][2516] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal
2022-08-01 10:48:20,554 [salt.utils.entrypoints:57  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Using importlib_metadata to load entry points
2022-08-01 10:48:20,911 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad idem.hub: 'idem' __virtual__ returned False: No module named 'pop'
2022-08-01 10:48:21,024 [salt.loader.lazy :872 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Override  __salt__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/modules/'>
2022-08-01 10:48:21,606 [salt.loader.lazy :872 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Override  __salt__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/modules/'>
2022-08-01 10:48:21,663 [salt.loader.lazy :857 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Override  __pillar__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/modules/'>
2022-08-01 10:48:21,789 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] DSC: Only available on Windows systems
2022-08-01 10:48:21,821 [  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Module PSGet: Only available on Windows systems
2022-08-01 10:48:21,921 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad pkg.expand_repo_def: 'pkg.expand_repo_def' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:21,921 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Calling Zypper: zypper --non-interactive --xmlout --no-refresh ar ha_sap_deployments
2022-08-01 10:48:21,922 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command zypper in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:22,041 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Calling Zypper: zypper --non-interactive --xmlout mr --enable ha_sap_deployments
2022-08-01 10:48:22,042 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command zypper in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:22,087 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] {'repo': 'ha_sap_deployments'}
2022-08-01 10:48:22,087 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [ha_sap_deployments] at time 10:48:22.087369 (duration_in_ms=3444.191)
2022-08-01 10:48:22,088 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [zypper mr -p 90 ha_sap_deployments] at time 10:48:22.088302
2022-08-01 10:48:22,089 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state for [zypper mr -p 90 ha_sap_deployments]
2022-08-01 10:48:22,092 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command 'zypper' in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:22,122 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] stdout: Repository 'ha_sap_deployments' priority has been set to 90.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,123 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] {'pid': 3349, 'retcode': 0, 'stdout': "Repository 'ha_sap_deployments' priority has been set to 90.", 'stderr': ''}
2022-08-01 10:48:22,123 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [zypper mr -p 90 ha_sap_deployments] at time 10:48:22.123775 (duration_in_ms=35.473)
2022-08-01 10:48:22,124 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh] at time 10:48:22.124265
2022-08-01 10:48:22,125 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state for [zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh]
2022-08-01 10:48:22,129 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded acme.cert
2022-08-01 10:48:22,134 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded apache.config
2022-08-01 10:48:22,135 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded apache.a2enconf
2022-08-01 10:48:22,136 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded apache.a2enmod
2022-08-01 10:48:22,137 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded apache.a2ensite
2022-08-01 10:48:22,150 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad pkg.get_selections: 'pkg.get_selections' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,173 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad augeas.execute: 'augeas.execute' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,176 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded azurearm_compute.availability_set_create_or_update
2022-08-01 10:48:22,177 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded azurearm_dns.zones_list_by_resource_group
2022-08-01 10:48:22,179 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded azurearm_network.check_ip_address_availability
2022-08-01 10:48:22,181 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded azurearm_resource.resource_group_check_existence
2022-08-01 10:48:22,186 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto3_elasticache.cache_cluster_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,187 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto3_elasticsearch.describe_elasticsearch_domain
2022-08-01 10:48:22,189 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto3_route53.find_hosted_zone
2022-08-01 10:48:22,190 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto3_sns.topic_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,193 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_apigateway.describe_apis
2022-08-01 10:48:22,194 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_asg.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,195 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_cfn.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,197 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_cloudfront.get_distribution
2022-08-01 10:48:22,198 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_cloudtrail.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,199 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_cloudwatch.get_alarm
2022-08-01 10:48:22,200 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_cloudwatch_event.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,201 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_cognitoidentity.describe_identity_pools
2022-08-01 10:48:22,202 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_datapipeline.create_pipeline
2022-08-01 10:48:22,203 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_dynamodb.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,205 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_ec2.get_key
2022-08-01 10:48:22,205 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_elasticache.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,206 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_elasticsearch_domain.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,207 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_elb.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,208 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_elbv2.target_group_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,209 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_iam.get_user
2022-08-01 10:48:22,234 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_iam.role_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,235 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_iot.policy_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,236 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_kinesis.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,237 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_kms.describe_key
2022-08-01 10:48:22,239 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_lambda.function_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,239 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_asg.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,241 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_rds.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,242 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_route53.get_record
2022-08-01 10:48:22,243 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_s3.get_object_metadata
2022-08-01 10:48:22,244 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_s3_bucket.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,245 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_secgroup.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,245 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_sns.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,246 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_sqs.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,247 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded boto_vpc.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,248 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded bower.list
2022-08-01 10:48:22,251 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded chef.client
2022-08-01 10:48:22,252 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded chocolatey.install
2022-08-01 10:48:22,254 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded cimc.get_system_info
2022-08-01 10:48:22,255 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded cisconso.set_data_value
2022-08-01 10:48:22,261 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded csf.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,262 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded cyg.list
2022-08-01 10:48:22,262 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded ddns.update
2022-08-01 10:48:22,264 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded chassis.cmd
2022-08-01 10:48:22,278 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad docker.version: 'docker.version' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,291 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad docker.version: 'docker.version' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,304 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad docker.version: 'docker.version' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,316 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad docker.version: 'docker.version' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,323 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded eselect.exec_action
2022-08-01 10:48:22,329 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded esxi.cmd
2022-08-01 10:48:22,338 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded git.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,339 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded github.list_users
2022-08-01 10:48:22,340 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded glanceng.image_get
2022-08-01 10:48:22,341 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded glusterfs.list_volumes
2022-08-01 10:48:22,344 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded elasticsearch.exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,360 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded icinga2.generate_ticket
2022-08-01 10:48:22,361 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded idem.hub
2022-08-01 10:48:22,362 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded ifttt.trigger_event
2022-08-01 10:48:22,374 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad influxdb08.db_exists: 'influxdb08.db_exists' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,386 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad influxdb08.db_exists: 'influxdb08.db_exists' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,398 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad influxdb.db_exists: 'influxdb.db_exists' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,410 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad influxdb.db_exists: 'influxdb.db_exists' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,422 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad influxdb.db_exists: 'influxdb.db_exists' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,434 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad influxdb.db_exists: 'influxdb.db_exists' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,444 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded kapacitor.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,456 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad kernelpkg.upgrade: 'kernelpkg.upgrade' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,458 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystone.auth
2022-08-01 10:48:22,458 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystoneng.domain_get
2022-08-01 10:48:22,459 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystoneng.endpoint_get
2022-08-01 10:48:22,460 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystoneng.group_get
2022-08-01 10:48:22,461 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystoneng.project_get
2022-08-01 10:48:22,474 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystoneng.role_get
2022-08-01 10:48:22,475 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystoneng.role_grant
2022-08-01 10:48:22,480 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystoneng.service_get
2022-08-01 10:48:22,481 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystoneng.user_get
2022-08-01 10:48:22,481 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded keystore.list
2022-08-01 10:48:22,494 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad '' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,495 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded layman.add
2022-08-01 10:48:22,497 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded libcloud_dns.list_zones
2022-08-01 10:48:22,498 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded libcloud_loadbalancer.list_balancers
2022-08-01 10:48:22,499 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded libcloud_storage.list_containers
2022-08-01 10:48:22,502 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded logadm.list_conf
2022-08-01 10:48:22,506 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded lxd.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,507 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded lxd.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,507 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded lxd.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,508 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded lxd.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,513 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded makeconf.get_var
2022-08-01 10:48:22,518 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded memcached.status
2022-08-01 10:48:22,521 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mongodb.db_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,521 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mongodb.user_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,522 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded monit.summary
2022-08-01 10:48:22,525 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mssql.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,526 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mssql.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,527 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mssql.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,527 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mssql.version
2022-08-01 10:48:22,529 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mysql.db_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,530 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mysql.grant_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,530 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mysql.query
2022-08-01 10:48:22,531 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded mysql.user_create
2022-08-01 10:48:22,547 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded neutronng.list_networks
2022-08-01 10:48:22,548 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded neutronng.list_subnets
2022-08-01 10:48:22,549 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded neutronng.list_subnets
2022-08-01 10:48:22,550 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded neutronng.list_subnets
2022-08-01 10:48:22,555 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded npm.list
2022-08-01 10:48:22,560 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded openvswitch.bridge_create
2022-08-01 10:48:22,561 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded openvswitch.port_add
2022-08-01 10:48:22,569 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded panos.commit
2022-08-01 10:48:22,574 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded pdbedit.create
2022-08-01 10:48:22,575 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded pecl.list
2022-08-01 10:48:22,584 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded portage_config.get_missing_flags
2022-08-01 10:48:22,587 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.cluster_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,588 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.user_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,591 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.create_extension
2022-08-01 10:48:22,592 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.group_create
2022-08-01 10:48:22,593 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.datadir_init
2022-08-01 10:48:22,594 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.language_create
2022-08-01 10:48:22,595 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.privileges_grant
2022-08-01 10:48:22,597 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.schema_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,598 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.tablespace_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,599 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded postgres.user_exists
2022-08-01 10:48:22,615 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded rabbitmq.list_upstreams
2022-08-01 10:48:22,630 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad rbac.profile_list: 'rbac.profile_list' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,631 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded rdp.enable
2022-08-01 10:48:22,643 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad redis.set_key: 'redis.set_key' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,648 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad reg.read_value: 'reg.read_value' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,657 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded selinux.getenforce
2022-08-01 10:48:22,724 [salt.utils.lazy  :103 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Could not LazyLoad cmd.mod_run_check: 'cmd.mod_run_check' is not available.
2022-08-01 10:48:22,724 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command 'zypper' in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:22,754 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] stdout: Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.

# | Alias              | Name               | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | ha_sap_deployments | ha_sap_deployments | Yes     | ( p) Yes  | No
2022-08-01 10:48:22,754 [salt.state       :989 ][DEBUG   ][2516] Last command return code: 0
2022-08-01 10:48:22,757 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command 'zypper' in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:23,830 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] stdout: Retrieving repository 'ha_sap_deployments' metadata [..

Automatically importing the following key:

  Repository:       ha_sap_deployments
  Key Fingerprint:  0080 689B E757 A876 CB7D C269 62EB 1A09 1728 0DDF
  Key Name:         network OBS Project <>
  Key Algorithm:    RSA 2048
  Key Created:      Wed May 25 17:14:43 2022
  Key Expires:      Fri Aug  2 17:14:43 2024
  Rpm Name:         gpg-pubkey-17280ddf-628e6403

    Note: A GPG pubkey is clearly identified by it's fingerprint. Do not rely the keys name. If you
    are not sure whether the presented key is authentic, ask the repository provider or check his
    web site. Many provider maintain a web page showing the fingerprints of the GPG keys they are
Building repository 'ha_sap_deployments' cache [....done]
All repositories have been refreshed.
2022-08-01 10:48:23,831 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] {'pid': 3353, 'retcode': 0, 'stdout': "Retrieving repository 'ha_sap_deployments' metadata [..\n\nAutomatically importing the following key:\n\n  Repository:       ha_sap_deployments\n  Key Fingerprint:  0080 689B E757 A876 CB7D C269 62EB 1A09 1728 0DDF\n  Key Name:         network OBS Project <>\n  Key Algorithm:    RSA 2048\n  Key Created:      Wed May 25 17:14:43 2022\n  Key Expires:      Fri Aug  2 17:14:43 2024\n  Rpm Name:         gpg-pubkey-17280ddf-628e6403\n\n\n\n    Note: A GPG pubkey is clearly identified by it's fingerprint. Do not rely the keys name. If you\n    are not sure whether the presented key is authentic, ask the repository provider or check his\n    web site. Many provider maintain a web page showing the fingerprints of the GPG keys they are\n    using.\ndone]\nBuilding repository 'ha_sap_deployments' cache [....done]\nAll repositories have been refreshed.", 'stderr': ''}
2022-08-01 10:48:23,831 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh] at time 10:48:23.831757 (duration_in_ms=1707.492)
2022-08-01 10:48:23,832 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf] at time 10:48:23.832293
2022-08-01 10:48:23,833 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state file.managed for [/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf]
2022-08-01 10:48:23,837 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] File changed:
New file
2022-08-01 10:48:23,837 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf] at time 10:48:23.837259 (duration_in_ms=4.967)
2022-08-01 10:48:23,837 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf] at time 10:48:23.837526
2022-08-01 10:48:23,838 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state file.managed for [/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf]
2022-08-01 10:48:23,841 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] File changed:
New file
2022-08-01 10:48:23,841 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf] at time 10:48:23.841241 (duration_in_ms=3.715)
2022-08-01 10:48:23,841 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [/etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf] at time 10:48:23.841487
2022-08-01 10:48:23,842 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state file.managed for [/etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf]
2022-08-01 10:48:23,844 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] File changed:
New file
2022-08-01 10:48:23,845 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [/etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf] at time 10:48:23.845081 (duration_in_ms=3.594)
2022-08-01 10:48:23,845 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [/etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf] at time 10:48:23.845341
2022-08-01 10:48:23,846 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state file.managed for [/etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf]
2022-08-01 10:48:23,848 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] File changed:
New file
2022-08-01 10:48:23,848 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [/etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf] at time 10:48:23.848949 (duration_in_ms=3.608)
2022-08-01 10:48:23,849 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [salt-minion] at time 10:48:23.849203
2022-08-01 10:48:23,849 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state service.dead for [salt-minion]
2022-08-01 10:48:23,851 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command systemctl in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:23,883 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] stdout: * salt-minion.service - The Salt Minion
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/salt-minion.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)
2022-08-01 10:48:23,883 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] retcode: 3
2022-08-01 10:48:23,894 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command systemctl in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:23,904 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] stdout: inactive
2022-08-01 10:48:23,904 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] retcode: 3
2022-08-01 10:48:23,905 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command systemctl in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:23,917 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] stdout: disabled
2022-08-01 10:48:23,917 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] retcode: 1
2022-08-01 10:48:23,918 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] The service salt-minion is already dead
2022-08-01 10:48:23,919 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [salt-minion] at time 10:48:23.919209 (duration_in_ms=70.004)
2022-08-01 10:48:23,919 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [kernel-default-base] at time 10:48:23.919883
2022-08-01 10:48:23,920 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state pkg.removed for [kernel-default-base]
2022-08-01 10:48:23,922 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command rpm in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:25,168 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] All specified packages are already absent
2022-08-01 10:48:25,168 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [kernel-default-base] at time 10:48:25.168475 (duration_in_ms=1248.592)
2022-08-01 10:48:25,169 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [kernel-default] at time 10:48:25.169574
2022-08-01 10:48:25,170 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state pkg.installed for [kernel-default]
2022-08-01 10:48:25,172 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] Calling Zypper: zypper --non-interactive refresh --force
2022-08-01 10:48:25,172 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command zypper in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:25,687 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] All specified packages are already installed
2022-08-01 10:48:25,688 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [kernel-default] at time 10:48:25.688027 (duration_in_ms=518.452)
2022-08-01 10:48:25,688 [salt.state       :2073][INFO    ][2516] Running state [zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys update --no-recommends --auto-agree-with-licenses] at time 10:48:25.688552
2022-08-01 10:48:25,689 [salt.state       :2105][INFO    ][2516] Executing state for [zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys update --no-recommends --auto-agree-with-licenses]
2022-08-01 10:48:25,691 [ ][INFO    ][2516] Executing command 'zypper' in directory '/root'
2022-08-01 10:48:28,915 [ ][DEBUG   ][2516] stdout: Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

The following 6 packages are going to be upgraded:
  drbd-formula habootstrap-formula python3-shaptools salt-shaptools saphanabootstrap-formula sapnwbootstrap-formula

The following 6 packages are going to change vendor:
  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://
  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://

The following 6 packages have no support information from their vendor:
  drbd-formula habootstrap-formula python3-shaptools salt-shaptools saphanabootstrap-formula sapnwbootstrap-formula

6 packages to upgrade, 6  to change vendor.
Overall download size: 245.4 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 30.3 KiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving package python3-shaptools-0.3.13+git.1651505455.cee9bd8-1.1.noarch (1/6),  57.0 KiB (253.5 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: python3-shaptools-0.3.13+git.1651505455.cee9bd8-1.1.noarch.rpm [.done]
Retrieving package salt-shaptools-0.3.17+git.1651504665.6e49c5b-1.1.noarch (2/6),  44.6 KiB (180.4 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: salt-shaptools-0.3.17+git.1651504665.6e49c5b-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]
Retrieving package habootstrap-formula-0.4.6+git.1654259322.51cd7c2-1.1.noarch (3/6),  28.7 KiB ( 41.8 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: habootstrap-formula-0.4.6+git.1654259322.51cd7c2-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]
Retrieving package drbd-formula-0.5.0+git.1637569723.cf85049-1.2.noarch (4/6),  28.0 KiB ( 55.9 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: drbd-formula-0.5.0+git.1637569723.cf85049-1.2.noarch.rpm [done]
Retrieving package sapnwbootstrap-formula-0.7.4+git.1646147057.78b198a-1.1.noarch (5/6),  46.3 KiB (137.7 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: sapnwbootstrap-formula-0.7.4+git.1646147057.78b198a-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]
Retrieving package saphanabootstrap-formula-0.10.1+git.1654591537.734ff97-1.1.noarch (6/6),  40.9 KiB ( 86.1 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: saphanabootstrap-formula-0.10.1+git.1654591537.734ff97-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]

Checking for file conflicts: [......done]
(1/6) Installing: python3-shaptools-0.3.13+git.1651505455.cee9bd8-1.1.noarch [...................done]
(2/6) Installing: salt-shaptools-0.3.17+git.1651504665.6e49c5b-1.1.noarch [.................done]
(3/6) Installing: habootstrap-formula-0.4.6+git.1654259322.51cd7c2-1.1.noarch [...................done]
(4/6) Installing: drbd-formula-0.5.0+git.1637569723.cf85049-1.2.noarch [...................done]
(5/6) Installing: sapnwbootstrap-formula-0.7.4+git.1646147057.78b198a-1.1.noarch [..................done]
(6/6) Installing: saphanabootstrap-formula-0.10.1+git.1654591537.734ff97-1.1.noarch [.................done]
2022-08-01 10:48:28,916 [salt.state       :316 ][INFO    ][2516] {'pid': 3496, 'retcode': 0, 'stdout': 'Loading repository data...\nReading installed packages...\n\nThe following 6 packages are going to be upgraded:\n  drbd-formula habootstrap-formula python3-shaptools salt-shaptools saphanabootstrap-formula sapnwbootstrap-formula\n\nThe following 6 packages are going to change vendor:\ndrbd-formula            \n  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://\nhabootstrap-formula     \n  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://\npython3-shaptools       \n  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://\nsalt-shaptools          \n  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://\nsaphanabootstrap-formula\n  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://\nsapnwbootstrap-formula  \n  SUSE LLC <> -> obs://\n\nThe following 6 packages have no support information from their vendor:\n  drbd-formula habootstrap-formula python3-shaptools salt-shaptools saphanabootstrap-formula sapnwbootstrap-formula\n\n6 packages to upgrade, 6  to change vendor.\nOverall download size: 245.4 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 30.3 KiB will be used.\nContinue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y\nRetrieving package python3-shaptools-0.3.13+git.1651505455.cee9bd8-1.1.noarch (1/6),  57.0 KiB (253.5 KiB unpacked)\nRetrieving: python3-shaptools-0.3.13+git.1651505455.cee9bd8-1.1.noarch.rpm [.done]\nRetrieving package salt-shaptools-0.3.17+git.1651504665.6e49c5b-1.1.noarch (2/6),  44.6 KiB (180.4 KiB unpacked)\nRetrieving: salt-shaptools-0.3.17+git.1651504665.6e49c5b-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]\nRetrieving package habootstrap-formula-0.4.6+git.1654259322.51cd7c2-1.1.noarch (3/6),  28.7 KiB ( 41.8 KiB unpacked)\nRetrieving: habootstrap-formula-0.4.6+git.1654259322.51cd7c2-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]\nRetrieving package drbd-formula-0.5.0+git.1637569723.cf85049-1.2.noarch (4/6),  28.0 KiB ( 55.9 KiB unpacked)\nRetrieving: drbd-formula-0.5.0+git.1637569723.cf85049-1.2.noarch.rpm [done]\nRetrieving package sapnwbootstrap-formula-0.7.4+git.1646147057.78b198a-1.1.noarch (5/6),  46.3 KiB (137.7 KiB unpacked)\nRetrieving: sapnwbootstrap-formula-0.7.4+git.1646147057.78b198a-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]\nRetrieving package saphanabootstrap-formula-0.10.1+git.1654591537.734ff97-1.1.noarch (6/6),  40.9 KiB ( 86.1 KiB unpacked)\nRetrieving: saphanabootstrap-formula-0.10.1+git.1654591537.734ff97-1.1.noarch.rpm [done]\n\nChecking for file conflicts: [......done]\n(1/6) Installing: python3-shaptools-0.3.13+git.1651505455.cee9bd8-1.1.noarch [...................done]\n(2/6) Installing: salt-shaptools-0.3.17+git.1651504665.6e49c5b-1.1.noarch [.................done]\n(3/6) Installing: habootstrap-formula-0.4.6+git.1654259322.51cd7c2-1.1.noarch [...................done]\n(4/6) Installing: drbd-formula-0.5.0+git.1637569723.cf85049-1.2.noarch [...................done]\n(5/6) Installing: sapnwbootstrap-formula-0.7.4+git.1646147057.78b198a-1.1.noarch [..................done]\n(6/6) Installing: saphanabootstrap-formula-0.10.1+git.1654591537.734ff97-1.1.noarch [.................done]', 'stderr': ''}
2022-08-01 10:48:28,916 [salt.state       :2267][INFO    ][2516] Completed state [zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys update --no-recommends --auto-agree-with-licenses] at time 10:48:28.916710 (duration_in_ms=3228.157)
2022-08-01 10:48:28,917 [salt.state       :3329][DEBUG   ][2516] File /var/cache/salt/minion/accumulator/140225414734512 does not exist, no need to cleanup
2022-08-01 10:48:28,919 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded state.check_result
2022-08-01 10:48:28,920 [salt.utils.entrypoints:57  ][DEBUG   ][2516] Using importlib_metadata to load entry points
2022-08-01 10:48:28,948 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded highstate.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,952 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,955 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,959 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,962 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,965 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,969 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,972 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,975 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,978 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
2022-08-01 10:48:28,981 [salt.utils.lazy  :99  ][DEBUG   ][2516] LazyLoaded nested.output
yeoldegrove commented 2 years ago

@lpalovsky We had issues/bugs with registercloudguest in the past. These were mostly not related to the code in this repository but e.g. infrastructure issues or issues with registercloudguest itself.

Maybe to debug this further, you could try installing different versions of registercloudguest and running the salt code by hand.

This versions works fine for me on a SLES4SAP 15 SP4:

vmhana01:~ # rpm -qf /usr/sbin/registercloudguest

You could use this command to apply the specific salt state by hand locally on the system:

salt-call --local state.apply os_setup.registration -l debug

If you find anything related to registercloudguest, please open a bug at and link it here.

lpalovsky commented 2 years ago

@yeoldegrove Hmm... looks like the version might be the case:

Information for package cloud-regionsrv-client:
Repository     : @System
Name           : cloud-regionsrv-client
Version        : 10.0.3-150000.6.70.1

This seems to be newest version on the host. Need to check where is the problem. Test from openqa seems to be passing, I will try as well what package version is it using.

lpalovsky commented 2 years ago

Did some poking around and found few things. After deployment fails there is only one repository available and the cloud-regionsrv-client version is 10.0.3-150000.6.70.1

lpalovsky-vmhana01:~ # zypper lr -u
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.

# | Alias              | Name               | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | URI
1 | ha_sap_deployments | ha_sap_deployments | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No      |

I did run the registercloudguest manually and command passed fine:

lpalovsky-vmhana01:~ # /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r 1772173e156fbd43
Registration succeeded

After that I was able to update cloud-regionsrv-client to 10.0.4-150000.6.73.1, but the salt-call still fails:

lpalovsky-vmhana01:~ # salt-call --local state.apply os_setup.registration -l debug
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf
[DEBUG   ] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal
[DEBUG   ] Using importlib_metadata to load entry points
[DEBUG   ] Override  __grains__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/log/handlers/'>
[DEBUG   ] Configuration file path: /etc/salt/minion
[WARNING ] Insecure logging configuration detected! Sensitive data may be logged.
[DEBUG   ] Grains refresh requested. Refreshing grains.
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/environment_base.conf
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/environment_predeployment.conf
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/top_file_merging_strategy.conf
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/use_superseded.conf
[DEBUG   ] Override  __utils__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/grains/'>
[DEBUG   ] Unable to resolve address fe80::4001:aff:fe00:2: [Errno 0] Resolver Error 0 (no error)
[DEBUG   ] Elapsed time getting FQDNs: 0.111541748046875 seconds
[DEBUG   ] Loading static grains from /etc/salt/grains
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded zfs.is_supported
[DEBUG   ] Determining pillar cache
[DEBUG   ] Using importlib_metadata to load entry points
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded jinja.render
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded yaml.render
[DEBUG   ] compile template: /srv/pillar/top.sls
[DEBUG   ] Jinja search path: ['/srv/pillar', '/srv/spm/pillar']
[PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/top.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.012308120727539062
[DEBUG   ] Rendered data from file: /srv/pillar/top.sls:
    - match: grain
    - iscsi_srv

    - match: grain
    - hana.hana

  'G@role:hana_node and G@ha_enabled:true':
    - match: compound
    - hana.cluster

    - match: grain
    - hana.hana    # needed to run hana.ha_cluster
    - hana.cluster

    - match: grain
    - drbd.drbd
    - drbd.cluster

    - match: grain
    - netweaver.netweaver

  'G@role:netweaver_node and G@ha_enabled:true and P@hostname:.*(01|02)':
    - match: compound
    - netweaver.cluster

[DEBUG   ] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('base', OrderedDict([('role:iscsi_srv', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'iscsi_srv']), ('role:hana_node', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'hana.hana']), ('G@role:hana_node and G@ha_enabled:true', [OrderedDict([('match', 'compound')]), 'hana.cluster']), ('role:majority_maker_node', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'hana.hana', 'hana.cluster']), ('role:drbd_node', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'drbd.drbd', 'drbd.cluster']), ('role:netweaver_node', [OrderedDict([('match', 'grain')]), 'netweaver.netweaver']), ('G@role:netweaver_node and G@ha_enabled:true and P@hostname:.*(01|02)', [OrderedDict([('match', 'compound')]), 'netweaver.cluster'])]))])
[PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/top.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.004243373870849609
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded confirm_top.confirm_top
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
[DEBUG   ] grains target: role:iscsi_srv
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match 'iscsi_srv' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
[DEBUG   ] grains target: role:hana_node
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match 'hana_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded compound_match.match
[DEBUG   ] compound_match: lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal ? G@role:hana_node and G@ha_enabled:true
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
[DEBUG   ] grains target: role:hana_node
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match 'hana_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] grains target: ha_enabled:true
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match 'true' in 'ha_enabled' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] compound_match lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal ? "G@role:hana_node and G@ha_enabled:true" => "True and True"
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
[DEBUG   ] grains target: role:majority_maker_node
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match 'majority_maker_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
[DEBUG   ] grains target: role:drbd_node
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match 'drbd_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
[DEBUG   ] grains target: role:netweaver_node
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match 'netweaver_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded compound_match.match
[DEBUG   ] compound_match: lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal ? G@role:netweaver_node and G@ha_enabled:true and P@hostname:.*(01|02)
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded grain_match.match
[DEBUG   ] grains target: role:netweaver_node
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match 'netweaver_node' in 'role' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] grains target: ha_enabled:true
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match 'true' in 'ha_enabled' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded grain_pcre_match.match
[DEBUG   ] grains pcre target: hostname:.*(01|02)
[DEBUG   ] Attempting to match '.*(01|02)' in 'hostname' using delimiter ':'
[DEBUG   ] compound_match lpalovsky-vmhana01.europe-west1-b.c.ei-sle-qa-sap-8469.internal ? "G@role:netweaver_node and G@ha_enabled:true and P@hostname:.*(01|02)" => "False and True and True"
[DEBUG   ] compile template: /srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls
[DEBUG   ] Jinja search path: ['/srv/pillar', '/srv/spm/pillar']
[PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.049318790435791016
[DEBUG   ] Rendered data from file: /srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls:


  scale_out: False
  software_path: /sapmedia/HANA
  hana_extract_dir: /sapmedia_extract/HANA
  hana_client_extract_dir: /sapmedia_extract/HANA_CLIENT
  saptune_solution: 'HANA'
  monitoring_enabled: False
  ha_enabled: True
    - host: lpalovsky-vmhana01
      sid: prd
      instance: "0"
      password: <PASS>
        root_user: root

        root_password: ''

        system_user_password: <PASS>
        sapadm_password: <PASS>

        name: Site1
          key_name: backupkey
          database: SYSTEMDB
          file: backup
          key_name: backupkey
          environment: lpalovsky-vmhana01:30013
          user_name: SYSTEM
          user_password: <PASS>
          database: SYSTEMDB

    - host: lpalovsky-vmhana02
      sid: prd
      instance: "0"
      password: <PASS>

        root_user: root

        root_password: ''

        system_user_password: <PASS>
        sapadm_password: <PASS>

        name: Site2
        remote_host: lpalovsky-vmhana01
        remote_instance: "0"
        replication_mode: sync

        operation_mode: logreplay

        primary_timeout: 3000

[DEBUG   ] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('hana', OrderedDict([('scale_out', False), ('software_path', '/sapmedia/HANA'), ('hana_extract_dir', '/sapmedia_extract/HANA'), ('hana_client_extract_dir', '/sapmedia_extract/HANA_CLIENT'), ('saptune_solution', 'HANA'), ('monitoring_enabled', False), ('ha_enabled', True), ('nodes', [OrderedDict([('host', 'lpalovsky-vmhana01'), ('sid', 'prd'), ('instance', '0'), ('password', '<PASS>'), ('install', OrderedDict([('root_user', 'root'), ('root_password', ''), ('system_user_password', '<PASS>'), ('sapadm_password', '<PASS>')])), ('primary', OrderedDict([('name', 'Site1'), ('backup', OrderedDict([('key_name', 'backupkey'), ('database', 'SYSTEMDB'), ('file', 'backup')])), ('userkey', OrderedDict([('key_name', 'backupkey'), ('environment', 'lpalovsky-vmhana01:30013'), ('user_name', 'SYSTEM'), ('user_password', '<PASS>'), ('database', 'SYSTEMDB')]))]))]), OrderedDict([('host', 'lpalovsky-vmhana02'), ('sid', 'prd'), ('instance', '0'), ('password', '<PASS>'), ('install', OrderedDict([('root_user', 'root'), ('root_password', ''), ('system_user_password', '<PASS>'), ('sapadm_password', '<PASS>')])), ('secondary', OrderedDict([('name', 'Site2'), ('remote_host', 'lpalovsky-vmhana01'), ('remote_instance', '0'), ('replication_mode', 'sync'), ('operation_mode', 'logreplay'), ('primary_timeout', 3000)]))])])]))])
[PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.007825374603271484
[DEBUG   ] compile template: /srv/pillar/hana/cluster.sls
[DEBUG   ] Jinja search path: ['/srv/pillar', '/srv/spm/pillar']
[PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render import_yaml '/srv/pillar/hana/hana.sls': 0.055362701416015625
[PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/hana/cluster.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.08493709564208984
[DEBUG   ] Rendered data from file: /srv/pillar/hana/cluster.sls:


  name: hana_cluster
  init: lpalovsky-vmhana01

  interface: eth0

  unicast: True

  wait_for_initialization: 120
  join_timeout: 500


    module: softdog
    device: /dev/watchdog



      secauth: 'off'
      token: 20000
      consensus: 24000

  monitoring_enabled: False
      stonith-enabled: true

      source: salt://hana/templates/cluster_resources.j2
        sid: prd
        instance: 0
        scale_out: False

          - msl_SAPHana_PRD_HDB00

        vpc_network_name: lpalovsky-network
        route_name: lpalovsky-hana-route
        route_name_secondary: None

        virtual_ip_mechanism: route

        virtual_ip_mask: 32

        native_fencing: False

        prefer_takeover: true

        auto_register: false

[DEBUG   ] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('cluster', OrderedDict([('name', 'hana_cluster'), ('init', 'lpalovsky-vmhana01'), ('interface', 'eth0'), ('unicast', True), ('wait_for_initialization', 120), ('join_timeout', 500), ('sbd', OrderedDict([('device', None)])), ('watchdog', OrderedDict([('module', 'softdog'), ('device', '/dev/watchdog')])), ('ntp', ''), ('corosync', OrderedDict([('totem', OrderedDict([('secauth', 'off'), ('token', 20000), ('consensus', 24000)]))])), ('monitoring_enabled', False), ('configure', OrderedDict([('properties', OrderedDict([('stonith-enabled', True)])), ('template', OrderedDict([('source', 'salt://hana/templates/cluster_resources.j2'), ('parameters', OrderedDict([('sid', 'prd'), ('instance', 0), ('scale_out', False), ('majority_maker', None), ('resources_maintenance', ['msl_SAPHana_PRD_HDB00']), ('vpc_network_name', 'lpalovsky-network'), ('route_name', 'lpalovsky-hana-route'), ('route_name_secondary', 'None'), ('virtual_ip', ''), ('virtual_ip_mechanism', 'route'), ('virtual_ip_mask', 32), ('native_fencing', False), ('prefer_takeover', True), ('auto_register', False)]))]))]))]))])
[PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render '/srv/pillar/hana/cluster.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.006705045700073242
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded jinja.render
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded yaml.render
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded state.apply
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded direct_call.execute
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded saltutil.is_running
[DEBUG   ] Override  __grains__: <module '' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/modules/'>
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded grains.get
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded config.get
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded roots.envs
[DEBUG   ] Could not LazyLoad roots.init: 'roots.init' is not available.
[DEBUG   ] Updating roots fileserver cache
[DEBUG   ] Gathering pillar data for state run
[DEBUG   ] Finished gathering pillar data for state run
[INFO    ] Loading fresh modules for state activity
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded jinja.render
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded yaml.render
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/top.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_modules/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/_states/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/bastion/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/bastion/nginx.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/bastion/sapinst.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/bastion/templates/nginx.conf.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/aws_add_credentials.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/aws_data_provider.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/hosts.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/monitoring.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/iscsi_initiator.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/network.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/sbd.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/ha/ssh.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/templates/aws_credentials_template.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/cluster_node/templates/promtail.yaml.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/default/hostname.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/default/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/default/pkgs.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/default/timezone.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/custom_handlers.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/drbd_packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/nfs.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/drbd_node/parted.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/download_hana_inst.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/hana_inst_media.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/hana_packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/wait.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/azure.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/gcp.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/mount.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/mount_uuid.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/openstack.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hana_node/mount/packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hwcct/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hwcct/files/hwcct/hwcct_bench.jinja
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/hwcct/files/hwcct/hwcct_config.json.jinja
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/iscsi_srv/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/iscsi_srv/parted.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/macros/download_from_google_storage.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/majority_maker_node/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/grafana.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/loki.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/prometheus.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/grafana/datasources.yml.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/prometheus/prometheus.yml.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/monitoring_srv/prometheus/rules.yml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/installation_files.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/netweaver_packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/nfs.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/mount/azure.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/mount/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/netweaver_node/mount/packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/nfs.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/directories.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/nfs_srv/lvm.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/auth_keys.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/ip_workaround.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/minion_configuration.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/packages_install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/packages_repos.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/packages_update.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/requirements.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/os_setup/registration.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/provider/azure/nfsv4.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/shared_storage/nfs.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/sshkeys/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /srv/salt/sshkeys/cluster.id_rsa
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/cloud_detection.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/configure_resources.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/configure_sbd_resource.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/corosync.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/create.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/defaults.yaml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/hacluster_user.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/join.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/map.jinja
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/monitoring.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/ntp.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/remove.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/resource_agents.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/sshkeys.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/wait_cluster.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/watchdog.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/resources_maintenance.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/support/ssh_askpass
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/cluster/templates/sbd_resource.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/create.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/createmd_force.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/defaults.yaml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/demote.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/drbd_kmod.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/global_confs.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/initial_sync.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/map.jinja
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/mkfs.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/nfs_ready.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/promote.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/res.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/start.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/stop.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/wait_sync.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/drbd.conf.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/global_common.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/pillar.example.drbd
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/res_single_vol_v9.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/ha_cluster_exporter/
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/habootstrap-formula/cluster_resources_nfs.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/habootstrap-formula/cluster_resources_nfs_cloud.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/habootstrap-formula/pillar.example.cluster
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/drbd/templates/nfs-formula/pillar.example.nfs
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/defaults.yaml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/enable_cost_optimized.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/enable_primary.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/enable_secondary.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/extract_hana_package.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/ha_cluster.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/map.jinja
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/monitoring.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/pre_validation.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/saptune.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/macros/get_hana_client_path.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/macros/get_hana_exe_extract_dir.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/templates/hanadb_exporter.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/templates/cluster_resources.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/hana/templates/srCostOptMemConfig_hook.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/defaults.yaml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/libtofs.jinja
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/map.jinja
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/oscodename.yaml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/osfamilymap.yaml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/osfingermap.yaml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/osmap.yaml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/files/default/iscsi.tmpl
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/config/files/default/open-iscsi.tmpl
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/kernel/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/kernel/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/kernel/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/make/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/make/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/make/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/package/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/package/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/package/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/service/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/service/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/initiator/service/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/config/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/config/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/config/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/config/files/default/isns.tmpl
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/make/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/make/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/make/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/package/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/package/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/package/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/service/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/service/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/isns/service/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/files/default/ctld.tmpl
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/files/default/ietd.tmpl
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/files/default/lio.tmpl
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/config/files/default/tgtd.tmpl
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/kernel/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/kernel/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/kernel/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/make/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/make/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/make/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/package/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/package/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/package/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/service/clean.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/service/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/iscsi/target/service/install.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/defaults.yaml
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/ensa_version_detection.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/extract_nw_archives.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/ha_cluster.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_aas.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_ascs.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_db.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_ers.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_pas.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/install_pydbapi.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/map.jinja
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/monitoring.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/pillar.example
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/pre_validation.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/saptune.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/init.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/keepalive.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/mount.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/packages.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/sap_nfs.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/shared_disk.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/swap_space.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/users.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/setup/virtual_addresses.sls
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/aas.inifile.params.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/ascs.inifile.params.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/cluster_resources.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/db.inifile.params.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/ers.inifile.params.j2
[DEBUG   ] Unable to list dir: /usr/share/salt-formulas/states/netweaver/templates/pas.inifile.params.j2
[DEBUG   ] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'os_setup/registration.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/registration.sls'
[DEBUG   ] In saltenv 'base', ** considering ** path '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls' to resolve 'salt://os_setup/registration.sls'
[DEBUG   ] compile template: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls
[DEBUG   ] Jinja search path: ['/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base']
[DEBUG   ] Using importlib_metadata to load entry points
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded roots.envs
[DEBUG   ] Could not LazyLoad roots.init: 'roots.init' is not available.
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded file.file_exists
[PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls' using 'jinja' renderer: 0.07183218002319336
[DEBUG   ] Rendered data from file: /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls:

# use registercloudguest for BYOS cloud images where available (images later than 20220103)

    - name: |
        /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
        /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
        # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
        /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
    - env:
        - reg_code: 1772173e156fbe43
    - retry:
        attempts: 3
        interval: 15

# use SUSEConnect in case registercloudguest is not available, e.g. not public cloud or old images

# on-demand/PAYG image specific
# PAYG images will use registercloudguest as part of their boot process (regardless of this state)

[DEBUG   ] Results of YAML rendering: 
OrderedDict([('registercloudguest_registration', OrderedDict([('', [OrderedDict([('name', '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean\n/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code \n# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images\n/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code \n')]), OrderedDict([('env', [OrderedDict([('reg_code', '1772173e156fbe43')])])]), OrderedDict([('retry', OrderedDict([('attempts', 3), ('interval', 15)]))])])]))])
[PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/os_setup/registration.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.0026848316192626953
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded config.option
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded
[INFO    ] Running state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 14:13:40.063342
[INFO    ] Executing state for [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code]
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded cmd.run_all
[INFO    ] Executing command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' in directory '/root'
[ERROR   ] Command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' failed with return code: 1
[ERROR   ] retcode: 1
[ERROR   ] {'pid': 5762, 'retcode': 1, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}
[INFO    ] Completed state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 14:13:44.080432 (duration_in_ms=4017.089)
[INFO    ] State result does not match retry until value, state will be re-run in 15 seconds
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded test.sleep
[INFO    ] Running state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 14:13:59.098041
[INFO    ] Executing state for [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code]
[INFO    ] Executing command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' in directory '/root'
[ERROR   ] Command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' failed with return code: 1
[ERROR   ] retcode: 1
[ERROR   ] {'pid': 6001, 'retcode': 1, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}
[INFO    ] Completed state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 14:14:03.163512 (duration_in_ms=4065.471)
[INFO    ] State result does not match retry until value, state will be re-run in 15 seconds
[INFO    ] Running state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 14:14:18.179290
[INFO    ] Executing state for [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code]
[INFO    ] Executing command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' in directory '/root'
[ERROR   ] Command '/usr/sbin/registercloudguest' failed with return code: 1
[ERROR   ] retcode: 1
[ERROR   ] {'pid': 6242, 'retcode': 1, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}
[INFO    ] Completed state [/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code] at time 14:14:23.080792 (duration_in_ms=4901.502)
[DEBUG   ] File /var/cache/salt/minion/accumulator/140091554872848 does not exist, no need to cleanup
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded state.check_result
[DEBUG   ] Using importlib_metadata to load entry points
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded highstate.output
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded nested.output
          ID: registercloudguest_registration
        Name: /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
# a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 

      Result: False
     Comment: Attempt 1: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "Command "/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              " run"
              Attempt 2: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "Command "/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              " run"
              Command "/usr/sbin/registercloudguest --clean
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              # a second register prevents "permission denied to repo" errors on some older images
              /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new -r $reg_code 
              " run
     Started: 14:13:40.063343
    Duration: 42984.062 ms

Summary for local
Succeeded: 0 (changed=1)
Failed:    1
Total states run:     1
Total run time:  42.984 s
yeoldegrove commented 2 years ago

@lpalovsky I did quite a few deployments yesterday with the official os images: os_image = "suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp3-sap-byos" and os_image = "suse-byos-cloud/sles-15-sp4-sap-byos" And in the regions: region = "europe-west1" and region = "europe-west4" And could again not reproduce the issues.

cloud-regionsrv-client-10.0.4-150000.6.73.1.noarch was always installed in these latest images. Maybe this is something related to the image you are using?