SUSE / hackweek

SUSE Hack Week tools and data
MIT License
63 stars 53 forks source link

No Emoji Support! How dare you.... #585

Open hennevogel opened 4 years ago

hennevogel commented 4 years ago

projects#create threw this 7 times

Mysql2::Error: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\xA5\x87\x0D\x0A...' for column `suse_hackweek`.`projects`.`description` at row 1: INSERT INTO `projects` (`title`, `description`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `originator_id`, `aasm_state`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `url`) VALUES ('All our beloved acronyms in one place... also some Jekyll hackin\'', 'Acronyms are fun. Everyone at SUSE loves them.\r\n_Just sometimes… you might not know what one stands for._\r\n\r\n[Meet SUSE Acronyms!](\r\n\r\n> This year\'s Hack Week is open not only for developers but everyone at SUSE!\r\n\r\n__If this is your first Hack Week and you aren\'t a developer (yet!) this project is a good place to make your first steps with Git.__\r\nJust follow the instructions to [add an acronym]( directly on our GitLab (No setup but VPN required) and you can proudly tell your friends"

See this exception on Errbit

hennevogel commented 4 years ago

See openSUSE/open-build-service#5419 for an inspiration on how to do this...

hennevogel commented 1 year ago

As a workaround we support the :smile: syntax.