SUSE / rmt

RPM repository mirroring tool and registration proxy for SUSE Customer Center.
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Feature tests as GitHub actions #1082

Closed felixsch closed 5 months ago

felixsch commented 5 months ago


Bring feature tests into Github and run them as Github actions, rather then relying on our internal CI pipelines with its complicated setup.

This change will:

Run the pipeline locally

$ cd <RMT>/ci/
$ docker build --no-cache -t rmt-devel -f Dockerfile .
$ docker run --rm -it -e SCC_USERNAME="<username>" -e SCC_PASSWORD="<password>" --network=host -v $(pwd):/usr/src/rmt-server rmt-devel

> ./ci/rmt-build-rpm 
# expect: in /usr/src/rmt-server/tmp/artifacts/ are built rpms

> ./ci/rmt-configure
# expect: installs and configures rmt from the rpm

> ./ci/rmt-run-feature-tests
# expect: runs the feature tests
felixsch commented 5 months ago

I had a discussion about the prelude for the scripts. I decided against it because I favor self-contained scripts over configuration repition. @josegomezr offered to make a follow up PR if he deems it necessary to make the prelude happen.

I added the shell linting and fixed bash scripts in ci/*