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[doc] Issue in "Upgrade to latest version" #75

Closed wombelix closed 10 months ago

wombelix commented 1 year ago

Upgrade to latest version:

It should be mentioned in this Section that the Helm deployment name is rancher-stable if Rancher Setup was used. The linked Rancher guide assumes that it's named rancher, which will lead to a situation that the commands fail and the customer has to dig deeper to figure out the right name.

wombelix commented 11 months ago

OK after getting feedback from @kevinayres it seems like my request caused confusion. I'm referring to the Helm Deployment name not the Helm Repository.

The above mentioned installation guide basically just refers to and this guide uses rancher as Helm Deployment name in all examples.

From the Guide, with rancher as deployment name:

helm get values rancher -n cattle-system -o yaml > values.yaml

helm upgrade rancher rancher-<CHART_REPO>/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
-f values.yaml \

How it must look like, with rancher-stable as Helm deployment name, to work if Rancher Setup was used to make the initial deployment:

helm get values rancher-stable -n cattle-system -o yaml > values.yaml

helm upgrade rancher-stable rancher-<CHART_REPO>/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
-f values.yaml \

I don't think it's much valuable to add it to the Rancher Upgrade Guide, that's why I suggested to mention the different Helm Deployment name in Section 4 of to make people aware about it. Otherwise they will most likely see error messages that the Helm deployment rancher couldn't be found and then have to figure out on their own that the name is actually rancher-stable.

chabowski commented 11 months ago

@kevinayres @tlssuse We have an open issue for this document - would you mind having a look? Thank you!

kevinayres commented 11 months ago

updated in PR:

tlssuse commented 11 months ago

Thank you, @kevinayres. Do you think we should also add a note to the getting started guide about the naming difference?

chabowski commented 11 months ago

@kevinayres @tlssuse please let me know when/if we can close the issue. Thank you!

tlssuse commented 11 months ago

@kevinayres : I know this may need to be updated again after the new marketplace listing is published, but we could add an admonition around line 401. Something like the following might work:



When using the {offering1} marketplace listing, the deployment name is rancher-stable instead of rancher.

Thus, to export the Helm chart values of your current {product1} deployment, you would use: [source, console]

helm get values rancher-stable -n cattle-system -o yaml > values.yaml

And to upgrade to a specific , you would use: [source, console]

helm upgrade rancher-stable rancher-/rancher \ --namespace cattle-system \ -f values.yaml \ --version=

==== `

What do you think?

tlssuse commented 10 months ago

@wombelix : Thank you so much for the suggestion. The documentation has been updated and published: