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TS jupyterlab container update #91

Closed tlssuse closed 10 months ago

tlssuse commented 10 months ago

Hi, @chabowski :

This guide has been updated for SLES 15 SP5. I added the major version (15) to the productname and platform meta tags, but I still don't want to include the specific service packs. There are a few changes scattered throughout the document to provide clarity or additional examples. Also, I tried to address some formatting inconsistencies. For example, I tried to match the style in our normal documentation for PLACEHOLDERS appearing in commands. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

And, thank you!

chabowski commented 10 months ago

Hi @tlssuse could you build the document locally? I am getting validation errors due to missing attributes

asciidoctor: WARNING: skipping reference to missing attribute: product1_docs_baseurl
asciidoctor: WARNING: skipping reference to missing attribute: newpythonbin

Could you do a quick check? Thank you!

tlssuse commented 10 months ago

Hi, @chabowski : Yes, I rendered both PDF and HTML with no warnings. Checking now.

tlssuse commented 10 months ago

Okay, I see what happened. The DC-gs_sles_jupyterlab_container documention is the one I submitted. It renders fine.

Some changes to the DC-gs_sles_jupyter-jupyterlab documentation got captured in the PR (I'm not sure how).

Can we roll back the changes to gs_sles_jupyter-jupyterlab.adoc and gs_sles_jupyter-jupyterlab-docinfo.xml? If not, I can probably fix those changes manually.

chabowski commented 10 months ago

I will try to revert the merge right now :-)

chabowski commented 10 months ago

@tlssuse The merge of the PR has been reverted. You should be able now to check your branch and see what happened. From what I could find: In DC...Jupyterlab_container" you used a variable newpythonbininside the text which is not defined in the document. Probably the same issue with the other variable product1_docs_baseurl - but I could not verify that yet.