SUST-reynole / USSFC-Net

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The weights of the model #2

Open fmstam opened 11 months ago

fmstam commented 11 months ago

Hello, Thank you for sharing your work. Can you please share the weights of the model and the predicted masks for the tested datasets?

XinzheGeng commented 10 months ago

Since I no longer belong to that affiliation, I do not have permission to access the original data. However, I trained on LEVIR-CD according to the code and obtained the weights and masks, which can be used for your reference. weight | masks

Testing... 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2048/2048 [01:11<00:00, 28.77it/s] test Pre:(0.995807,0.901959) test Recall:(0.994743,0.920302) test MeanF1Score:(0.995275,0.911038) test IoU:(0.990594,0.836611) test KC: 0.905410