SVModular / DrumKit

Drum modules for VCVRack
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Well....Could this have anything to do with Drumkit ? #10

Closed Petervos2018 closed 4 years ago

Petervos2018 commented 4 years ago

The only plugin that was updated was yours.... After the update rack crashed and I got an error message :

[1030.519 fatal src/main.cpp:39] Fatal signal 11. Stack trace: 33: ZN4rack10appDestroyEv 0x456435 32: gai_strerrorW 0x734800 31: _C_specific_handler 0x76f372fc 30: _chkstk 0x76f4bee0 29: RtlInitializeResource 0x76f1ff00 28: KiUserExceptionDispatcher 0x76f4b5f0 27: RtlFreeHeap 0x76f0a1c0 26: free 0xfe2b10ac 25: nsvgParseFromFile 0x474e51 24: ZN4rack6Window7loadSvgERKNSt7cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE 0x45b96e 23: ZN12OpenHHWidgetC1EP12OpenHHModule 0x873bcdc 22: ZZN4rack11createModelI12OpenHHModule12OpenHHWidgetEEPNS_6plugin5ModelERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEN6TModel18createModuleWidgetEv 0x874db10 21: ZN4rack3app10RackWidget11onDragHoverERKNS_5event9DragHoverE 0x48cf60 20: ZN4rack3app10RackWidget8fromJsonEP6json_t 0x48d680 19: ZN4rack12PatchManager8fromJsonEP6json_t 0x486e5a 18: ZN4rack12PatchManager4loadENSt7cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE 0x487202 17: ZN4rack12PatchManager10loadDialogEv 0x48739a 16: ZN4rack2ui8MenuItem8doActionEv 0x4a443e 15: ZN4rack5event5State12handleButtonENS_4math3VecEiii 0x4576c8 14: ZN4rack7updater17isUpdateAvailableEv 0x45914e 13: glfwPlatformUnlockMutex 0x4d732e 12: TranslateMessageEx 0x76cd97e0 11: CallWindowProcW 0x76cd3a04 10: CallWindowProcW 0x76cd3a04 9: glDebugEntry 0xf2fea170 8: TranslateMessageEx 0x76cd97e0 7: TranslateMessage 0x76cd95a8 6: glfwPlatformPollEvents 0x4da9a9 5: ZN4rack6Window3runEv 0x4594ea 4: main 0x77c500 3: main 0x77c500 2: main 0x77c500 1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0x76dd5560 0: RtlUserThreadStart 0x76f33840

Any thing related to your modules ?

Greetz peter

JerrySievert commented 4 years ago

huh, the thread that it kicked in was parsing an svg component.

Petervos2018 commented 4 years ago

Hey its all chinese to me ? Downgraded to 1.1.1. Drumkit and tried all sorts of things and could not get it to crash !

Greets Peter.

JerrySievert commented 4 years ago

maybe a corrupted unarchive when it installed?

Petervos2018 commented 4 years ago

I tried again but still 1.1.2 gives me crashes and 1.1.1 does not. Sorry

Latest crash : [96.272 fatal src/main.cpp:39] Fatal signal 11. Stack trace: 21: ZN4rack10appDestroyEv 0x456435 20: gai_strerrorW 0x734800 19: _C_specific_handler 0x76f372fc 18: _chkstk 0x76f4bee0 17: RtlInitializeResource 0x76f1ff00 16: KiUserExceptionDispatcher 0x76f4b5f0 15: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4stepEv 0x4a7bd2 14: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4stepEv 0x4a7bd2 13: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4stepEv 0x4a7bd2 12: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4stepEv 0x4a7bd2 11: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4stepEv 0x4a7bd2 10: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4stepEv 0x4a7bd2 9: ZN4rack2ui12ScrollWidget4stepEv 0x4a3aae 8: ZN4rack3app16RackScrollWidget4stepEv 0x48b9e0 7: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4stepEv 0x4a7bd2 6: ZN4rack3app5Scene4stepEv 0x4922e6 5: ZN4rack6Window3runEv 0x4594ea 4: main 0x77c500 3: main 0x77c500 2: main 0x77c500 1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0x76dd5560 0: RtlUserThreadStart 0x76f33840

Has probably nothing to do with you.

Trouble shooting is hard.

JerrySievert commented 4 years ago

is there a list of modules you have loaded when it crashes?

Petervos2018 commented 4 years ago

It's when I switch between 2 patches that it ( sometimes) crashes, and sometimes it clashes when I close rack , here are the 2 patches I switch between.

Jerry S Drums -

JerrySievert commented 4 years ago

I'm missing a couple of the modules you're using, let me get them added.

switching between those two otherwise is working flawlessly for me. what operating system are you on?

Petervos2018 commented 4 years ago

Windows 7 switching works but try closing after a switch. I hate it when its not a simple do this and it crashes, but a sometimes when I do this that happens and sometimes it does not. :(

JerrySievert commented 4 years ago

added the new modules and still working fine for me - I'll leave this open for now though.

I can't run windows 7, just macOS, windows 10, and linux.

Petervos2018 commented 4 years ago

Too bad it does not work out for me because the sequencer of 1.1.2 is doing exactly what I want, but I suspect its doing something else I don't like too... :(

Thanks for your time, I really appreciate it,


Petervos2018 commented 4 years ago

Closed after version 1.1.3 will open if problem remains/returns.



Petervos2018 commented 4 years ago

Well I'm on W10 now and 1.1.3. still gives me trouble, I'm staying at 1.1.1 for now.

Petervos2018 commented 4 years ago

Keeping you posted, just tried 1.1.4. and it crashed rack almost immediately back to 1.1.1.

firolightfog commented 2 years ago

Just for the record. As I mentioned in a private message as well as in a forum topic I also face crashing of the DrumSeq with VCV Rack v1.1.6 under Win10. Almost(?) any of my patches can be crashed after multiple closing/opening/closing/opening/closing/opening/... of the VCV Rack application. The crashing happens right at one of the VCV Rack opening.

JerrySievert commented 2 years ago

I've sent a new version out to vcv for 2.0, just waiting on them.

not sure it will solve your problem (which I still can't reproduce), but worth a try.