SVinnik99 / sv-capstone-restaurant-reservation

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User Story 4 #4

Open SVinnik99 opened 10 months ago

SVinnik99 commented 10 months ago

US-04 Seat reservation

As a restaurant manager,
When a customer with an existing reservation arrives at the restaurant
I want to seat (assign) their reservation to a specific table
so that I know which tables are occupied and free.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The /tables/new page will

    • have the following required and not-nullable fields:
      • Table name: <input name="table_name" />, which must be at least 2 characters long.
      • Capacity: <input name="capacity" />, this is the number of people that can be seated at the table, which must be at least 1 person.
    • display a Submit button that, when clicked, saves the new table then displays the /dashboard page
    • display a Cancel button that, when clicked, returns the user to the previous page
  2. The /dashboard page will:

    • display a list of all reservations in one area.
    • each reservation in the list will:
      • Display a "Seat" button on each reservation.
      • The "Seat" button must be a link with an href attribute that equals /reservations/${reservation_id}/seat, so it can be found by the tests.
    • display a list of all tables, sorted by table_name, in another area of the dashboard
      • Each table will display "Free" or "Occupied" depending on whether a reservation is seated at the table.
      • The "Free" or "Occupied" text must have a data-table-id-status=${table.table_id} attribute, so it can be found by the tests.
  3. The /reservations/:reservation_id/seat page will

    • have the following required and not-nullable fields:
      • Table number: <select name="table_id" />. The text of each option must be {table.table_name} - {table.capacity} so the tests can find the options.
    • do not seat a reservation with more people than the capacity of the table
    • display a Submit button that, when clicked, assigns the table to the reservation then displays the /dashboard page
    • PUT to /tables/:table_id/seat/ in order to save the table assignment. The body of the request must be { data: { reservation_id: x } } where X is the reservation_id of the reservation being seated. The tests do not check the body returned by this request.
    • display a Cancel button that, when clicked, returns the user to the previous page
  4. The tables table must be seeded with the following data:

    • Bar #1 & Bar #2, each with a capacity of 1.
    • #1 & #2, each with a capacity of 6.
  5. The /tables API will have the same validations as above and will return 400, along with an informative error message, when a validation error happens.

Hint Work through the acceptance criteria in the order listed, step-by-step. A different order may be more challenging.

Hint Seed the tables table in a similar way as it's done with the reservations table.

Hint Add a reservation_id column in the tables table. Use the .references() and inTable() knex functions to add the foreign key reference.