Kiwi monitor is an open source CO2/Humidity/Temperature sensor intended for monitoring the quality of the air in a room. Kiwi was created to support teachers with a notification to ventilate their classroom.
[x] bug fix: Rotate the OLED display connector 180degree
[x] Modify the connector for the new MH-Z19-C with cable connector
[x] Review placement of the BME280. The reported temperature is too high
[x] Connector for the LED should move to a different location. Probably better use a 90degree connector for easier plug-in with short wires.
[x] Check if we can move the pin controlling the LED to another Arduino pin. Currently it is assigned to D4, which is the same as the blue LED on the ESP8266 board. because of this we can not switch off the ESP8266 LED. Switch to either D3, D5 or D6
[x] make the pads bigger for all components, comparable to the esp8266 pads
[x] put the kiwi bird logo on the pcb (get the svg from font awesome by clciking the download button)
[x] add small labels on the pcb to help with allignment of the components (just like for the led). so maybe just write the pin for the GND connection on all of them?
[x] annotate/decorate the debug pins so that a user knows to ignore them
[x] flip the rcwl board, so that the other side is faceing front