SWAT4HCLS / Biohackathon-SWAT4HCLS-2024

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[Proposal]: Beyond the VoID: describing knowledge graphs for fun and visualization #11

Open dssib opened 4 months ago

dssib commented 4 months ago

Short title

Beyond the VoID

Project Description

Upset about slow federated queries? Frustrated about the lack of visualization tools that give you insights into what a knowledge graph actually contains? Come hack with us for improvements to the current community practice!

We use and provide extended VoID descriptions in our SPARQL endpoints, and would like it if you would too!

We have a tool called VoID generator that generates detailed descriptions for RDF datasets loaded into named graphs. It works for large knowledge graphs too - UniProt included!

We use these descriptions for many purposes - to generate knowledge graph schema diagrams, to improve autocomplete for SPARQL queries, as well as linking documentation to example queries. We’re open to new ideas on how to adapt them for new purposes!

Do you have a dataset and would like to generate a shape file, for further documentation and / or validation? Or in general have an interest in having better (visual) documentation of a SPARQL endpoint? Join us at the Biohackathon!

Expertise Needed

None, but please bring some data ;) along with an open mind, willingness to try out some code and enthusiasm to bring a contribution towards going beyond the VoID in knowledge graph documentation!

JervenBolleman commented 4 months ago

For some code that can generate a void file for you given a SPARQL endpoint please try https://github.com/jervenBolleman/void-generator