SWAT4HCLS / Biohackathon-SWAT4HCLS-2024

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[Proposal]: Semantic OMOP #8

Open sgtp opened 5 months ago

sgtp commented 5 months ago

Short title

Exploring a full semantic representation for OMOP

Project Description

OMOP is a widely used standard for Real World Evidence, that is, the description of patients (or people) health histories for population level studies. While OMOP present a rich approach to normalise terminologies for values, it falls short of a full semantic representation, as the main model is semantic: classes and properties don't have a formal representation, neither their are defined and related to the broader context of healthcare and life sciences ontologies. Objective of this project is to explore a full semantic representation of OMOP, and perhaps try a few queries that cross between OMOP data and "-omics" resources.

Expertise Needed

Knowledge of OMOP, knowledge of semantic technologies, basic scripting (or proficiency with a specialised RDF-ization tool), some knowledge of SPARQL.