SWAT4HCLS / Biohackathon-SWAT4HCLS-2024

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[Proposal]: Create a pallette of symbols to use to draw data shapes to draw linked-data schema's depicted by a boxology #9

Open andrawaag opened 5 months ago

andrawaag commented 5 months ago

Short title

Exploring ways to visualize data shapes (ShEx) in a boxology

Project Description

Shape Expressions (ShEx) provides a formal (machine actionable) language to describe linked-data schemas. Ways to draw those data shapes do exist, but are primarily done in loosely structured manner. It is still needed to manually craft those boxologies into ShEx. In this hackathon topic we would like to identify a notation standard using graphical depictions of existing data shape templates. We can take inspiration from either UML or ER diagrams.

Ideally the resulting graphical diagrams depicting the linked-data shapes can be automatically stored as shape expressions, preferably directly, otherwise to bidirectional conversion tool

The ultimate goal is to have the means to draw shape expressions, while initially not having to go through the steep learning curve that comes with ShEx.

Expertise Needed

People knowledgable on underlying graphical notation formats (UML, ER, dot, graphviz, cytoscape, etc).