SWBFSpy / ZeroFront

Updates to ZeroEngine and Star Wars Battlefront game files
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ZeroFront v0.98 Preview - 230 Stock Maps Added #11

Closed SWBFSpy closed 1 month ago

SWBFSpy commented 11 months ago

Over 230 stock maps added to shell for this massive ZeroFront patch! 210 of which are fully playable (20 placeholders). Updated several maps like ChainIsle. Updated mission briefings, steam support, etc. maplist01 maplist02 maplist03 maplist04 maplist05 maplist06 maplist07 maplist08 maplist09 maplist10 maplist11 maplist12 maplist13 TwilightNaboo tiebomber steamhd2 bg1 bg2 bg3 bg4 bg5 bg6 ChainIsle_v3 shuffle Level80C meta-chart-2309 Top12Planets meta-chart-zero

SWBFSpy commented 11 months ago

Update for 244 maps (222 playable, 22 placeholders)

89 Planets: Abridon, Alderaan, Alzoc III, Amador, Arvala-7, Azterri, Bakura, Bespin, Bestine IV, Boz Pity, Carlac, Cato Neimoidia, Chandrila, Corellia, Coronet, Coruscant, Dagobah, Dantooine, Dathomir, Death Star, Despayre Station, Desolation Station, Duulan, Dxun Moon, Earth, Endor, Felucia, Galdiraan, Geonosis, Haruun Kal, Honoghr, Hoth, Io, Jaabim, Kamino, Karccev, Kashyyyk, Kejim, Kessel, Kohlma, Korriban, Kothilis, Lehon, Lektu, Lothal, Malachor, Malastare, Mars, Methlyn, Mon Calamari, Mudrec, Mustafar, Mygeeto, Myrkr, Naboo, Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Nebulon, Nibiru, Ord Mantell, Orto Plutonia, Ossus, Phobos, Polis Massa, Quarzite, Ranen, Raxus Prime, Rhen Var, Ruusan, Ryloth, Saleucami, Scarif, Space, Sullust, Sulon, Talay, Tantive IV, Tatooine, Thule Moon, Thyferra, Tranquan, Trigon, Tynna, Umbara, Utapau, Vjun, Xylia, Yavin IV, Ziost


SWBFSpy commented 10 months ago

missionlist.lua for October 2023

---- Total maps in shell: 244, Playable maps: 222, Placeholder maps: 22
---- 89 Planets: Abridon, Alderaan, Alzoc III, Amador, Arvala-7, Azterri, Bakura, Bespin, Bestine IV, 
---- Boz Pity, Carlac, Cato Neimoidia, Chandrila, Corellia, Coronet, Coruscant, Dagobah, Dantooine, 
---- Dathomir, Death Star, Despayre Station, Desolation Station, Duulan, Dxun Moon, Earth, Endor, 
---- Felucia, Galdiraan, Geonosis, Haruun Kal, Honoghr, Hoth, Io, Jaabim, Kamino, Karccev, Kashyyyk, 
---- Kejim, Kessel, Kohlma, Korriban, Kothilis, Lehon, Lektu, Lothal, Malachor, Malastare, Mars, Methlyn, 
---- Mon Calamari, Mudrec, Mustafar, Mygeeto, Myrkr, Naboo, Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Nebulon, Nibiru, 
---- Ord Mantell, Orto Plutonia, Ossus, Phobos, Polis Massa, Quarzite, Ranen, Raxus Prime, Rhen Var, 
---- Ruusan, Ryloth, Saleucami, Scarif, Space, Sullust, Sulon, Talay, Tantive IV, Tatooine, Thule Moon, 
---- Thyferra, Tranquan, Trigon, Tynna, Umbara, Utapau, Vjun, Xylia, Yavin IV, Ziost

sp_missionselect_listbox_contents = {
    { mapluafile = "ABR1", showstr = "ABRIDON: CITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "ALD1", showstr = "ALDERAAN: COUNTERATTACK", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "ALD2", showstr = "ALDERAAN: LAKESIDE", },
    { mapluafile = "ALD3", showstr = "ALDERAAN: ANCIENT BRIDGE", },
    { mapluafile = "ALZ1", showstr = "ALZOC III: BLIZZARD", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "AMA1", showstr = "AMADOR: DEEP FOREST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "ARV1", showstr = "ARVALA-7: COMPOUND", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "AZT1", showstr = "AZTERRI: SURFACE", },
    { mapluafile = "BAK1", showstr = "BAKURA: SALIS D'AAR", },
    { mapluafile = "BES1", showstr = "planets.bespin.mapname1", side_r = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BES2", showstr = "planets.bespin.mapname2", side_r = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BES3", showstr = "BESPIN: CLOUD CITY PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BES4", showstr = "BESPIN: ESCAPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BES5", showstr = "BESPIN: SETTLEMENT", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BES6", showstr = "BESPIN: RESEARCH FACILITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BES7", showstr = "BESPIN: SECURITY COMPOUND", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BES8", showstr = "BESPIN: TIBANNOPOLIS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BES9", showstr = "BESPIN: [FC] TRAINING FACILITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BET1", showstr = "BESPIN: =BW= HEADQUARTERS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BEZ1", showstr = "BESTINE IV: JUNGLES", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BEZ2", showstr = "BESTINE IV: CITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "BOZ1", showstr = "BOZ PITY: GRAVEYARD VALLEY", },
    { mapluafile = "CAR1", showstr = "CARLAC: THE LOST FRONTIER", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "CAT1", showstr = "CATO NEIMOIDIA: HANGING CITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "CAT2", showstr = "CATO NEIMOIDIA: INVASION", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "CHA1", showstr = "CHANDRILA: CHANDRILTECH", },
    { mapluafile = "COE1", showstr = "CORELLIA: CORONET CITY", },
    { mapluafile = "COO1", showstr = "CORONET: LUXURY SPACELINER", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "COR1", showstr = "CORUSCANT: JEDI TEMPLE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "COR2", showstr = "CORUSCANT: CITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},    
    { mapluafile = "COR3", showstr = "CORUSCANT: STREETS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1}, 
    { mapluafile = "COR4", showstr = "CORUSCANT: TRAINING HALL", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DAG1", showstr = "DABOGAH: SWAMP", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DAN1", showstr = "DANTOOINE: KHOONDA PLAINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DAN2", showstr = "DANTOOINE: DUST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DAN3", showstr = "DANTOOINE: JEDI ENCLAVE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DAN4", showstr = "DANTOOINE: ISLAND", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DAT1", showstr = "DATHOMIR: FORTRESS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DEA1", showstr = "DEATH STAR: INTERIOR", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DEA2", showstr = "DEATH STAR: CARGO HOLD", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DEA3", showstr = "DEATH STAR: TRENCH RUN", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DEA4", showstr = "DEATH STAR: SURFACE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DEA5", showstr = "DEATH STAR: SURFACE PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DEA6", showstr = "DEATH STAR: THRONE ROOM", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DES1", showstr = "DESOLATION STATION", },
    { mapluafile = "DES2", showstr = "DESPAYRE STATION", },
    { mapluafile = "DUU1", showstr = "DUULAN: CANYON VILLAGE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DUU2", showstr = "DUULAN: MINE PIT", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DXU1", showstr = "DXUN MOON: MANDALORIAN CAMP", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DXU2", showstr = "DXUN MOON: VALLEY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "DXU3", showstr = "DXUN MOON: UNFINISHED WORK", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAR1", showstr = "EARTH: EGYPT", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAR2", showstr = "EARTH: RUSSIA", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAR3", showstr = "EARTH: KASTEL", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAR4", showstr = "EARTH: JAI NOLLAN", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAR5", showstr = "EARTH: HELM'S DEEP", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAR6", showstr = "EARTH: MONT EDUR", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAR7", showstr = "EARTH: ITALIA", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAR8", showstr = "EARTH: NEW CITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAR9", showstr = "EARTH: BASE 42", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAT1", showstr = "EARTH: QCITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAT2", showstr = "EARTH: SPEEDERBIKE ARENA", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAT3", showstr = "EARTH: SERPENTOWN", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAT4", showstr = "EARTH: SANTA'S HOME", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAT5", showstr = "EARTH: POLAR EXPRESS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "EAT6", showstr = "EARTH: NORTHERN LIGHTS", },
    { mapluafile = "END1", showstr = "planets.endor.mapname1", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "END2", showstr = "ENDOR: BUNKER PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "END3", showstr = "ENDOR: LONG VALLEY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "END4", showstr = "ENDOR: LAKE SIDE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "END5", showstr = "ENDOR: BRIGHT TREE VILLAGE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "END6", showstr = "ENDOR: CONFRONTATION", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "END7", showstr = "ENDOR: AFTERMATH", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "FEL1", showstr = "FELUCIA: MARSHLAND", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "FEL2", showstr = "FELUCIA: FOREST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "FEL3", showstr = "FELUCIA: FOREST PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GAL1", showstr = "GALIDRAAN: SNOWCAPPED FOREST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GEO1", showstr = "planets.geonosis.mapname1", side_r = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GEO2", showstr = "GEONOSIS: SPIRE PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GEO3", showstr = "GEONOSIS: DUST PLAINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GEO4", showstr = "GEONOSIS: ARENA", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GEO5", showstr = "GEONOSIS: FREIGHT DOCK", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GEO6", showstr = "GEONOSIS: HILLS", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GEO7", showstr = "GEONOSIS: CATACOMBS", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GEO8", showstr = "GEONOSIS: ARRIVAL", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GEO9", showstr = "GEONOSIS: PROTOTYPE", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GES1", showstr = "GEONOSIS: TEST MAP", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GES2", showstr = "GEONOSIS: CHAIN ISLE", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GES3", showstr = "GEONOSIS: EXECUTION", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GES4", showstr = "GEONOSIS: MISSION ONE", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GES5", showstr = "GEONOSIS: SAVANNAH PRIME", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "GES6", showstr = "GEONOSIS: CANYON AMBUSH", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "HAR1", showstr = "HARUUN KAL: JUNGLE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "HON1", showstr = "HONOGHR: CRASH SITE", side_a = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "HOT1", showstr = "planets.hoth.mapname1", side_i = 1, side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "HOT2", showstr = "HOTH: ICE CAVES", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "HOT3", showstr = "HOTH: SNOW PLAINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "HOT4", showstr = "HOTH: SNOW PATROL", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "HOT5", showstr = "HOTH: SNOWBALL VALLEY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "HOT6", showstr = "HOTH: TUNNELS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "IOO1", showstr = "IO: LAVA GIANT", },
    { mapluafile = "JAA1", showstr = "JAABIM: ARC", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAM1", showstr = "planets.kamino.mapname1", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAM2", showstr = "KAMINO: TIPOCA CITY PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAM3", showstr = "KAMINO: CLONING FACILITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAM4", showstr = "KAMINO: ARENA 17", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAM5", showstr = "KAMINO: SERENE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAR1", showstr = "KARCCEV: FOREST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAS1", showstr = "planets.kashyyyk.mapname1", side_c = 1, side_i = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAS2", showstr = "planets.kashyyyk.mapname2", side_c = 1, side_i = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAS3", showstr = "KASHYYYK: BEACHHEAD", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAS4", showstr = "KASHYYYK: MOUNTAINTOP", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAS5", showstr = "KASHYYYK: BRIDGE TO KACHIRHO", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAS6", showstr = "KASHYYYK: WOOKIEELAND", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAS7", showstr = "KASHYYYK: SHORES", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAS8", showstr = "KASHYYYK: VILLAGE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAS9", showstr = "KASHYYYK: LANDING BEACH", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAY1", showstr = "KASHYYYK: KACHIRHO", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAY2", showstr = "KASHYYYK: FOREST ISLAND", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAY3", showstr = "KASHYYYK: PLAINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAY4", showstr = "KASHYYYK: THE BEGINNING", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAY5", showstr = "KASHYYYK: JUNGLE WAR", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KAY6", showstr = "KASHYYYK: SMUGGLER'S TRAIL", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KEJ1", showstr = "KEJIM: SUPPLIES DEPOT", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KES1", showstr = "KESSEL: SPICE MINES", },
    { mapluafile = "KOH1", showstr = "KOHLMA: MOON OF THE DEAD", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KOR1", showstr = "KORRIBAN: VALLEY OF THE SITH", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KOR2", showstr = "KORRIBAN: CITY RUINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KOR3", showstr = "KORRIBAN: DESERT RUINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "KOT1", showstr = "KOTHILIS: SEA HAVEN", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "LEH1", showstr = "LEHON: TEMPLE OF THE ANCIENTS", },
    { mapluafile = "LEK1", showstr = "LEKTU: SEPARATIST OUTPOST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "LOT1", showstr = "LOTHAL: COMMUNICATIONS TOWER", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MAA1", showstr = "MALACHOR: RUINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MAL1", showstr = "MALASTARE: THE SEIZURE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MAL2", showstr = "MALASTARE: COMPOUND", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MAR1", showstr = "MARS: SIEGE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MET1", showstr = "METHLYN: RUINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MON1", showstr = "MON CALAMARI: OCEAN SKIRMISH", },
    { mapluafile = "MUD1", showstr = "MUDREC: ISLAND", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MUS1", showstr = "MUSTAFAR: REFINERY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MUS2", showstr = "MUSTAFAR: LABORATORY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MUS3", showstr = "MUSTAFAR: MENSIX MINING FACILITY", },
    { mapluafile = "MYG1", showstr = "MYGEETO: WAR-TORN CITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MYR1", showstr = "MYRKR: CITY OF TREES", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MYR2", showstr = "MYRKR: JUNGLE RUINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "MYR3", showstr = "MYRKR: SHOW OF FORCE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB1", showstr = "planets.naboo.mapname1", side_c = 1, side_i = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB2", showstr = "planets.naboo.mapname2", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB2c_h", showstr = "NABOO: THEED HISTORICAL", side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB3", showstr = "NABOO: PLAINS PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB4", showstr = "NABOO: THEED PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB5", showstr = "NABOO: ROYAL PALACE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB6", showstr = "NABOO: INNER CITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB7", showstr = "NABOO: OTOH GUNGA", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB8", showstr = "NABOO: FOREST OUTPOST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAB9", showstr = "NABOO: COASTLINE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAO1", showstr = "NABOO: BATTLE OF GRASSY PLAINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAO2", showstr = "NABOO: ENCOUNTER", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAO3", showstr = "NABOO: AIRFIELD", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAO4", showstr = "NABOO: KAADARA COAST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAO5", showstr = "NABOO: SWAMP", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAQ1", showstr = "NAL HUTTA: WASTES", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAR1", showstr = "NAR SHADDAA: ROOFTOP", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAR2", showstr = "NAR SHADDAA: VERTICAL CITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NAR3", showstr = "NAR SHADDAA: CITY SCAPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NEB1", showstr = "NEBULON: CRUISER", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "NIB1", showstr = "NIBIRU: JUNGLES", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "ORD1", showstr = "ORD MANTELL: NO GREATER GLORY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "ORD2", showstr = "ORD MANTELL: RENEGADE SQUADRON", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "ORD3", showstr = "ORD MANTELL: FORGOTTEN GROVES", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "ORD4", showstr = "ORD MANTELL: SCRAP HEAP", },
    { mapluafile = "ORD5", showstr = "ORD MANTELL: OLD CITY", },
    { mapluafile = "ORT1", showstr = "ORTO PLUTONIA: BASE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "OSS1", showstr = "OSSUS: SUBTERRANEAN RUINS", },
    { mapluafile = "PHO1", showstr = "PHOBOS: MONOLITH", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "PHO2", showstr = "PHOBOS: MONOLITH PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "POL1", showstr = "POLIS MASSA: MEDICAL FACILITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "QUA1", showstr = "QUARZITE: SUBTRAM", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RAN1", showstr = "RANEN: PLATFORMS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RAN2", showstr = "RANEN: LAVA FIELDS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RAX1", showstr = "RAXUS PRIME: CANYON", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RAX2", showstr = "RAXUS PRIME: JUNKYARD", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHN1", showstr = "planets.rhenvar.mapname1", side_r = 1, side_i = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHN2", showstr = "planets.rhenvar.mapname2", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHN3", showstr = "RHEN VAR: BRIDGE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHN4", showstr = "RHEN VAR: MONASTERY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHN5", showstr = "RHEN VAR: OUTPOST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHN6", showstr = "RHEN VAR: ICE GATE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHN7", showstr = "RHEN VAR: FROZEN CORRIDOR", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHN8", showstr = "RHEN VAR: BATTLEFIELD", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHN9", showstr = "RHEN VAR: CASTLE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RHO1", showstr = "RHEN VAR: CROSSFIRE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RUU1", showstr = "RUUSAN: CANYON OASIS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "RYL1", showstr = "RYLOTH: OASIS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SAL1", showstr = "SALEUCAMI: CALDERA CITY", },
    { mapluafile = "SCA1", showstr = "SCARIF: BEACH", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SPA1", showstr = "SPACE: HOTH ESCAPE", side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SPA2", showstr = "SPACE: ENDOR PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SPA3", showstr = "SPACE: ENDOR TRAP", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SPA4", showstr = "SPACE: CORUSCANT RESCUE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SPA5", showstr = "SPACE: CORUSCANT BATTLE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SPA6", showstr = "SPACE: VENATOR INTERIOR", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SPA7", showstr = "SPACE: NABOO BLOCKADE", side_c = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SUL1", showstr = "SULLUST: CAVERN BASE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "SUO1", showstr = "SULON: DUEL ARENA", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAL1", showstr = "TALAY: TAK BASE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAN1", showstr = "TANTIVE IV: INTERIOR", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAN2", showstr = "TANTIVE IV: BEHIND ENEMY LINES", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAT1", showstr = "planets.tatooine.mapname1", side_r = 1, side_i = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAT2", showstr = "planets.tatooine.mapname2", side_r = 1, side_i = 1},  
    { mapluafile = "TAT3", showstr = "TATOOINE: JABBA'S PALACE", side_r = 1, side_i = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAT4", showstr = "TATOOINE: DUNE SEA PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAT5", showstr = "TATOOINE: MOS EISLEY PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAT6", showstr = "TATOOINE: SPACEPORT", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAT7", showstr = "TATOOINE: JUNDLAND WASTES", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAT8", showstr = "TATOOINE: GROUND ASSAULT", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAT9", showstr = "TATOOINE: FUEL STATION", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TAU1", showstr = "TATOOINE: SURROUNDED", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "THU1", showstr = "THULE MOON: REMNANTS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "THU2", showstr = "THULE MOON: IMPERIAL FACILITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1}, ---- Planet Z Sector X
    { mapluafile = "THU3", showstr = "THULE MOON: SCRAPYARD", side_c = 1, side_a = 1}, ---- Bounty Hunters: Rebel Outpost
    { mapluafile = "THU4", showstr = "THULE MOON: ICE BASE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1}, ---- Tampazia
    { mapluafile = "THY1", showstr = "THYFERRA: XOZHIXI CITY", },
    { mapluafile = "TRA1", showstr = "TRANQUAN: TECH CENTER", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TRI1", showstr = "TRIGON: RECON MISSION", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "TYN1", showstr = "TYNNA: IMPERIAL BASE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "UMB1", showstr = "UMBARA: SHADOW FOREST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "UTA1", showstr = "UTAPAU: SINKHOLE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "UTA2", showstr = "UTAPAU: MISSION TWO", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "VJU1", showstr = "VJUN: BAST CASTLE", },
    { mapluafile = "VJU2", showstr = "VJUN: LABORATORY", },
    { mapluafile = "XYL1", showstr = "XYLIA: PREHISTORIC FOREST", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAV1", showstr = "planets.yavin.mapname1", side_c = 1, side_i = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAV2", showstr = "planets.yavin.mapname2", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAV3", showstr = "YAVIN 4: TEMPLE PROTOTYPE", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAV4", showstr = "YAVIN 4: RANCOR'S LAIR", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAV5", showstr = "YAVIN 4: ABANDONED CITY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAV6", showstr = "YAVIN 4: GAMORREAN CAMP", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAV7", showstr = "YAVIN 4: SEARCH AND DESTROY", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAV8", showstr = "YAVIN 4: MILITARY CAMP", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAV9", showstr = "YAVIN 4: BLOOD JOB", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
    { mapluafile = "YAW1", showstr = "YAVIN 4: JUNGLE RUINS", side_c = 1, side_a = 1}, ---- Aupitur
    { mapluafile = "ZIO1", showstr = "ZIOST: ORDER 66", side_c = 1, side_a = 1},
SWBFSpy commented 10 months ago


SWBFSpy commented 10 months ago

We are close to having 300 maps in the game now. Several more are currently being ported from BF2. By next year there could be 500+ playable maps for SWBF (2004). This is by far the largest expansion mod ever made for the game

---- Total maps in shell: 291, Playable maps: 264, Placeholder maps: 27 ---- 95 Planets: Abridon, Alderaan, Alzoc III, Amador, Arvala-7, Asteroid, Azterri, Bakura, Batuu, Bespin, Bestine IV, Boz Pity, Carlac, Cato Neimoidia, Chandrila, Concord Dawn, Corellia, Coronet, Coruscant, Dagobah, Dantooine, Dathomir, Death Star, Desolation Station, Despayre Station, Duulan, Dxun Moon, Earth, Endor, Europa, Felucia, Galidraan, Geonosis, Haruun Kal, Honoghr, Hoth, Io, Jaabim, Kamino, Karccev, Kashyyyk, Kejim, Kessel, Kohlma, Korriban, Kothilis, Lehon, Lektu, Lothal, Luna, Malachor, Malastare, Mars, Methlyn, Mon Calamari, Mudrec, Mustafar, Mygeeto, Myrkr, Naboo, Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Nebulon, Nibiru, Ord Mantell, Orto Plutonia, Ossus, Phobos, Polis Massa, Quarzite, Ranen, Raxus Prime, Rhen Var, Ruusan, Ryloth, Saleucami, Scarif, Space, Sullust, Sulon, Talay, Taspir III, Tantive IV, Tatooine, Thule Moon, Thyferra, Tranquan, Trigon, Tynna, Umbara, Utapau, Vjun, Xylia, Yavin IV, Ziost ---- Most Missions per Planet: Earth x26, Geonosis x21, Tatooine x18, Kashyyyk x16, Naboo x15, Yavin IV x13, Bespin x11, Rhen Var x10, Space x9, Hoth x8, Endor x7, Death Star x6, Coruscant Kamino Ord Mantell x5, Dantooine Mustafar Thule Moon x4

SWBFSpy commented 9 months ago


SWBFSpy commented 9 months ago

---- ZeroFront missionlist updated 231220 ---- Total maps in shell: 320 ---- Playable maps: 280 ---- Semi-Playable* maps (bugged collision): 10 ---- Placeholder maps: 30 ---- 103 Planets: Abridon, Adairea, Alderaan, Alzoc III, Amador, Arvala-7, Asteroid, Azterri, Bakura, Batuu, Bespin, Bestine IV, Boz Pity, Carlac, Cato Neimoidia, Chandrila, Concord Dawn, Corellia, Coronet, Coruscant, Dagobah, Dantooine, Dathomir, Death Star, Dobido, D'Qar, Duulan, Dxun Moon, Earth, Endor, Europa, Felucia, Galidraan, Geonosis, Haruun Kal, Honoghr, Hoth, Io, Jaabim, Jaroona, Kamino, Karccev, Kashyyyk, Kejim, Kessel, Kohlma, Korriban, Kothilis, Lehon, Lektu, Lothal, Luna, Malachor, Malastare, Mars, Methlyn, Mon Calamari, Mortal Realm, Mudrec, Mustafar, Mygeeto, Myrkr, Naboo, Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Nebulon, Nibiru, Ord Mantell, Orto Plutonia, Ossus, Phobos, Polis Massa, Ptegeia, Quarzite, Ranen, Raxus Prime, Rhen Var, Ruusan, Ryloth, Saleucami, Scarif, Space, Sullust, Sulon, Svolten, Talay, Taspir III, Tantive IV, Tatooine, Thule Moon, Thyferra, Titan, Tranquan, Trigon, Triton, Tynna, Umbara, Utapau, Venus, Vjun, Xylia, Yavin IV, Ziost ---- Most Missions per Planet: Earth x33, Geonosis x21, Tatooine x18, Kashyyyk x16, Naboo x16, Space x14, Yavin IV x13, Bespin x12, Rhen Var x10, Hoth x8, Endor x7, Death Star x6, Coruscant x6 ---- Sol System Maps: Venus, Earth, Luna, Mars, Phobos, Io, Europa, Titan, Triton

SWBFSpy commented 1 month ago
