SWBFSpy / ZeroFront

Updates to ZeroEngine and Star Wars Battlefront game files
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ZeroFront v0.98 Release Info #23

Open SWBFSpy opened 8 months ago

SWBFSpy commented 8 months ago


TWDZF Version 0.98 - Build 231231 ZeroFront v0.98 released today on December 31st 2023!

Official Download https://swbfmodders.com/index.php?topic=2000 https://fcbf.tk/TWD/beta_mods/TWDZF_v0.98.zip https://fcbf.tk/TWD/beta_mods/sound+movies/shell.mvs https://fcbf.tk/TWD/beta_mods/sound+movies/Sound.7z

Installer Compressed @ 2GB Extra Files = 1.4 GB (shell.MVS + common.BNK + 10 planet sound LVLs) Total Size for Extracted game files, sound and movies = 18GB, 1300 Files

328 maps featured for GCW and CW instant action! 11 seasons and over 100 maps featured for Walking Dead Campaign! Other modes such as AWC, DiabloFront and Prototype Campaign mods also featured! The only ciphers used are AES+Twofish+Serpent. ZeroFront v0.98 Gold Edition requires passwords.

After extracting, be sure to copy the LVL files from Sound.7z to C:\ZeroFront\GameData\Data_LVL_PC\Sound Then copy the shell MVS to C:\ZeroFront\GameData\Data_LVL_PC\Movies

The readme is incomplete and split into parts in the zerocreds folder. Part of the readme draft is included here. ZeroFront and the full readme/credits will be updated in 2024 for the upcoming v0.99 build on 240921!

---- ZeroFront missionlist updated 231227 ---- Total maps in shell: 328 ---- Playable maps: 289 ---- Semi-Playable* maps (bugged collision): 13 ---- Placeholder maps: 26 ---- 106 Planets: Abridon, Adairea, Alderaan, Alzoc III, Amador, Arvala-7, Asteroid, Azterri, Bakura, Batuu, Bespin, Bestine IV, Boz Pity, Carlac, Cato Neimoidia, Chandrila, Concord Dawn, Corellia, Coronet, Coruscant, Dagobah, Dantooine, Dathomir, Death Star, Dobido, D'Qar, Duulan, Dxun Moon, Earth, Endor, Europa, Felucia, Galidraan, Geonosis, Haruun Kal, Honoghr, Hoth, Io, Jaabim, Jakku, Jaroona, Kamino, Karccev, Kashyyyk, Kejim, Kessel, Kohlma, Korriban, Kothilis, Lehon, Lektu, Lothal, Luna, Malachor, Malastare, Mars, Methlyn, Mon Calamari, Mortal Realm, Mudrec, Mustafar, Mygeeto, Myrkr, Naboo, Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Nebulon, Nibiru, Ord Mantell, Orto Plutonia, Ossus, Phobos, Polis Massa, Ptegeia, Quarzite, Ranen, Raxus Prime, Rhen Var, Ruuria, Ruusan, Ryloth, Saleucami, Scarif, Space, Sullust, Sulon, Svolten, Talay, Taspir III, Tantive IV, Tatooine, Teth, Thule Moon, Thyferra, Titan, Tranquan, Trigon, Triton, Tynna, Umbara, Utapau, Venus, Vjun, Xylia, Yavin IV, Ziost ---- Most Missions per Planet: Earth x33, Geonosis x21, Tatooine x18, Kashyyyk x16, Naboo x16, Space x14, Yavin IV x13, Bespin x12, Rhen Var x11, Hoth x8, Coruscant x8, Endor x7, Death Star x7 ---- Sol System Maps: Venus, Earth, Luna, Mars, Phobos, Io, Europa, Titan, Triton

Battlefront 2023-12-03 01-03-05-670 Battlefront 2023-12-20 12-07-48-068 Battlefront 2023-12-20 14-02-08-229 Battlefront 2023-12-20 14-15-47-427 Battlefront 2023-12-20 15-45-06-784 Battlefront 2023-12-20 16-09-55-966 Battlefront 2023-12-21 05-16-44-473 Battlefront 2023-12-21 13-09-54-030 Battlefront 2023-12-21 15-58-26-616 Battlefront 2023-12-21 16-32-42-044 Zelephant caldera IG88a manh11 manh12 necropolis sewer11 SunriseOverJakku Z0 98_01 Z0 98_02 Z0 98_03 Z0 98_04 Z0 98_05 Z0 98_06 Z0 98_07 Z0 98_08 Z0 98_09 Z0 98_10 Z0 98_11 Z0 98_12 Z0 98_13 Z0 98_14 Z0 98_15 Z0 98_16 Z0 98_17

SWBFSpy commented 8 months ago

Note from SWBFspy Administration 231231 It's been a long journey for the Walking Dead: ZeroFront mod, as well as our mod team and fans. The legendary v0.98 has finally dropped as of 231231. We went from less than 100 stock maps to over 300 during the last few months of 2023, with several having been ported from SWBFII. Thousands of hours, and the efforts of over 100 modders (including even some of the game's developers) have went into this mod's creation. ZeroFront is by far the greatest mod EVER made for SWBF (2004). Only a small banned cult of seething envious loser trolls have attempted to insult/plagiarize/censor the TWDZF team, but they failed miserably.

In addition to all of the epic new stock maps, The Walking Dead Campaign has been extended and is now on the 12th season (World War Z) of development, with prototypes released already for Dead City maps and more. Battles take place across 4 continents in S12 alone! The world of the walking dead is really expanding since the end of the comic and flagship TV series. New locations, characters, cutscenes, sound effects, weapons, vehicles, enemies and zombie variants are being added! Ideas are being mapped out for S13 and possibly beyond. For more really cool insight see this thread Seasons 12-13 Campaign Structure https://swbfmodders.com/index.php?topic=2092

Phobos has also updated the SWBFSpy master server, and BF1-PC game servers with the new ZeroFront v0.98 mods, along with the gametracker/github/vimeo community pages. We also consolidated all of the BF1-PC, BF2-PC, BF1-PS2, BF2-PS2, and NMRiH-PC servers, so that we now have only 5 game servers running (instead of 7-10), for 3 games, across 2 platforms.

Going into 2024 will be one of the biggest years ever for the SWBF community, as well as the TWDZF modding team. This is because on September 21st the game will be exactly 20 years old, so that is the day we have chosen to release TWD ZeroFront v0.99, which is the penultimate build of the mod -- as far as TWD campaign goes -- but there will also be ZeroFront post-v1.0 releases for new mod/hack additions. We plan on having at least 400-500 playable stock maps by then. As of today, the final day of 2023, there are 302 playable stock maps in the mission LUA + shell missionlist.

Celebrate our epic new mod build in the SWBFSpy servers (IP on ports 3658 and 3660. We're hosting a special event today at 5PM EST on SWBFSpy with the new mods! All CW/GCW, Alien Wars, Boot Camp and Tournament related maps are on the first server, with all zombies and diablofront mods on the 2nd. The new mod patch compresses all the way down to 2.5GB yet is 18GB when fully extracted! Thanks and happy new years to the SWBFmodders crew for keeping the community going, the websites and servers running, and creating such epic new content for the game! :cheers:

Battlefront 2023-12-02 19-26-03-037

SWBFSpy commented 8 months ago

Intro: The greatest update of all time to Star Wars Battlefront has arrived! Introducing ZeroFront v0.98, which took 3 years of development to finish since v0.976 was released in Q4 2020. Thanks to the innovative work of the SWBFModders team, we have once again revolutionized the game even more than ever before, by finally adding tremendous features which had been envisioned since the mod first began 16 years ago! It's also been 10 years since we launched "SWBFSpy", the multiplayer platform used to host ZeroFront PC servers.

Installation: Use the installer, which will extract for you either the SWBFSpy version, the Steam version, or both versions. After extracting Steam version, make a copy the _LVL_PC folder to Steam folder. This requires over 15GB additional space. The installer does this automatically. Beware this will overwrite your existing Steam folder, so make up a backup first if needed. If you have previous versions of ZeroFront installed, it is recommended to delete/archive the folder or it will be overwritten. The only thing you may want to port over from a previous version is your Savegame profile (not cross compatible between SWBFSpy and Steam!). Default pathways for installation are as follows: Steam version = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Wars Battlefront (Classic 2004)\ SWBFSpy version = C:\ZeroFront\

2 Playable ZeroFront Versions Featured:

History: See the current mission chart for a timeline of our modding progress. TWD campaign was started in 2015 with the release of ZeroFront v0.5. In 2015-2017 there was a lot of progress with TWD mod, a bit slower in 2018-2019 as we worked more on the development of SWBFSpy features, fixing the master server and adding leaderboards, as well as porting several new assets and tools to ZeroBuilder. Then in 2020-2021 there was significant development with the v0.97 series of the mod, while basically most of 2022 there was very little mod development. 2022 was the slowest year for the SWBF community in terms of player/server/modding activity, but 2023 is is showing to be the best year ever of modding progress!

With the v0.98 series launching in Q4, we are now primed for the series to be expanded upon in 2024, with v0.99 being released in Q3 2024, and v1.0 likely in 2025-2026. By 2030-2034 we will possibly have ready v1.5, the suspected final version of TWDZF. The goal for ZeroFront v1.5 would be to have used neural networks to decompile the original SWBF1+2 source codes and combined all best features from both games along with all kinds of additional custom mods and game engine tweaks (such as online compatible advanced neural network AI game bots) being envisioned by SWBFModders. This is a very ambitious project as AI technology is still nowhere near advanced enough to be useful for decompiling closed-source game engines, but we expect to see even more exponential improvements over time.

Major TWD versions include: v0.5 the first build, v0.65 was among the most heavily tested initial MP-compatible builds and implemented an entirely new melee weapon system (based on weapontype cannon), v0.91 the first public build, v0.94 the final public build, v0.95 first private build, v0.976 a series of major innovative breakthroughs over a year of intense modding, and v0.98, the greatest build of all so far that took hundreds of hours spread across 3 years to complete. The v0.97 series (2020-2021) was full of incredible modding breakthroughs while v0.98 takes the entire game engine to a whole new dimension and implements many previously requested features such as unlocked limitations, along with new tools, and over 300 playable maps!

Credits: SWBFSpy Founder/CEO Phobos: Creator of SWBFSpy, ZeroFront and ZeroBuilder Wolf: Co-Creator of SWBFSpy *Wolf and Phobos are members of [FC], the Freelancer Consortium clan, although Wolf is retired since 2015

SWBFSpy Dedicated Game Server Tools 2014-2024 https://swbfmodders.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=223

ZeroFront Builds for 2024 Mission.lvl updates will drop monthly until September 2024 (the 21st, so 265 days after version 0.98). After that, the timing of mod releases is tentative. There is not yet a scheduled date yet for TWDZF v1.0, and v0.991 is predicted to drop in early 2025. :wizard:

Jan - v0.981 Feb - v0.982 Mar - v0.983 Apr - v0.984 May - v0.985 Jun - v0.986 Jul - v0.987 Aug - v0.988 Sep - v0.99

Eras of Walking Dead: ZeroFront 1st Era - Seasons 1-4 2nd Era - Seasons 5-8 3rd Era - Seasons 9-11 + Fear Seasons 4-8 4th Era - Seasons 12-13 (Dead City + Daryl Dixon + The Ones Who Live + TBA)

Quote from: Kit Fisto on March 11, 2013, 08:14:35 PM So what Phobos said is true! There was originally supposed to be Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Dagobah, Death Star, Felucia, Mygeeto, Tantive IV, Utapau and SPACE MAPS in SWBFI!?!!?!?!?! :o That would have been the most epic game of the century.

Quote from: Idren on March 09, 2017, 07:22:59 PM Phobos - just wanted to let you know that I (and probably a LOT more people as well) am so thankful for your tools/tutorials/explanations/contributions/mods/ETC. to the SWBF modding community. Getting into modding the game has been made SO much easier for me because of reading a lot of your posts on the site. Thanks a ton, Idren

Quote from: Blur on March 26, 2017, 04:05:23 pm I know I'll never understand your perspective, since I'm not a modder(in my field if your code is forked, with or without your permission, that just means you did a good job). But I say so be it, if you have an idea this good, nothing should get in the way of it's execution. Not even obstinate modders who find themselves unable to endorse your use of their work.

Reply from: Phobos on December 19, 2023, 12:58:46 am ZeroFront is the most epic game of the century (and no trolls can get in the way of it)! There are over 300 playable maps now in the game as of v0.98

https://fcbf.tk/TWD/beta_mods/current_mission/ Public archives of the latest cutting edge ZeroFront global mission mod for Star Wars Battlefront (2004). New builds updated weekly by SWBFSpy Admin Phobos. Current Developer Version: 0.981 (Jan-Feb 2024) Current # of Mission LUA Scripts: 819 Current Shell.lvl 2023-12-27 10:25 137,010K Current Side.lvl 2023-12-22 4:47 1,861,621K

[ ] mission.lvl 2024-01-04 21:07 4.71M [ ] mission_0.00_STOCK.lvl 2004-12-20 11:34 244K
[ ] mission_0.01.lvl 2009-03-24 15:32 244K
[ ] mission_0.10.lvl 2010-11-13 12:24 243K
[ ] mission_0.20.lvl 2012-11-11 14:11 250K
[ ] mission_0.30.lvl 2013-07-24 17:01 452K
[ ] mission_0.35.lvl 2013-11-04 21:22 547K
[ ] mission_0.40.lvl 2014-12-09 04:01 647K
[ ] mission_0.50.lvl 2015-01-08 10:12 3.27K
[ ] mission_0.55.lvl 2015-05-16 14:18 650K
[ ] mission_0.60.lvl 2015-06-07 12:02 666K
[ ] mission_0.62.lvl 2015-06-24 18:59 685K
[ ] mission_0.65.lvl 2015-07-16 09:25 699K
[ ] mission_0.85.lvl 2016-07-04 22:49 710K
[ ] mission_0.86.lvl 2016-08-02 03:23 715K
[ ] mission_0.88.lvl 2016-09-07 06:30 735K
[ ] mission_0.90.lvl 2016-10-22 23:20 781K
[ ] mission_0.91.lvl 2017-01-03 23:20 789K
[ ] mission_0.92.lvl 2017-03-01 16:17 805K
[ ] mission_0.93.lvl 2017-04-06 02:44 816K
[ ] mission_0.94.lvl 2017-05-03 03:41 893K
[ ] mission_0.95.lvl 2017-07-21 20:32 919K
[ ] mission_0.967.lvl 2018-02-15 14:41 955K
[ ] mission_0.968.lvl 2018-10-02 14:16 1.04M
[ ] mission_0.969.lvl 2019-03-30 18:42 934K
[ ] mission_0.972.lvl 2020-02-22 10:25 952K
[ ] mission_0.975.lvl 2020-11-04 12:51 1.29M
[ ] mission_0.976.lvl 2020-12-16 03:42 1.32M
[ ] mission_0.977.lvl 2021-04-23 19:58 1.34M
[ ] mission_0.978.lvl 2021-06-09 11:46 1.51M
[ ] mission_0.979.lvl 2021-10-31 16:30 1.55M
[ ] mission_0.9793.lvl 2022-03-23 02:16 1.57M
[ ] mission_0.9794.lvl 2023-03-21 22:38 1.57M [ ] mission_0.9796.lvl 2023-06-09 19:09 1.59M
[ ] mission_0.9797.lvl 2023-09-16 18:16 1.73M
[ ] mission_0.98.lvl 2023-12-31 00:30 4.69M

Future Builds: 0.981 0.982 0.983 0.984 0.985 0.986 0.987 0.988 0.99 0.991 0.993 0.995 0.997 0.999 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Dwight Preview DwightyBoy

ZeroFront v0.99 will be the most censored/plagiarized SWBF mod on the internet https://swbfmodders.com/index.php?topic=2150 https://i.imgur.com/RgG6FEY.png

SWBFSpy commented 5 months ago

Updated links https://swbfspy.org/fcbf/TWD/beta_mods/TWDZF_v0.98.zip https://swbfspy.org/fcbf/TWD/beta_mods/sound+movies/shell.mvs https://swbfspy.org/fcbf/TWD/beta_mods/sound+movies/Sound.7z v0.99 credits update log

SWBFSpy commented 5 months ago

Phobos mentions many ideas for Star Wars Battlefront III and future upgrades to ZeroFront, in the "Battlefront Classic Collection on Steam (another scam to avoid)", posted on https://swbfmodders.com/index.php?topic=2157 https://www.gametracker.com/clan/swbfspy/