SWBFSpy / ZeroFront

Updates to ZeroEngine and Star Wars Battlefront game files
7 stars 0 forks source link

Installation Guide, Bug Log & ReadMe for ZeroFront v0.990 #40

Closed SWBFSpy closed 1 day ago

SWBFSpy commented 1 month ago


SWBFSpy commented 3 weeks ago

Master ZeroFront Batch to call upon the 22 individual scripts sequentially, looped

call Zero1.bat
call Zero2.bat
call Zero3.bat
call Zero4.bat
call Zero5.bat
call Zero6.bat
call Zero7.bat
call Zero8.bat
call Zero9.bat
call Zero10.bat
call Zero11.bat
call Zero12.bat
call Zero13.bat
call Zero14.bat
call Zero15.bat
call Zero16.bat
call Zero17.bat
call Zero18.bat
call Zero19.bat
call Zero20.bat
call Zero21.bat
call Zero22.bat
goto loop
SWBFSpy commented 3 weeks ago

Automated SWBFSpy ZeroFront server test has begun at 6:20PM on 8/22/2024 with /playercount 0 enabled for all 22 batch scripts. This will be running in the background while I test the campaigns on a new profile using the new shell and common.

SWBFSpy commented 3 weeks ago

ZF v0.990 Server Scripts for Port 3658

Here is the full list of all 841 mission scripts referenced in the function mp_missionselect_listbox_contents from missionlist.lua from Walking Dead: ZeroFront v0.990, including bugged maps and excluding placeholders:

393 CW Maps

aba1c aba2c abr1c ada1c ald1c ald2c alz1c ama1c aqu1c arv1c ast1c ast2c ast3c ast5c ast7c ato1c bak2c bat1c bat3c bel1c bes1r bes2r bes3c bes4c bes5c bes6c bes7c bes8c bes9c bet1c bet2c bet4c bet5c bet7c bet8c bet9c bez1c bez2c bor1c bys1c car1c cat1c cat2c cat3c cer1c cer2c chl1c coe2c coe3c coe4c coo1c cor1c cor2c cor3c cor4c cor5c cor6c cor9c cos3c cos4c dag1c dag2c dag3c dan1c dan2c dan3c dan4c dan5c dat1c dea1c dea2c dea3c dea4c dea5c dea6c del1c dqa1c dro1c duu1c duu2c dxu1c dxu2c dxu3c ear1c ear2c ear3c ear4c ear5c ear6c ear7c ear8c ear9c eat1c eat2c eat3c eat4c eat5c eau2c eau3c eau4c eau5c eau6c eau7c eav3c eav6c eav7c eav8c eaw1c eaw2c eaw3c eaw4c eaw5c eaw6c eaw7c eaw8c eaw9c eax1c eax2c eli1c eli2c end1c end2c end3c end4c end5c end6c end7c eur1c eur2c far1c fel1c fel2c fel3c gal1c gam1c geo1r geo2c geo3c geo4c geo5c geo6c geo7c geo8c geo9c ges1c ges2c ges3c ges4c ges5c ges6c ges7c ges8c ges9c get1c get2c get3c get4c get5c get6c get7c gro1c hap1c har1c hon1c hot1c hot2c hot3c hot4c hot5c hot6c hot7c hot8c hot9c hou1c ioo1c jaa1c jak1c jar1c kam1c kam2c kam3c kam4c kam5c kam6c kar1c kas1c kas2c kas3c kas4c kas5c kas6c kas7c kas8c kas9c kay1c kay2c kay3c kay4c kay5c kay6c kay7c kay8c kay9c kaz1c kej1c kes1c koh1c kor2c kor3c kot1c kot3c kri1c lek1c lot1c lot2c lot3c lun1c maa1c mal1c mal2c mar1c mar3c met1c mim1c mon1c moq1c moq2c mor2c mud1c mus1c mus2c mus3c myg1c myg2c myg4c myg4c myr1c myr2c myr3c nab1c nab2c nab2c_h nab3c nab4c nab5c nab6c nab7c nab8c nab9c nao1c nao2c nao3c nao4c nao5c nao6c nao7c nao8c nao9c nap1c nap2c naq1c nar1c nar2c nar3c nib1c ord1c ord2c ord3c ord4c ord5c ort1c per1c pho1c pho2c pho3c pte1c pol1c pol2c qua1c ran1c ran2c rax1c rax2c rax4c rax5c rhn1r rhn2c rhn3c rhn4c rhn5c rhn6c rhn7c rhn8c rhn9c rho1c rho2c rho3c rho4c rho6c rur1c ruu1c ryl1c ryl2c sca1c sca2c sea1c spa2c spa3c spa4c spa5c spa6c spa7c spc1c spc2c spc3c spc6c spc7c spc8c sul1c sul2c sul3c suo1c svo1c tal1c tan1c tan2c tas1c tat1r tat2r tat3r tat4c tat5c tat6c tat7c tat8c tat9c tau1c tau2c tau3c tau4c tau5c tau6c tau7c tau8c tau9c tav3c tav4c tav5c tav6c tel1c tel2c thu1c thu2c thu3c thu4c tit1c tra1c tri1c tyn1c umb1c uta1c uta2c uta3c vem1c ven1c vju1c way1c way2c wob1c xyl1c yav1c yav2r yav3c yav4c yav5c yav6c yav7c yav8c yav9c yaw1c yaw2c yaw3c yaw4c yaw5c yaw6c yaw7c yaw8c yax1c yax2c yax3c yax4c yax5c zio1c

394 GCW Maps

aba1a aba2a abr1a ada1a ald1a ald2a alz1a ama1a aqu1a arv1a ast1a ast2a ast3a ast5a ast7a ato1a bak2a bat1a bat2a bat3a bel1a bes0a bes1a bes2a bes3a bes4a bes5a bes6a bes7a bes8a bes9a bet0a bet1a bet2a bet4a bet5a bet7a bet8a bet9a bez1a bez2a bor1a bys1a car1a cat1a cat2a cat3a cer1a cer2a chl1a cod1a coe2a coe3a coe4a coo1a cor1a cor2a cor3a cor4a cor5a cor6a cor9a cos3a cos4a dag1a dag2a dag3a dan1a dan2a dan3a dan4a dan5a dat1a dea1a dea2a dea3a dea4a dea5a dea6a del1a dqa1a dro1a duu1a duu2a dxu1a dxu2a dxu3a ear1a ear2a ear3a ear4a ear5a ear6a ear7a ear8a ear9a eat1a eat2a eat3a eat4a eat5a eau2a eau3a eau4a eau5a eau6a eau7a eav3a eav6a eav7a eav8a eaw1a eaw2a eaw3a eaw4a eaw5a eaw6a eaw7a eaw8a eaw9a eax1a eax2a eli1a eli2a end1a end2a end3a end4a end5a end6a end7a eur1a eur2a far1a fel1a fel2a fel3a gal1a gam1a geo1a geo2a geo3a geo4a geo5a geo6a geo7a geo8a geo9a ges1a ges2a ges3a ges4a ges5a ges6a ges7a ges8a ges9a get1a get2a get3a get4a get5a get6a get7a gro1a hap1a har1a hon1a hot1i hot2a hot3a hot4a hot5a hot6a hot7a hot8a hot9a hou1a ioo1a jaa1a jak1a jar1a kam0a kam1a kam2a kam3a kam4a kam5a kam6a kan0a kar1a kas1i kas2i kas3a kas4a kas5a kas6a kas7a kas8a kas9a kay1a kay2a kay3a kay4a kay5a kay6a kay7a kay8a kay9a kaz1a kej1a kes1a koh1a kor2a kor3a kot1a kri1a lek1a lot1a lot2a lot3a lun1a maa1a mal1a mal2a mar1a mar3a met1a mim1a moq1a moq2a mor2a mud1a mus1a mus2a mus3a myg1a myg2a myg4a myg4a myr1a myr2a myr3a nab1i nab2a nab3a nab4a nab5a nab6a nab7a nab8a nab9a nao1a nao2a nao3a nao4a nao5a nao6a nao8a nao9a nap1a nap2a naq1a nar1a nar2a nar3a nib1a ord1a ord2a ord3a ord4a ord5a ort1a pho1a pho2a pho3a pte1a pol1a pol2a qua1a ran1a ran2a rax1a rax2a rax4a rax5a rhn0a rhn1i rhn2a rhn3a rhn4a rhn5a rhn6a rhn7a rhn8a rhn9a rho1a rho2a rho3a rho6a rur1a ruu1a ryl1a ryl2a sca1a sca2a sea1a spa1a spa2a spa3a spa4a spa5a spa6a spa8a spa9a spc3a spc6a spc7a spc8a sul1a sul2a sul3a suo1a svo1a tal1a tan1a tan2a tas1a tat0i tat1i tat2i tat3i tat4a tat5a tat6a tat7a tat8a tat9a tau1a tau2a tau3a tau4a tau5a tau6a tau7a tau8a tau9a tav3a tav4a tav5a tav6a tel1a tel2a thu1a thu2a thu3a thu4a tit1a tra1a tri1a tyn1a umb1a uta1a uta2a vem1a ven1a vju1a way1a way2a wob1a xyl1a yav1i yav2i yav3a yav4a yav5a yav6a yav7a yav8a yav9a yaw1a yaw2a yaw3a yaw4a yaw5a yaw6a yaw7a yaw8a yax1a yax2a yax3a yax4a yax5a zio1a

6 Must be hosted first maps

ast9a ast9c bet6a bet6c kor1a kor1c

24 Bugged collision maps CW

ast4c ast6c ast8c bak1c bet3c bor2c boz1c cha1c coe1c cor7c cor8c cos1c dob1c kot2c myg5c rax3c rho5c sal1c suo2c tav1c tav2c tet1c vju2c way3c

24 Bugged collision maps GCW

ast4a ast6a ast8a bak1a bet3a bor2a boz1a cha1a coe1a cor7a cor8a cos1a dob1a kot2a myg5a rax3a rho5a sal1a suo2a tav1a tav2a tet1a vju2a way3a

Note: Stock Jabba tat3 addon uses tat3a tat3c, while the zerofront shell version uses tat3i tat3r

8 r maps

bes1r bes2r geo1r rhn1r tat1r tat2r tat3r yav2

11 i maps

hot1i kas1i kas2i nab1i rhn1i tat0i tat1i tat2i tat3i yav1i yav2i

Here is a batch script of just the playable space maps:

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "ZeroFront | Space Maps" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 spa2c spa3c spa4c spa5c spa6c spa7c spc1c spc2c spc3c spc6c spc7c spc8c spa1a spa2a spa3a spa4a spa5a spa6a spa8a spa9a spc3a spc6a spc7a spc8a

Here's the full set of all 22 server batch files being used (each hosted in sequence) for the SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront v0.990 [FC] Star Wars Battlefront (2004) PC server:

Batch update 240822 Now using the 3 maps that crash server on 2nd host in order to make the batch go through all maps sequentially, rotating all 3 of them each cycle.

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9a aba1a aba2a abr1a ada1a ald1a ald2a alz1a ama1a aqu1a arv1a ast1a ast2a ast3a ast5a ast7a ato1a bak2a bat1a bat2a bat3a bel1a bes0a bes1a bes2a bes3a bes4a bes5a bes6a bes7a bes8a bes9a bet0a bet1a bet2a bet4a bet5a bet7a bet8a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6a bet9a bez1a bez2a bor1a bys1a car1a cat1a cat2a cat3a cer1a cer2a chl1a cod1a coe2a coe3a coe4a coo1a cor1a cor2a cor3a cor4a cor5a cor6a cor9a cos3a cos4a dag1a dag2a dag3a dan1a dan2a dan3a dan4a dan5a dat1a dea1a dea2a dea3a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a dea4a dea5a dea6a del1a dqa1a dro1a duu1a duu2a dxu1a dxu2a dxu3a ear1a ear2a ear3a ear4a ear5a ear6a ear7a ear8a ear9a eat1a eat2a eat3a eat4a eat5a eau2a eau3a eau4a eau5a eau6a eau7a eav3a eav6a eav7a eav8a eaw1a eaw2a eaw3a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9a eaw4a eaw5a eaw6a eaw7a eaw8a eaw9a eax1a eax2a eli1a eli2a end1a end2a end3a end4a end5a end6a end7a eur1a eur2a far1a fel1a fel2a fel3a gal1a gam1a geo1a geo2a geo3a geo4a geo5a geo6a geo7a geo8a geo9a ges1a ges2a ges3a ges4a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6a ges5a ges6a ges7a ges8a ges9a get1a get2a get3a get4a get5a get6a get7a gro1a hap1a har1a hon1a hot1i hot2a hot3a hot4a hot5a hot6a hot7a hot8a hot9a hou1a ioo1a jaa1a jak1a jar1a kam0a kam1a kam2a kam3a kam4a kam5a kam6a kan0a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a kar1a kas1i kas2i kas3a kas4a kas5a kas6a kas7a kas8a kas9a kay1a kay2a kay3a kay4a kay5a kay6a kay7a kay8a kay9a kaz1a kej1a kes1a koh1a ven1a kor2a kor3a kot1a kri1a lek1a lot1a lot2a lot3a lun1a maa1a mal1a mal2a mar1a mar3a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9a met1a mim1a moq1a moq2a mor2a mud1a mus1a mus2a mus3a myg1a myg2a myg4a myg4a myr1a myr2a myr3a nab1i nab2a nab3a nab4a nab5a nab6a nab7a nab8a nab9a nao1a nao2a nao3a nao4a nao5a nao6a nao8a nao9a nap1a nap2a naq1a nar1a nar2a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6a nar3a nib1a ord1a ord2a ord3a ord4a ord5a ort1a pho1a pho2a pho3a pte1a pol1a pol2a qua1a ran1a ran2a rax1a rax2a rax4a rax5a rhn0a rhn1i rhn2a rhn3a rhn4a rhn5a rhn6a rhn7a rhn8a rhn9a rho1a rho2a rho3a rho6a rur1a ruu1a ryl1a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a ryl2a sca1a sca2a sea1a spa1a spa2a spa3a spa4a spa5a spa6a spa8a spa9a spc3a spc6a spc7a spc8a sul1a sul2a sul3a suo1a svo1a tal1a tan1a tan2a tas1a tat0i tat1i tat2i tat3i tat4a tat5a tat6a tat7a tat8a tat9a tau1a tau2a tau3a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9a tau4a tau5a tau6a tau7a tau8a tau9a tav3a tav4a tav5a tav6a tel1a tel2a thu1a thu2a thu3a thu4a tit1a tra1a tri1a tyn1a umb1a uta1a uta2a vem1a vju1a way1a way2a wob1a xyl1a yav1i yav2i yav3a yav4a yav5a yav6a yav7a yav8a yav9a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6a yaw1a yaw2a yaw3a yaw4a yaw5a yaw6a yaw7a yaw8a yax1a yax2a yax3a yax4a yax5a zio1a

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9c aba1c aba2c abr1c ada1c ald1c ald2c alz1c ama1c aqu1c arv1c ast1c ast2c ast3c ast5c ast7c ato1c bak2c bat1c bat3c bel1c bes1r bes2r bes3c bes4c bes5c bes6c bes7c bes8c bes9c bet1c bet2c bet4c bet5c bet7c bet8c bet9c bez1c bez2c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6c bor1c bys1c car1c cat1c cat2c cat3c cer1c cer2c chl1c coe2c coe3c coe4c coo1c cor1c cor2c cor3c cor4c cor5c cor6c cor9c cos3c cos4c dag1c dag2c dag3c dan1c dan2c dan3c dan4c dan5c dat1c dea1c dea2c dea3c dea4c dea5c dea6c del1c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c dqa1c dro1c duu1c duu2c dxu1c dxu2c dxu3c ear1c ear2c ear3c ear4c ear5c ear6c ear7c ear8c ear9c eat1c eat2c eat3c eat4c eat5c eau2c eau3c eau4c eau5c eau6c eau7c eav3c eav6c eav7c eav8c eaw1c eaw2c eaw3c eaw4c eaw5c eaw6c eaw7c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9c eaw8c eaw9c eax1c eax2c eli1c eli2c end1c end2c end3c end4c end5c end6c end7c eur1c eur2c far1c fel1c fel2c fel3c gal1c gam1c geo1r geo2c geo3c geo4c geo5c geo6c geo7c geo8c geo9c ges1c ges2c ges3c ges4c ges5c ges6c ges7c ges8c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6c ges9c get1c get2c get3c get4c get5c get6c get7c gro1c hap1c har1c hon1c hot1c hot2c hot3c hot4c hot5c hot6c hot7c hot8c hot9c hou1c ioo1c jaa1c jak1c jar1c kam1c kam2c kam3c kam4c kam5c kam6c kar1c kas1c kas2c kas3c kas4c kas5c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c kas6c kas7c kas8c kas9c kay1c kay2c kay3c kay4c kay5c kay6c kay7c kay8c kay9c kaz1c kej1c kes1c koh1c ven1c kor2c kor3c kot1c kot3c kri1c lek1c lot1c lot2c lot3c lun1c maa1c mal1c mal2c mar1c mar3c met1c mim1c mon1c moq1c moq2c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9c mor2c mud1c mus1c mus2c mus3c myg1c myg2c myg4c myg4c myr1c myr2c myr3c nab1c nab2c nab2c_h nab3c nab4c nab5c nab6c nab7c nab8c nab9c nao1c nao2c nao3c nao4c nao5c nao6c nao7c nao8c nao9c nap1c nap2c naq1c nar1c nar2c nar3c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6c nib1c ord1c ord2c ord3c ord4c ord5c ort1c per1c pho1c pho2c pho3c pte1c pol1c pol2c qua1c ran1c ran2c rax1c rax2c rax4c rax5c rhn1r rhn2c rhn3c rhn4c rhn5c rhn6c rhn7c rhn8c rhn9c rho1c rho2c rho3c rho4c rho6c rur1c ruu1c ryl1c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c ryl2c sca1c sca2c sea1c spa2c spa3c spa4c spa5c spa6c spa7c spc1c spc2c spc3c spc6c spc7c spc8c sul1c sul2c sul3c suo1c svo1c tal1c tan1c tan2c tas1c tat1r tat2r tat3r tat4c tat5c tat6c tat7c tat8c tat9c tau1c tau2c tau3c tau4c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9c tau5c tau6c tau7c tau8c tau9c tav3c tav4c tav5c tav6c tel1c tel2c thu1c thu2c thu3c thu4c tit1c tra1c tri1c tyn1c umb1c uta1c uta2c uta3c vem1c vju1c way1c way2c wob1c xyl1c yav1c yav2r yav3c yav4c yav5c yav6c yav7c yav8c yav9c

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6c yaw1c yaw2c yaw3c yaw4c yaw5c yaw6c yaw7c yaw8c yax1c yax2c yax3c yax4c yax5c zio1c

SWBFSpy commented 3 weeks ago

TODO update main page with readme https://github.com/SWBFSpy/ZeroFront

SWBFSpy commented 3 weeks ago

of the first 22 batch sets, bes9a through bet8a need to be tested still. running the 2nd set now on root + pc. track the live ZeroFront v0.990 server tests on SWBFSpy here: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/swbfspy.org:3658 https://swbfspy.org/Leaderboards/index_black.php

SWBFSpy commented 2 weeks ago

Phobos has invented Infinite Server Map Lists for SWBF using the 22 zerofront batch sets. Follow the above instructions to utilize a special bugged map at the very start of server batch map list, which crashes the server upon the 2nd time being hosted (kor1, ast9 or bet6), but also add this via regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\DontShowUI Dword 1

This invention allows you to create endless batch files (max 494 characters each) which supports up to about 37-40 maps each, and these can be chained in sequence with a master batch using the call and loop functions. The regedit tweak disables windows error box which allows for seamless automatic rehosting of the server maps.

Simple korriban test for checking endless server map list hosted in sequential loops, players must rejoin every ~40 maps.

:loop battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "test zero mod" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 0 /logfinalscore /bots 99 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a 3 3 kor1c goto loop

The SWBFSpy server is now hosting 800+ map (400 for each era) scripts in sequence, with the server automatically rebooting every ~40 maps. Players must rejoin the server after every 40 map cycle. If at any point the server crashes, it automatically skips the remaining maps in the batch cycle and goes to the next set.

Server tests are 2/22 complete, halfway through the 3rd set now, using /playercount 0 so that it keeps running even if clients crash

SWBFSpy commented 2 weeks ago

finalscore.log can be used to track which maps specifically crashed each batch cycle

SWBFSpy commented 2 weeks ago

If you don't add the special bugged map kor1/ast9/bet6 to the map list for each batch, then the server will stay on that batch cycle forever unless you manually exit the server window (not the master batch, always keep that running). If you add it anywhere other than the very beginning of the list, then maps will be skipped.

SWBFSpy commented 2 weeks ago

v0.988 was completed yesterday, I am now working on the v0.990 final build. Everything is now here https://github.com/SWBFSpy/ZeroFrontGold/blob/main/README.md

Updates are dev only now until release day https://github.com/SWBFSpy/ZeroFrontGold

readme.md will be updated by then and most issues closed

todo - remove bugged MP maps from the 22 batch files after testing is finished

SWBFSpy commented 2 weeks ago

Unlocked Rocket Targeting In the stock sides, find within the rocket_launcher_ord sections this hex editor code

06 00 00 00 4D 05 E6 FA 30 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50 06 00 00 00 48 87 C5 75 30 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50 06 00 00 00 1A 7F 00 19 30 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50 06 00 00 00 38 93 1B 28 31 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50 06 00 00 00 F0 9F 40 C4 30 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50

Change it to

06 00 00 00 4D 05 E6 FA 31 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50 06 00 00 00 48 87 C5 75 31 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50 06 00 00 00 1A 7F 00 19 31 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50 06 00 00 00 38 93 1B 28 31 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50 06 00 00 00 F0 9F 40 C4 31 00 00 00 50 52 4F 50

This is the only change made to the stock sides for Silver Edition. Unlocked targeting for vanguards against infantry and other enemy units. It's online compatible so won't crash, and the server setting overrides client.

TargetPerson        = "1"
TargetAnimal        = "1"
TargetDroid     = "1"
TargetVehicle       = "1"
TargetBuilding      = "1"
SWBFSpy commented 1 week ago

Batch update 240831 All batch files except the last two now using kor1 since it takes less time to beat than ast9 or bet6. Removed SP only maps: coe3 get2 kri1 mud1 nab7 tat6 I retested all of the MP maps and rebuilt the batch sets. It turns out that while 494 is the character limit for crashing batch servers instantly, 446 is the limit for crashing when it reaches those maps. So instead of 22 sets, there are now 26 sets. Several mission LUA were patched in the process, and certain maps era locked. v0.990 has now been tested twice in MP and once in each campaign. I am now working on briefings + voiceovers and the final readme updates.

Master Batch List kor1a bet6a ast9a kor1c bet6c ast9c

774 missions: aba1a aba2a abr1a ada1a ald1a ald2a alz1a ama1a aqu1a arv1a ast1a ast2a ast3a ast5a ast7a ato1a bak2a bat1a bat2a bat3a bel1a bes0a bes1a bes2a bes3a bes4a bes5a bes6a bes7a bes8a bes9a bet0a bet1a bet2a bet4a bet5a bet7a bet8a bet9a bez1a bez2a bor1a bys1a car1a cat1a cat2a cat3a cer1a cer2a chl1a cod1a coe2a coe4a coo1a cor1a cor2a cor3a cor4a cor5a cor6a cor9a cos3a cos4a dag1a dag2a dag3a dan1a dan2a dan3a dan4a dan5a dat1a dea1a dea2a dea3a dea4a dea5a dea6a del1a dqa1a dro1a duu1a duu2a dxu1a dxu2a dxu3a ear1a ear2a ear3a ear4a ear5a ear6a ear7a ear8a ear9a eat1a eat2a eat3a eat4a eat5a eau2a eau3a eau4a eau5a eau6a eau7a eav3a eav6a eav7a eav8a eaw1a eaw2a eaw3a eaw4a eaw5a eaw6a eaw7a eaw8a eaw9a eax1a eax2a eli1a eli2a end1a end2a end3a end4a end5a end6a end7a eur1a eur2a far1a fel1a fel2a fel3a gal1a gam1a geo1a geo2a geo3a geo4a geo5a geo6a geo7a geo8a geo9a ges1a ges2a ges3a ges4a ges5a ges6a ges7a ges8a ges9a get1a get3a get4a get5a get6a get7a gro1a hap1a har1a hon1a hot1i hot2a hot3a hot4a hot5a hot6a hot7a hot8a hot9a hou1a ioo1a jaa1a jak1a jar1a kam0a kam1a kam2a kam3a kam4a kam5a kam6a kan0a kar1a kas1i kas2i kas3a kas4a kas5a kas6a kas7a kas8a kas9a kay1a kay2a kay3a kay4a kay5a kay6a kay7a kay8a kay9a kaz1a kej1a kes1a koh1a kor2a kor3a kot1a lek1a lot1a lot2a lot3a lun1a maa1a mal1a mal2a mar1a mar3a met1a mim1a moq1a moq2a mor2a mus1a mus2a mus3a myg1a myg2a myg3a myg4a myr1a myr2a myr3a nab1i nab2a nab3a nab4a nab5a nab6a nab8a nab9a nao1a nao2a nao3a nao4a nao5a nao6a nao8a nao9a nap1a nap2a naq1a nar1a nar2a nar3a nib1a ord1a ord2a ord3a ord4a ord5a ort1a pho1a pho2a pho3a pte1a pol1a pol2a qua1a ran1a ran2a rax1a rax2a rax4a rax5a rhn0a rhn1i rhn2a rhn3a rhn4a rhn5a rhn6a rhn7a rhn8a rhn9a rho1a rho2a rho3a rho6a rur1a ruu1a ryl1a ryl2a sca1a sca2a sea1a spa1a spa2a spa3a spa4a spa5a spa6a spa8a spa9a spc3a spc6a spc7a spc8a sul1a sul2a sul3a suo1a svo1a tal1a tan1a tan2a tas1a tat0i tat1i tat2i tat3i tat4a tat5a tat7a tat8a tat9a tau1a tau2a tau3a tau4a tau5a tau6a tau7a tau8a tau9a tav3a tav4a tav5a tav6a tel1a tel2a thu1a thu2a thu3a thu4a tit1a tra1a tri1a tyn1a umb1a uta1a uta2a vem1a ven1a vju1a way1a way2a wob1a xyl1a yav1i yav2i yav3a yav4a yav5a yav6a yav7a yav8a yav9a yaw1a yaw2a yaw3a yaw4a yaw5a yaw6a yaw7a yaw8a yax1a yax2a yax3a yax4a yax5a zio1a aba1c aba2c abr1c ada1c ald1c ald2c alz1c ama1c aqu1c arv1c ast1c ast2c ast3c ast5c ast7c ato1c bak2c bat1c bat3c bel1c bes1r bes2r bes3c bes4c bes5c bes6c bes7c bes8c bes9c bet1c bet2c bet4c bet5c bet7c bet8c bet9c bez1c bez2c bor1c bys1c car1c cat1c cat2c cat3c cer1c cer2c chl1c coe2c coe4c coo1c cor1c cor2c cor3c cor4c cor5c cor6c cor9c cos3c cos4c dag1c dag2c dag3c dan1c dan2c dan3c dan4c dan5c dat1c dea1c dea2c dea3c dea4c dea5c dea6c del1c dqa1c dro1c duu1c duu2c dxu1c dxu2c dxu3c ear1c ear2c ear3c ear4c ear5c ear6c ear7c ear8c ear9c eat1c eat2c eat3c eat4c eat5c eau2c eau3c eau4c eau5c eau6c eau7c eav3c eav6c eav7c eav8c eaw1c eaw2c eaw3c eaw4c eaw5c eaw6c eaw7c eaw8c eaw9c eax1c eax2c eli1c eli2c end1c end2c end3c end4c end5c end6c eur1c eur2c far1c fel1c fel2c fel3c gal1c gam1c geo1r geo2c geo3c geo4c geo5c geo6c geo7c geo8c geo9c ges1c ges2c ges3c ges4c ges5c ges6c ges7c ges8c ges9c get1c get3c get4c get5c get6c get7c gro1c hap1c har1c hon1c hot1c hot2c hot3c hot4c hot5c hot6c hot8c hot9c hou1c ioo1c jaa1c jak1c jar1c kam1c kam2c kam3c kam4c kam5c kam6c kar1c kas1c kas2c kas3c kas4c kas5c kas6c kas7c kas8c kas9c kay1c kay2c kay3c kay4c kay5c kay6c kay7c kay8c kay9c kaz1c kej1c kes1c koh1c kor2c kor3c kot1c kot3c lek1c lot1c lot2c lot3c lun1c maa1c mal1c mar3c met1c mim1c mon1c moq1c moq2c mor2c mus1c mus2c mus3c myg1c myg2c myg3c myg4c myr1c myr2c myr3c nab1c nab2c nab3c nab4c nab5c nab6c nab8c nab9c nao1c nao2c nao3c nao4c nao5c nao6c nao7c nao8c nao9c nap1c nap2c naq1c nar1c nar2c nar3c nib1c ord1c ord2c ord3c ord4c ord5c ort1c per1c pho1c pho2c pho3c pte1c pol1c pol2c qua1c ran1c ran2c rax1c rax2c rax4c rax5c rhn1r rhn2c rhn3c rhn4c rhn5c rhn6c rhn7c rhn8c rhn9c rho1c rho2c rho3c rho4c rho6c rur1c ruu1c ryl1c ryl2c sca1c sca2c sea1c spa2c spa3c spa4c spa5c spa6c spa7c spc1c spc2c spc3c spc6c spc7c spc8c sul1c sul2c sul3c suo1c svo1c tal1c tan1c tan2c tas1c tat1r tat2r tat3r tat4c tat5c tat7c tat8c tat9c tau2c tau3c tau4c tau5c tau6c tau7c tau8c tau9c tav3c tav4c tav5c tav6c tel1c tel2c thu1c thu2c thu3c thu4c tit1c tra1c tri1c tyn1c umb1c uta1c uta2c uta3c vem1c ven1c vju1c way1c way2c wob1c xyl1c yav1c yav2r yav3c yav4c yav5c yav6c yav7c yav8c yav9c yaw1c yaw2c yaw3c yaw4c yaw5c yaw6c yaw7c yaw8c yax1c yax2c yax3c yax4c yax5c zio1c nab2c_h spc3c_h mon1c_h cer2a_h zio1a_h

1 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a aba1a aba2a abr1a ada1a ald1a ald2a alz1a ama1a aqu1a arv1a ast1a ast2a ast3a ast5a ast7a ato1a bak2a bat1a bat2a bat3a bel1a bes0a bes1a bes2a bes3a bes4a bes5a bes6a bes7a bes8a

2 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a bes9a bet0a bet1a bet2a bet4a bet5a bet7a bet8a bet9a bez1a bez2a bor1a bys1a car1a cat1a cat2a cat3a cer1a cer2a chl1a cod1a coe2a coe4a coo1a cor1a cor2a cor3a cor4a cor5a cor6a

3 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a cor9a cos3a cos4a dag1a dag2a dag3a dan1a dan2a dan3a dan4a dan5a dat1a dea1a dea2a dea3a dea4a dea5a dea6a del1a dqa1a dro1a duu1a duu2a dxu1a dxu2a dxu3a ear1a ear2a ear3a ear4a

4 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a ear5a ear6a ear7a ear8a ear9a eat1a eat2a eat3a eat4a eat5a eau2a eau3a eau4a eau5a eau6a eau7a eav3a eav6a eav7a eav8a eaw1a eaw2a eaw3a eaw4a eaw5a eaw6a eaw7a eaw8a eaw9a eax1a

5 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a eax2a eli1a eli2a end1a end2a end3a end4a end5a end6a end7a eur1a eur2a far1a fel1a fel2a fel3a gal1a gam1a geo1a geo2a geo3a geo4a geo5a geo6a geo7a geo8a geo9a ges1a ges2a ges3a

6 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a ges4a ges5a ges6a ges7a ges8a ges9a get1a get3a get4a get5a get6a get7a gro1a hap1a har1a hon1a hot1i hot2a hot3a hot4a hot5a hot6a hot7a hot8a hot9a hou1a ioo1a jaa1a jak1a jar1a

7 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a kam0a kam1a kam2a kam3a kam4a kam5a kam6a kan0a kar1a kas1i kas2i kas3a kas4a kas5a kas6a kas7a kas8a kas9a kay1a kay2a kay3a kay4a kay5a kay6a kay7a kay8a kay9a kaz1a kej1a kes1a

8 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a koh1a kor2a kor3a kot1a lek1a lot1a lot2a lot3a lun1a maa1a mal1a mal2a mar1a mar3a met1a mim1a moq1a moq2a mor2a mus1a mus2a mus3a myg1a myg2a myg3a myg4a myr1a myr2a myr3a nab1i

9 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a nab2a nab3a nab4a nab5a nab6a nab8a nab9a nao1a nao2a nao3a nao4a nao5a nao6a nao8a nao9a nap1a nap2a naq1a nar1a nar2a nar3a nib1a ord1a ord2a ord3a ord4a ord5a ort1a pho1a pho2a

10 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1a pho3a pte1a pol1a pol2a qua1a ran1a ran2a rax1a rax2a rax4a rax5a rhn0a rhn1i rhn2a rhn3a rhn4a rhn5a rhn6a rhn7a rhn8a rhn9a rho1a rho2a rho3a rho6a rur1a ruu1a ryl1a ryl2a sca1a

11 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6a sca2a sea1a spa1a spa2a spa3a spa4a spa5a spa6a spa8a spa9a spc3a spc6a spc7a spc8a sul1a sul2a sul3a suo1a svo1a tal1a tan1a tan2a tas1a tat0i tat1i tat2i tat3i tat4a tat5a tat7a

12 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 tat8a tat9a tau1a tau2a tau3a tau4a tau5a tau6a tau7a tau8a tau9a tav3a tav4a tav5a tav6a tel1a tel2a thu1a thu2a thu3a thu4a tit1a tra1a tri1a tyn1a umb1a uta1a uta2a vem1a ven1a vju1a

13 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9a way1a way2a wob1a xyl1a yav1i yav2i yav3a yav4a yav5a yav6a yav7a yav8a yav9a yaw1a yaw2a yaw3a yaw4a yaw5a yaw6a yaw7a yaw8a yax1a yax2a yax3a yax4a yax5a zio1a cer2a_h zio1a_h

14 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c aba1c aba2c abr1c ada1c ald1c ald2c alz1c ama1c aqu1c arv1c ast1c ast2c ast3c ast5c ast7c ato1c bak2c bat1c bat3c bel1c bes1r bes2r bes3c bes4c bes5c bes6c bes7c bes8c bes9c bet1c

15 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c bet2c bet4c bet5c bet7c bet8c bet9c bez1c bez2c bor1c bys1c car1c cat1c cat2c cat3c cer1c cer2c chl1c coe2c coe4c coo1c cor1c cor2c cor3c cor4c cor5c cor6c cor9c cos3c cos4c dag1c

16 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c dag2c dag3c dan1c dan2c dan3c dan4c dan5c dat1c dea1c dea2c dea3c dea4c dea5c dea6c del1c dqa1c dro1c duu1c duu2c dxu1c dxu2c dxu3c ear1c ear2c ear3c ear4c ear5c ear6c ear7c ear8c

17 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c ear9c eat1c eat2c eat3c eat4c eat5c eau2c eau3c eau4c eau5c eau6c eau7c eav3c eav6c eav7c eav8c eaw1c eaw2c eaw3c eaw4c eaw5c eaw6c eaw7c eaw8c eaw9c eax1c eax2c eli1c eli2c end1c

18 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c end2c end3c end4c end5c end6c eur1c eur2c far1c fel1c fel2c fel3c gal1c gam1c geo1r geo2c geo3c geo4c geo5c geo6c geo7c geo8c geo9c ges1c ges2c ges3c ges4c ges5c ges6c ges7c ges8c

19 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c ges9c get1c get3c get4c get5c get6c get7c gro1c hap1c har1c hon1c hot1c hot2c hot3c hot4c hot5c hot6c hot8c hot9c hou1c ioo1c jaa1c jak1c jar1c kam1c kam2c kam3c kam4c kam5c kam6c

20 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c kar1c kas1c kas2c kas3c kas4c kas5c kas6c kas7c kas8c kas9c kay1c kay2c kay3c kay4c kay5c kay6c kay7c kay8c kay9c kaz1c kej1c kes1c koh1c kor2c kor3c kot1c kot3c lek1c lot1c lot2c

21 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c lot3c lun1c maa1c mal1c mar3c met1c mim1c mon1c moq1c moq2c mor2c mus1c mus2c mus3c myg1c myg2c myg3c myg4c myr1c myr2c myr3c nab1c nab2c nab3c nab4c nab5c nab6c nab8c nab9c nao1c

22 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c nao2c nao3c nao4c nao5c nao6c nao7c nao8c nao9c nap1c nap2c naq1c nar1c nar2c nar3c nib1c ord1c ord2c ord3c ord4c ord5c ort1c per1c pho1c pho2c pho3c pte1c pol1c pol2c qua1c ran1c

23 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c ran2c rax1c rax2c rax4c rax5c rhn1r rhn2c rhn3c rhn4c rhn5c rhn6c rhn7c rhn8c rhn9c rho1c rho2c rho3c rho4c rho6c rur1c ruu1c ryl1c ryl2c sca1c sca2c sea1c spa2c spa3c spa4c spa5c

24 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 kor1c spa6c spa7c spc1c spc2c spc3c spc6c spc7c spc8c sul1c sul2c sul3c suo1c svo1c tal1c tan1c tan2c tas1c tat1r tat2r tat3r tat4c tat5c tat7c tat8c tat9c tau2c tau3c tau4c tau5c tau6c

25 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 bet6c tau7c tau8c tau9c tav3c tav4c tav5c tav6c tel1c tel2c thu1c thu2c thu3c thu4c tit1c tra1c tri1c tyn1c umb1c uta1c uta2c uta3c vem1c ven1c vju1c way1c way2c wob1c xyl1c yav1c yav2r

26 battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /sideselect /nosound /tps 40 /gamename "SWBFModders.com | ZeroFront [FC]" /playerlimit 51 /playercount 1 /logfinalscore /bots 32 /difficulty 2 /throttle 3072 /ainotext /spawn 5 ast9c yav3c yav4c yav5c yav6c yav7c yav8c yav9c yaw1c yaw2c yaw3c yaw4c yaw5c yaw6c yaw7c yaw8c yax1c yax2c yax3c yax4c yax5c zio1c nab2c_h spc3c_h mon1c_h

Master ZeroFront Batch to call upon the 26 individual scripts sequentially, looped

call Zero1.bat
call Zero2.bat
call Zero3.bat
call Zero4.bat
call Zero5.bat
call Zero6.bat
call Zero7.bat
call Zero8.bat
call Zero9.bat
call Zero10.bat
call Zero11.bat
call Zero12.bat
call Zero13.bat
call Zero14.bat
call Zero15.bat
call Zero16.bat
call Zero17.bat
call Zero18.bat
call Zero19.bat
call Zero20.bat
call Zero21.bat
call Zero22.bat
call Zero23.bat
call Zero24.bat
call Zero25.bat
call Zero26.bat
goto loop
SWBFSpy commented 1 day ago

Looks like another spammer got banned

SWBFSpy commented 1 day ago


SWBFSpy commented 1 day ago

ZeroFront v0.990 is finished, see the main page for additional updates