SWC-Advanced-Microscopy / BakingTray

Serial-section automated anatomy extension for ScanImage
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Bake ended with a bounding box error and never made FINISHED file #437

Open raacampbell opened 1 year ago

raacampbell commented 1 year ago
Disarmed scanner: 12-Oct-2022 09:05:26
resetting abort flags
Tearing down scanner
Requested 352 slices: this is 17.60 mm thick but only 1.50 mm is possible. Setting to the maximum value of 28 slices.

 Reference to non-existent field 'BoundingBoxDetails'.
Line 74 in C:\MATLAB\BakingTray\code\@BT\populateCurrentTilePattern.m
Line 162 in C:\MATLAB\BakingTray\code\@BT\getNextROIs.m
Line 342 in C:\MATLAB\BakingTray\code\@BT\bake.m
Line 68 in C:\MATLAB\BakingTray\code\+BakingTray\+gui\@acquisition_view\bake_callback.m
Line 61 in C:\MATLAB\BakingTray\code\+BakingTray\+gui\@acquisition_view\buildFigure.m

Reference to non-existent field 'BoundingBoxDetails'.

Error in BT/populateCurrentTilePattern (line 74)
        BB = obj.autoROI.stats.roiStats(end).BoundingBoxDetails;

Error in BT/getNextROIs (line 162)

Error in BT/bake (line 342)
            success = obj.getNextROIs;

Error in BakingTray.gui.acquisition_view/bake_callback (line 68)
        sectionInd = obj.model.bake; %if the bake loop didn't start, it returns 0

Error in BakingTray.gui.acquisition_view/buildFigure>@(varargin)obj.bake_callback(varargin{:}) (line 61)
                    'Callback', @obj.bake_callback, ...

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

The sample was imaged completely in autoROI mode. It, however, seemed to be imaging the agar block and by the end there is zero tissue left. No idea what caused the error.

EDIT: woah! NV and BS both produced this new error message for the first time at the same time.

raacampbell commented 1 year ago

This makes no sense. This field should already exist because it is part of structure and it should exist for the others.

        BB = obj.autoROI.stats.roiStats(end).BoundingBoxDetails;

Let's instead catch the error. Report as much as possible to the screen and just make an empty tile pattern. e810374da7140746a9ef8516ac65ef268a69228b