SWE574-Fall2023-Group1 / SWE574-Fall2023-G1

Project for SWE 574 - Group 1
MIT License
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Create Web Application Mockups #31

Closed aykutkantas closed 11 months ago

aykutkantas commented 11 months ago

Creating sign up, login, sign out, feed, profile pages mockups.

aykutkantas commented 11 months ago


ckertam commented 11 months ago

Can we get edit perm? If anybody @SWE574-Fall2023-Group1/all needs it please give your e mail to get edit perm.

My e mail: ckertam9696@gmail.com

And do we have any progress since last updates

ckertam commented 11 months ago

Also it will be good if we can finish them until first milestone report. So we may put them as we will update our web part as mockups. It will be a nice plan for the professor I guess 😄

aykutkantas commented 11 months ago

web mockups for milestone 1 have been finished. [https://www.figma.com/file/8zYkdrtzVFm5CJ3rRqLUZs/Untitled?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=M0ScHAFz99MBzpPF-0]

ckertam commented 11 months ago

Very nice! @aykutkantas if it is finished can you move the figma link to #68 and close this issue please 🥂

aykutkantas commented 11 months ago

Figma link has been added to #68. Team also has been created and edit authorized for everyone.