SWE574-G3 / SWE-574-G3

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[DEV][FRONTEND] Making header menu mobile friendly #133

Open ynsmrkrkmz opened 2 days ago

ynsmrkrkmz commented 2 days ago

Description Please describe the feature

Suggestions of Solution If applicable, add your own proposed solution

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. For example, screenshot of a similar feature on different application. Or even a drawing.

mnmnk43434 commented 2 days ago

Hello, we tried to solve the issue.

This is what we did:

Added a description field to the Template model and updated the frontend and backend components to support creating templates with descriptions. This enhancement allows users to provide more context for each template.

You can review changes in this commit: https://github.com/mnmnk43434/SWE574-G3-SWE-574-G3-133/commit/536ede861f6a25d53c996638280849c697fae96a.

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